
Technology arrives at the Falcon Ridge Farm in the form SalesVu iPad POS



Falcon Ridge is a family owned and operated farm located in the beautiful rolling hills of west Tennessee. Expanded throughout 250 acres, they specialize in growing fresh food and fun. There are over 40 different fruits and vegetables grown at Falcon Ridge.  Some of the favorites include strawberries, tomatoes, blueberries, blackberries, kale and sweet corn.  Falcon Ridge grows, harvests and retails everything that is grown on the farm.  They sell some of their fresh produce to farmer’s markets and have open their gates to the public to provide ole fashion family fun. The farm also hosts school field trips, family reunions and picnics.

SalesVu team asked them why they felt the need of obtaining a POS solution. They told us that their main reason was because they conduct business in several locations and needed an easier and more effective system to keep track of their sales.


“We chose SalesVu because it was recommended by a friend. We were not using any POS system before SalesVu. You are the first ones and we are happy to have reached that decision.  We used to register everything we sold in notepads and old cash registers. In regards of other POS systems that we considered, I honestly do not recall the others, but I do remember most of them had a monthly fee which I didn’t want and did not like”


We wanted to know what were the favorite things they liked about SalesVu and also any other experiences they wanted to share with us about their trajectory using our services.


“One of the things I like the most about SalesVu is how easy is to operate it, and the ability to keep records effortlessly. The old cash registers we used were confusing to operate and we had a hard time training new employees to use them correctly. With SalesVu, anyone that can adequately operate a smartphone can learn SalesVu’s system within minutes.  This is important because we are a seasonal retail operation and have a high turnover of employees.  Record keeping is something we are continually trying to improve.  SalesVu had enabled our ability to leap forward from pen and paper ledgers to digital records, and to reports that are available 24/7 from your smartphone or computer. This has helped us run a more efficient business.”


SalesVu has helped Falcon Ridge by transforming the employee training into an easier experience.


“SalesVu iPad POS system is intuitive and easy to catch., We can keep better and more accessible records. The fact that SalesVu is portable lets us conduct business anywhere at anytime. I think we have probably saved a couple hundred dollars up front and $50 a month by using SalesVu instead of another monthly fee based POS.”


Enjoy the most basic and beautiful aspects of life by returning to the nature with Falcon Ridge Farm. Their familiar spirit, and warmth will help you discover yourself again.

Visit their website, like their Facebook page or follow their twitter account to be updated with the best and the latest from this family company


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Funky Pearl Boutique said accounting and bookkeeping with SalesVu iPad POS System is easy and fast!



Funky Pearl Boutique is a lower-end Boutique with same trends as higher-end boutiques. Proudly selling fashions of sizes Small through 3XL, along with shoes, accessories and home decorations.  The Boutique is one shop that values  customer relations and expectations and SalesVu and inventory system and easy accounting features had been used to help Funky Pearl boutique achieve short and long term goals and, of course, keep clients happy!


“I originally opened the Boutique for fun and to meet new people in the area while proposing a small business in a small community in which I live. I wanted to broaden social interaction outside the area from where I come, in order to bring new people to the town.  I held a career in banking for many years until I was a stay at home mom for four years, then decided to open a Boutique, not only because it’s fun for me, but our small town needs it, our people need it and it’s a great way to keep small town shopping local.”


We asked Funky Pearl Boutique’s owner Billie Kelley why she chose a mobile POS system and not a traditional one. She mentioned that convenience for customers was a number one priority, and that SalesVu credit card swipper has converted every transaction in something easy and interactive.


“Nowadays, it’s more convenient for people to swipe a debit or credit card and go.  It is the safest way to get money other than cash.  Checks are not a safe way to do business anymore, so I chose to use a POS system for convenience to myself and to my customers.  I do not take checks, so it was convenient to offer more than one payment solution when selling merchandise”


Billie told us that the main reason to choose SalesVu was because we offered the best choices for new, and small business owners who are concerned with the expenses and accountability of their profits.


” SalesVu offered free monthly service, low rates and a great Sales Reports. This last one is very important to me and my accountant.   The convenience of having my reports all put together for me at the end of the month for free was great. I feel SalesVu was a wise decision because of the time I have saved with it.”


Billie also told us that she has used SalesVu since the day she opened Funky Pearl Boutique on June 12th, 2013.  She is definitely not thinking about trying another system because SalesVu has been what she needed so far. Also, she considers that the system could become even better and looks forward for more updates and additional options.


“My favorite things of SalesVu, well, I have a couple. The first thins is I like is the inventory descriptions and the second is the Sales Reports, as I mentioned before.  The inventory descriptions are nice because you can detail your merchandise out to describe what was purchased on receipts so customers can see their purchases itemized.  I also like the Sales Reports sincee you can see what you’ve sold between a certain time frame, detailed in before taxes, after taxes, with and without discounts, etc.  This is significant to me in how much I’m doing in promotions and every month.”


Funky Pearl Boutique is their Facebook account name and @FunkyPearlB is their Twitter user name. If you are interested in knowing more about this gorgeous retail store, check them out by clicking any of the icons below.


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“SalesVu has The Cool Factor” says Distinctive Gardens about our retail iPad POS System.



Distinctive Gardens garden center has been in business since 1999 offering a rich variety of plants, garden gifts, landscape design services, and local artist gallery.  Greenhouses filled with unusual annuals, perennials and vegetable plants, outdoor display beds. The business hosts yearly benefit festivals, such as the popular “Gardenstock Art & Music Festival.” Distinctive Gardens decided to implement a mobile POS solution because mainly their customers shop for plants inside the greenhouses.


“The ability to ring up purchases right there where they stand creates a streamlined and customer-friendly experience. Our community projects require ringing credit cards outside. Being off location at trade shows or at farmer’s markets makes having a reliable mobile POS a key to help increase sales, efficiency and bolster community projects.”


They spent over a year researching a variety of mobile POS solutions. While many offered appealing aspects, none encompassed the breadth of features contained within SalesVu.


We have been using SalesVu long enough to see it evolve over time. We used this system for two years as a stand-alone mobile solution before deciding to integrate it as our primary POS within our brick and mortar store. Development is clearly a priority for this company. The base infrastructure of their system is solid and the fine-tuning of software that continues has only increased its ease of use and expanded versatility.”


For Distinctive Gardens every feature SalesVu presents important business functionalities that are crucial for the success of their services here are some examples:


 “ In regards of Integrated Inventory, We wanted to develop an online presence without having to run two sets of inventory and maintain two different systems. SalesVu allows us to manage products from one convenient cloud-based location for both our brick and mortar store and eCommerce. “


They also added that the Quickbooks Integration SalesVu all-in-one business solution works with their current accounting system. For the most part, Distinctive Gardens was satisfied with the integration. They understand the complexity required in integrating with a piece of software that has been notorious for making it difficult for third party integration.


 “Additionally, we know that we are using a solid and reliable hardware selection SalesVu system is paired with fantastic hardware partners. The barcode scanner selection is outstanding, simple and reliable. The credit card reader is stable and dependable.  In the same way, the overall system stability as a cloud-based system that is stable is imperative. SalesVu servers are fast, consistent and in our entire experience we have yet to experience one single server malfunction. Incredible.”


Currently, Distinctive Gardens is in the process of expanding their brand reach and offer an online experience. SalesVu system is an integral aspect of that project. They are in the early stages of developing an eCommerce channel and testing various seasonal online stores that contain curated products from inventory.

 “We tested our first store last November. Through our Holiday Online store we sold fresh made wreaths and saw promising results.The integrated eCommerce solution is fantastic. Historically, we operate primarily as a local brick and mortar store and run occasional pop-up shops throughout the year. Last year during Gardenstock, we premiered a documentary on the festival, Gardenstock: For Community, and sold it as an additional fundraiser.  Before, during and after, SalesVu eCommerce helped that project’s success by extending reach.”


For Distinctive Gardens the credit card processing platform SalesVu offer is a key area. If you decide to do some research about how most small business owners think they will say that some operating systems make navigating the ambiguous waters of the credit card merchant industry a real nightmare.

 “SalesVu system sets itself apart from many in their credit card processing system. They have partnered with banks and negotiated rates in order to be able to offer their customers an incredibly competitive product in the area of credit card processing. Even more, they handle PCI compliance, a huge headache-saver and game-changer in and of itself. The rate is flat. The PCI compliance handled. The statement is clear. Safety, security, predictability, competitive rates and transparency, what else is there?”


Among Distinctive Gardens favorites features is the iPad/iPhone App Interface which is really easy to navigate and according to them, is very intuitive since training personnel has been quick and easy, saving them time and of course money.


 The transition from our old gift card system to SalesVu was a snap. We imported all the current outstanding balances into SalesVu, and never missed a beat in transacting gift cards. SalesVu has The Cool Factor. I don’t know how many times since its implementation, it has been the topic of conversation during check out gravitated to the POS itself. Customers are impressed with the technology, which reflects well on us. They enjoy the touchscreen experience and think its cool.”


Don’t miss out the opportunity to support Distinctive Gardens with their Gardenstock Documentary. Each year in August, “Gardenstock Art & Music Festival” is held on Distinctive Gardens grounds.  Proceeds from their festival benefit an area non-profit, Sinnissippi Center’s Youth Garden Program. This is a great initiative and a benefit for a community project .

Follow them in their social media accounts and visit their website for more information.

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SalesVu all-in-one business solution and iPad POS System helps freelancers reach their outmost potential

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Being a freelancer requires discipline, conviction and organization. Our SalesVu user Jamie Weaver is a perfect example of all of these qualities as she manages her own business as a personal beauty consultant. Jamie uses SalesVu all-in-one business solution to manage her operations, both for convenient payments and for inventory tracking. We talked to her about her experience with SalesVu and especially why she chose SalesVu:

“It was easier to keep track of my money. I have a personal account  associated with SalesVu, so all the payments received go directly to that account. Hence, I have the money right where I need it, to pay for products and the beauty supplies.  I also attend to festivals and outdoor fairs, on these places the credit card swipper is extremely useful. I have an android phone and I can put the credit card info manually or use the swipper without any problem. However, I want to get the new generation iPad so I can use the big swipper and provide a more comfortable payment experience to all of my clients. One thing I have to say is that, even when the swipper fails, SalesVu’s rates are still the same, a feature that is extremely different to all the other business solutions I am aware of”.

Jamie told us that among all the POS System competitors, SalesVu was the most suitable for her business requirements, especially considering that she needed an all-in-one business solution.

“The fact that SalesVu offers inventory management and a much lower credit card transaction rate were major influences in making the right choice.  Definitely, this was a big, big thing for me. Besides, square didn’t work half of the time. SalesVu is easier for taxes; I can separate things, for example, I can divide women services from men services and englobe everything even if it  is very specific (massages, facials, etc.)”

Jamie Told us about her favorite feature of SalesVu all-in-one business solution; for her, inventory management is extremely important since she needs to carry a very strict list of the ending beauty supplies. She told us:

” I need to know how much color I am using, SalesVu all-in-one business solution helps me get up to date with the supplies I use. With this, I can measure my return on investment. As a result, I can charge the client exactly what I use. I always put the charge per ounce and SalesVu helps me with that.”

She likes the fact that she can print the receipts which show the ones that were paid with cash, credit cards, or money orders. SalesVu all-in-one business solution helps Jamie and any of our users keep track of their clients.

“I now understand what they like to buy, I can see the previous purchases. I can type the client’s name and see the history of the things the clients buy or have bought in the past. I can go to the SalesVu app and see what products they use and which ones they really want because of it.”

Jamie told us that she would like to use the gift card feature SalesVu offers. If you want to have an appointment with a beauty specialist and get pampered by a top-of-the-line professional, like Jamie Weaver, visit her websites and be sure to book an appointment ASAP!


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Keep improving your business with SalesVu brewery iPad POS System


Located in Downtown Asheville’s Brew District, Hi-Wire Brewing embraces its craft from top to bottom – from its handcrafted brews to its artwork, hand-drawn by a local artist. Their light-hearted circus theme embodies the fun, authenticity, and creativity of this deep-rooted craft. Hi-Wire business owner Adam Charnack told us why choose SalesVu brewery POS and why he plans to stay with it.

“We are a production brewery in Western North Carolina. We have been in business for a year and a half. Our beer has grown enormously  in popularity. The reception to all of our beers to-date has been fantastic. With 300-400% growth in our first year and a half. SalesVu brewery POS has been an active participant in our growth and expansion.”

We asked Adam why they needed a POS and why they decided to go with a high-end POS like SalesVu, instead of a traditional one.

“We have a tasting room, open 7 days a week. We receive all of our clients who come and try our beers. It is a really great social event full of great interactions between our staff and people’s friends. Due to the increasing demand, we stay open late on weekends. SalesVu is important for us because it helps us keep open bar tab management, which maintains every account organized and receipts in order.”

SalesVu is helpful everywhere Hi-Wire goes. Mobility and portability are additional advantages we offer to all. Adam told us that:

“We strive to provide the best possible service to all our clients. Everytime we assist to local food and drink festivals we want to serve not only the highest quality of beer, but also a comfortable and  reliable payment method so that everyone ends up happy. We can take payments with cell phones, like our own iPhone’s or iPads.”

SalesVu worries about  becoming better and brighter every day. This 2015 we will keep raising the bar even higher and continue helping all our members grow. Like we do for Adam.

“I like that SalesVu is constantly adding features an improving. I see that you are constantly working for the product. I believe Hi-Wire Brewing and SalesVu e are going in the same direction of growing and becoming superior.”

If you are interested in knowing more about Hi-Wire brewery in North Caroline be sure to check out their website and follow their social media accounts clicking any of the icons below.


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The smartest choice is SalesVu iPad POS System for Seminar Brewering


Seminar Brewing LLC is a partnership of three brewers: Bryan Fisher, Travis Knowles and John Mathias, along with business partner and project manager Dave Peters. They have created an exciting standard tap list, along with a solid reservoir of recipes for special releases and seasonal ales.Seminar is a microbrewery specializing in high quality, hand-crafted ales.Never has it ever been so much fresh, exciting and local craft beer being produced. Seminar Brewing is a proud user of SalesVu restaurant POS.

“We operate a tasting room within our brewery. The space doubles as brew space, so our restaurant POS needed to be mobile and able to be packed away when not in use. In addition, we participate in beer festivals where merchandise sales are encouraged. A mobile POS solution allows us to process credit and debit cards on the go.”

Seminar Brewing  considered as other options Square, ShopKeep, and NCR Silver, but chose SalesVu over all because of its broad range of features, simple and the easy organization of the interface. They told us about the immense advantage of having an open tab management within SalesVu restaurant POS.


“Creating open tabs for our customers is easy, and viewing or reviewing sales activity is simple. It’s easy to get a daily sales summary and sales breakdown by category; we make a bank deposit for the cash portion the next morning. Credit card deposits in Quickbooks are made only when they are posted to the bank account, so we use a spreadsheet to track credit card deposits.”

SalesVu gives Seminar the ability to process credit and debit card transactions without any barriers to customer spending. The “only cash” sign has been removed while ago!

 “SalesVu restaurant POS also allow us to track tasting room sales of different products. Although we haven’t calculated the exact breakdown of money saved upfront, we know that the other products’ combined costs of the restaurant software solution, plus card processing fees, were much higher.

Seminar Brewery has not yet tried SalesVu Quickbooks integration nor the Ecommerce feature, but they look forward to try them in the near future and expand the reach of SalesVu restaurant POS benefits.


If you would like to know more about this exciting and fresh local  be sure to visit their website by clicking on here and like them on Facebook for updates. 

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“Every business should have an iPad POS System like SalesVu”


Enjoy craft beers and fine wines in a cozy Downtown Rogers bar in Arkansas, featuring  crafts Arkansas beers and fine wines from around the world. Business owners Rick and Naomi were previously the owners of a Farmers insurance Agency a few blocks from Brick Street Brews and have chosen SalesVu mobile POS solution as their business management tool.

“We knew we wanted to be convenient for the people on the way to Beaver Lake or the Rogers Little Theater or any of new restaurants around the downtown area. Then we got to work and created a place we want to share with all our friends, including the ones we don’t know yet.”

We asked them why a mobile POS solution and they said the cheapest and the most convenient way to receive any type of payments at very affordable credit card rates, was under SalesVu mobile POS platform.

“Another Local Brewery gave us the recommendation, and certainly we made the right decision. Customer service is always available for us and they treat us very well every time we call with numerous questions. All business should have a mobile POS platform like the one SalesVu offers. As new business owners, SalesVu is our first POS. We are very satisfied with our choice and we are certain our happy customers are too.  We feel we are updated to nowadays technologies and included in the business trends”

Brick Street Brews owners believe that the best features that SalesVu has in comparison to other competitors is that is really easy to use, has a great variety of services that complement the overall SalesVu business management tool.

“SalesVu mobile POS has low start up cost and the mobility and reach is great. SalesVu have helped us grow and become better partners and offer not only great quality beer, but also a great quality service at the cash register. By choosing SalesVu mobile POS, we have chosen to save more than 3,000 dollars or more.”

Brick Street Brews uses the Quickbooks integration that SalesVu provides and their experience using it has been exceptional. They would recommend all other users to explore this option and enjoy the helpful resource it can become.

If you enjoy good beer and having high quality time with friends, follow Brick Street Brews social media clicking the icons below or find more info about them on their website clicking here.


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Why You Should Make the Switch to SalesVu iPad POS System now

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If you’ve considered making the switch to POS, it may be one of the most impactful things you can do for your small business. The easy-to-use software can help you seamlessly run your business from anywhere, anytime. Whether you have one small boutique or a number of large retail stores around the country, a POS system can be customized to fit your needs. The system can pay for itself in no time with increased revenues, a larger client base, and more time to spend with your customers.

Quick Checkout Process

Instead of having to wait in line for an open register, your customers can check out from anywhere in the store with mobile POS technology. This is a fast, highly convenient option for both your customer and employees, and can lead to more on-the-spot sales. It will also reduce the chances of a customer walking out because they don’t want to wait in line to pay for their purchase.

Answer Questions On the Spot

Imagine having all the information on products and items in inventory at your fingertips. With mobile POS, you can answer any questions customers may have about your products and services. This can help employees engage more meaningfully with customers, creating more customer loyalty, customer retention, and even employee retention.

Effortlessly Upsell

With a POS system, your employees will know exactly which products will work well with what your customers are already interested in. This can take the guesswork out of upselling and will give your employees more confidence when they are selling a product.

Send Orders to the Right Place

When it comes to a restaurant, bar, café, or fine dining establishment, things can quickly get out of control if the front and back of the house are not in sync. With a POS system, each order can go to the correct area. Employees can easily open multiple tabs, split checks, accept payment, and more – all from an iPad or mobile device. This can save a huge amount of time, help your business run more efficiently, and provide your employees with the tools they need to succeed.

Gain Complete Insight into Your Business

With a POS system, you can gain complete insight into your business, inventory, and customer purchase patterns. It can also help with things like table management, inventory management, employee management, customer tracking, marketing automation, accounting, and more. This can help you make better business decisions, replenish inventory before it’s too late, and anticipate your customers’ needs.
Join the New Age

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Many small businesses are now enjoying the overwhelming benefits of POS technology. Offering your customers these same options can provide them with the quick, convenient shopping experience they want and expect. Dated machinery and practices can slow down your business and show customers that you are not keeping up with your competitors’ technology. So contact SalesVu to find out how you can start taking advantage of affordable POS software today.

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SalesVu iPad POS System and the Inventory Management feature is a Perfect Match for Bella Sky.


Bella Sky is a personal style consultant company. They provide women, men and children with quality service that allows customers to be stylish without breaking the bank.  Their motto is “Fashion has rules, Style doesn’t!”. As a small business entrepreneur, Moneka Reynolds sells images and proper attire combinations and uses SalesVu inventory management and POS to collect the earnings. 

“If you’re trying to impress your new boss, preparing to attend a class reunion, or just want to spruce up your wardrobe, our personal style consultation team can help you begin your transformation.  Together we can embrace your inner beauty.”

With just one year of services, Bellas Sky actively uses SalesVu POS and inventory management to keep the business up to date not only to the latest fashion but also into the latest technology advancements. Moneka told us that she got a recomendación from one of her closest friends, another successful entrepreneur woman who uses SalesVu.

“My friend told me about it. We both share similar tastes business-wise, since we both understand the vital importance of our customers and want to offer them only the best. My friend told me that if I was going to investí in a  POS, it must be SalesVu. She  said the inventory management would perfectly suit my company. I wanted someone who offered a fair price, a POS that would not wreck my pocket, and that fit the budget I had. SalesVu inventory management and low credit card transactions were a perfect match”

Moneka told us that one of her favorite things about SalesVu is the inventor management and the customer service

“I call all the time, and they even call me back by my name!. SalesVu has a very personal touch with their clients. SalesVu call me back to check out on my inquiries and takes my suggestions into account. They are very sincere about the short time adjustments I ask for and just make me feel comfortable. In this increasingly detached times, SalesVu really listens to me. I am very excited about belonging to a company that actually listens to you.”

Bella Sky is a growing company and expects to flourish in the upcoming years. SalesVu will remain being their cooperative tool, the one that allows them to expand and reach their goals.

“I am not technologically savvy, so SalesVu offers an excellent interface, it is extremely easy to understand. I can do things by myself and that independence is vital to my business. The fact that my customers can communicate with me via website, or that I can accept any payment beyond hard cash makes SalesVu POS a trendsetter for convenience”

If you want to become an avant-garde Fashionista or just update your style, be sure to add them on Facebook, instagram and check out Bella Sky website. 


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