
Tag Archives: CRM

Customer (CRM) email Campaign and Tracking

SalesVu now allows you to create an email campaign directly from your account without using any 3rd party software.
email campaign

Please follow the steps below to create an email campaign.

1. Create one or more email templatesScreen Shot 2015-04-06 at 9.59.14 AM

a. Each template should reflect the target customers
b. Any field from the customer database can be added as variable (Name, Last name, custom fields etc). Each field will be updated with the customers’ real data in the final email)

2. Define customer groups based on specific criteria (the emails are automatically sent to all customers attached to the selected group)

3. You will need to set the following parameters for each campaign:
a. The ‘Date and time’ the  email is sent. The ‘send now’ option will override the date/time settings and send the email within the next hour.
b. The Status to ‘Active’. ‘Inactive’ status will block the process independently of other parameters.
c. The ‘Customer group’ that will define all active Customers that will receive the email. To be ‘Valid’, a customer must have at least one SalesVu transaction in its purchase history.
d. The ’email template’ name for the campaign.


Tracking your mail status:

Our new tracking tool keeps you informed about the status of each email. You will now know if your mail was received, read, blocked, etc.

tracking icon

This tracking feature is now available for CRM mail campaign, Marketing Automation and Quote/Invoicing. In the future, this will be available for all features that send email.

Email status tracking


Email tracking status from sendgrid

Note: To have access to this feature, you need to subscribe to Customer (CRM) feature or a Bundle that includes the Customer (CRM) feature.