
SalesVu iPad POS System with multi-location management & easy accounting software helps raise revenue at Trinity River Vision Authority by almost fifty percent!


Trinity River Vision Authority (TRVA) is a government entity in Fort Worth, Texas whose main objective is improving the quality of life in Fort Worth by connecting every neighborhood in the area to the Trinity River. Not only would this redirection project provide much-needed flood protection, it would also add new recreational amenities, improve infrastructure and provide environmental enhancements. The Trinity River vision is to create a vibrant, pedestrian oriented urban waterfront neighborhood adjacent to Downtown Fort Worth.

As part of their efforts to bring attention to the Trinity River, TRVA holds a free summer concert series called “Rockin’ The River”. In this event, attendees can enjoy a plethora of river-related activities that include tubing, paddle boarding, kayaking, pedal boating and more! This is a popular event whether you’re river junky or a “land lobber” who would prefer to enjoy the show from the shaded tables at the Coors Riverfront Ice House. With live music, good food and a nightly firework show, TRVA puts on one of the best summer gatherings in Fort Worth!

When they began holding events, TRVA quickly realized they would need the ability to securely accept payments on the river. When considering mobile point-of-sale solutions, they were drawn to the simplicity of SalesVu’s iPad POS interface, the low credit card processing fees and the ability to manage multiple devices in multiple locations. About other POS systems, Megan Cowan, Special Project Coordinator says they cost almost double what SalesVu does. “They have minimum monthly fees, and fees for each transaction.  Not to mention they won’t let us set up more than one bank account without more fees.”

Cowan also speaks highly of the SalesVu easy accounting software.

“[Our accounting department] loves that we’re able to set up a store for each bank account and use that store to sell only relevant items!” she says, “It saves them so much time on the back end.”

SalesVu’s accounting capabilities, low credit card processing rates and multi-location management has helped TRVA expand so they can now hold more events than ever. You can join TRVA’s efforts by tubing the Trinity River on “Sunday fun day”, or celebrating Independence Day with them at “Fort Worth’s Fourth.” At any of these events, you’ll find TRVA’s friendly staff proudly using SalesVu’s iPad POS. TRVA currently has nine iPads running SalesVu software; 8 of which are used right on the river, and the 9th which they use at conferences.

 “[SalesVu’s iPad POS] has allowed us to accept credit cards at our events, which accounts for almost half of sales every week!” raves Cowan, “We would not have the amount of revenue we earn without SalesVu allowing us to take credit cards in the field.”


For more information on the Trinity River Vision, view their website herepage. If you’d like to attend one of their events, you  can visit this  . To connect with TRVA on social media, you can click any of the icons below










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