
Check Out Our Awesome New Customer, Wayfarer Boutique!

Wayfarer Boutique offers a unique shopping experience; a 1967 Sport King Camper as the storefront. Wayfarer travels around to different venues and sets up shop anywhere that is inviting to the public. Inspired by Restoration Hardware, they sell traditional home décor, fine linens by April Cornell, gourmet pantry food items, jewelry, beauty products and everything in between. The long list of lines that Wayfarer carries include: Homart, Accent Decor, Better Life Cleaning Products, Rustic Bakery and Blue Moon Teas.

Owner Keri Martin found SalesVu while she was on the hunt to find an iPad POS that costs next to nothing after hearing her friend pays $50/month for her Shopkeep POS System. Prior to joining SalesVu, Martin was using ProPay.

“The price point was the biggest factor in my decision; I also like  Sythe inventory tracking feature,” said Martin. “Customer service was a motivating factor when I was making decisions on which company to go through; SalesVu always answered my questions.”

Because Wayfarer is about traveling and isn’t located in a brick and mortar building, having a retail POS terminal was crucial for doing business.

“Mobility and inventory tracking are my favorite SalesVu features,” said Martin. “I especially like the feature of adding the wholesale cost of each product and the quantities of each item in stock.”

For more information regarding Wayfarer, go to or like their Facebook page!

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Purposes and Uses of Components with SalesVu iPad POS System

In SalesVu there are two uses of the component feature:

The first use for this feature is when you need to track inventory: “Chocolate,” “Eggs,” “Flour” and “Oil” as products. Since we do not sell these products to customers as standalone products, when creating them we would change the field ‘Type’ to ‘Component’. This denotes that it is only sold as a part of another product. A single product such as “Chocolate Cake” can have several components (or ingredients) that make up that product for inventory tracking purposes. For example the components of a product, “Chocolate Cake,” might be “Chocolate,” “Eggs,” “Flour” and “Oil.”

  • To complete the product setup for the example above you would need to do the following,

1. Login to
2. Click the ‘Products’ tab or icon
3. Click ‘Add Product’

  • A- In the name field enter, “Chocolate”
  • B- A description can be added (optional)
  • C- Click ‘Select Category’
  • D- Choose a category by clicking one or create one by entering one at the top and clicking ‘Add’
  • E- Click ‘Save’
  • F- Change the field ‘Type’ to ‘Component’
  • G- Click the check next to ‘Track this component in inventory using the following unit’
  • H- The default unit is ‘Item,’ which is good for retail, etc. but will likely be changed in situations like this example. Click ‘Select Unit’ and choose the unit that you want to track “Chocolate” in. In this example I will choose ‘kg’ for kilogram. (note: if you need to create a unit of measurement that is not there please see ‘Settings->Unit Conversion’ or the support article here-
  • I- Once a unit is selected click ‘Save’
  • J- Click ‘Finish’

4. Repeat steps, 3A – 3J above for each component of your product; in this case,
you would repeat for “Eggs,” “Flour” and “Oil.”
5. Next, we’ll create the “Chocolate Cake” product. On the products page, click
‘Add Product’
6. In the name field, type “Chocolate Cake”
7. Next to the ‘Type’ field, you will leave this as ‘Product’ for “Chocolate Cake,”
since you will actually be selling this product
8. Do not click the box next to ‘Remove the following number of units from
inventory every time this item is sold’ unless you plan to track how much cake you have in inventory as well as the ingredients.
9. Fill out remaining fields with necessary information
10. Click ‘Add Modifiers’
11. On the next page, click ‘Add Components’

  • A- Click ‘Select Product’
  • B- Choose the first product, “Chocolate” and click ‘Next’
  • C- Choose the unit that you want to use to have as a part of this product (the inventory will be tracked in the unit that the ‘chocolate’ component product was setup with and will convert automatically) and click ‘Next’
  • D- Enter a quantity. When we set the inventory up for the “Chocolate” component product we choose to track in kilograms (kg). If each “Chocolate Cake” product uses .10 kg of “Chocolate” per cake you would enter .10 and click ‘Next’

12. Repeat steps, 11A – 11D for each component of your product. In this example you would repeat for “Eggs,” “Flour” and “Oil.”
13. Click ‘Save’
14. You now have created the product “Chocolate Cake.” Each time that it is sold
the component products, “Chocolate,” “Eggs,” “Flour” and “Oil” will be removed from inventory.

The second practical use for components: components can be considered as ingredients in the example above, but they can also be used when you sell products in various quantities and only want to track one product in inventory. For example, if you have a wine tasting room or wine bar where you sell by the glass, bottle, or case, but you only want to track your inventory in terms of bottles you can use the components feature.

  • For example, if you sell a product called, “House Red – Glass,” “House Red – Bottle ” and “House Red – Case,” but you only want to track it in inventory by the bottle you would do the following:

1. Login to
2. Click the ‘Products’ tab or icon
3. For the product that you do want to track directly in inventory click, ‘Add

  • A- In the name field enter, “House Red – Bottle”
  • B- A description can be added (optional)
  • C- Click ‘Select Category’
  • D- Choose a category by clicking one or create one by entering one at the top and clicking ‘Add’
  • E- Click ‘Save’
  • F- Since we are selling all of these products directly to the customer the ‘Type’ for all these will be ‘Product’
  • G- Click the check box next to the field ‘Remove the following number of units from inventory every time this item is sold’ for this product since this is the product unit that we want to track.
  • H- The ‘Unit’ can be left as ‘Item’ or you can create a unit named ‘Bottle’ in the ‘Settings->Unit Conversion’ menu
  • I- Once a unit is selected click, ‘Save’

4. Repeats steps 3A – 3J for each product that you do not want to track directly in inventory
5. For the products that will not be tracking directly, click ‘Add Product’

  • A- In the name field enter, “House Red – Glass”
  • B- A description can be added (optional)
  • C- Click ‘Select Category’
  • D- Choose a category by clicking one or create one by entering one at the top and clicking ‘Add’
  • E- Click ‘Save’
  • F- Since we are selling all of these products directly to the customer the ‘Type’ for all these will be ‘Product’
  • G- Do not click the check box next to the field ‘Remove the following number of units from inventory every time this item is sold’ for the product(s) that you do not want to track in inventory (in this example it would be the “House Red – Glass” and “House Red – Case” since we want to track by bottles)
  • H- The ‘Unit’ can be left as ‘Item’ or you can create a unit called bottle in the ‘Settings->Unit Conversion’ menu
  • I- Once a unit is selected click ‘Add Modifiers’
  • J- Click ‘Add Components’
  • K- Click ‘Select Product’
  • L- Choose the product created earlier, “House Red – Bottle” and click ‘Next’
  • M- Choose the unit that you want to use to have as a part of this product (the inventory will be tracked in the unit that the “House Red – Bottle” component product was setup with and will convert automatically) and click ‘Next’
  • N- Enter a quantity and click ‘Next’. When we set the inventory up for the “House Red – Bottle” product we choose to track it as an ‘Item’ or ‘Bottle’. In this example we will say that each glass of red wine is 1⁄4 of a bottle we would enter 0.25 or for a case if there were 12 bottles in a case we would enter 12
  • O- Click ‘Save’
  • P- Repeat steps 5a – 5p for each product that applies (in this example you would repeat with the case product’.

You have now created 3 products (glass, bottle, case of wine) that pull inventory from 1 product (bottle of wine).

The Component feature of SalesVu iPad POS is a very powerful tool for tracking your inventory and maximizing its efficiency.

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SalesVu Thrives in Hospitality

Do you have a business in the hotel and hospitality industry? SalesVu iPad POS may be the perfect addition to your company! Check out this short slideshow

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Resource Nation’s 8 Industries Transformed by SalesVu iPad POS System

Check out this Resource Nation article on some of the industries that have evolved through mobile point of sales solutions, like SalesVu’s iPad POS! See the perks of going mobile and how it has become effective in a few specific industries. Tell us how the revolution has helped your business or industry!

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Thanks For Using SalesVu iPad POS System, Cool Beans Coffee!

Cool Beans Coffee (CBC) has just joined the SalesVu community! CBC is a brand new, locally-owned coffee shop in Norman, Oklahoma. CBC is a modern and jazzy drive-through shop that uses locally roasted Elemental Roasters coffee beans.

“We plan to bring gourmet coffee to the city of Norman in a friendly and efficient manner,” said Owner Nicki Tribble.

Due to their own positive experience, Elemental Roasters recommended SalesVu’s iPad POS solution to Cool Beans. CBC had also looked into Square and Intuit for their new business. Tribble not only liked SalesVu’s rates and timely customer service, but also their money is deposited within 24 hours of a sale.

“My favorite thing is the support group,” said Tribble. “When I have a question, I can email them or write it on the website’s live chat and get an answer within minutes. That is very helpful.”

For more information on Cool Beans Coffee, check out their website:, like their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter: @CoolBeans405.

Posted in Restaurants and Bars

Get an Early Start on Easter This Year!

Happy March, SalesVu nation! You know what this meansEaster is coming! Don’t wait until the last minute to make this year’s celebration extra special. SalesVu wants to hear your plans and ideas for the day; we’ll even share the best ones!

Coloring eggs, visits with the Easter bunny, egg hunts, family gatherings, whatever it is you’re doing, we know the weekend will be busy! Well, we have a tip to spice things up and take a little bit off your plate: Ali’s Sweet Treats (AST). Ali’s is offering hand-decorated cookies, cake, cupcakes, cake pops and gift baskets for Easter. Based out of Miami, AST can ship your custom order anywhere in the U.S. with a two week lead minimum (three ideally), though rush orders can be made.

Visit Ali’s website to look through an assortment of Easter options, place your order and be one step ahead of everyone else this Easter!

“There’s nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate.”
-Linda Grayson


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15 Reasons Businesses are Ditching Their Cash Registers for SalesVu’s iPad POS System

Lets face it, people: we live in the 21st century. These days, the internet is a mecca for information, communication and efficiency. It’s very likely that your customers and employees are used to searching for answers and receiving them easily and immediately. Don’t let your business fall behind the digital age, trust SalesVu’s cloud-based POS solution for all your business management needs!

iPad POS

Here are 15 reasons for leaving your clunky cash register in the dust and implementing SalesVu’s iPad POS solution into your business:

1. Mobile inventory management. With a mobile POS system, you can view, update and adjust your inventory from any location at any time. You can also compare product popularity and modify prices instantly with the touch of a button.

2. Cut costs on repairs. Traditional cash registers are not only more expensive to purchase but also to maintain. You can reduce ongoing hardware costs with the use of smartphones or tablets – which your employees may already own. The time and cost for repair on these products is far lower than that of the old fashioned registers.

3. Set up an Ecommerce website for online ordering. With the same POS system that you are using on-location, you can also set up an ecommerce website that allows customers to order online. The sales made on your website will automatically show up in your reporting module, and inventory sold from here will be updated to your records as well. An ecommerce website through SalesVu is an easy way to boost sales by making products more available and convenient for your customers.

4. Apply recurring billing. SalesVu provides ongoing and automatic billing options for your customers. This can be useful for businesses like wineries or any establishment where customers have subscriptions or memberships. Billing invoices can be customized to your liking and credit cards will be validated prior to the billing date to avoid any confusion. All billing information can be edited or canceled at any time.

5. Prevent theft through automated cash management. SalesVu’s mobile POS solution allows you to track credit card, check and cash sales from the day’s start to finish. By viewing your SalesVu portal, you can easily see where and when money is coming and going no matter where you are.

6. Track employee activity. SalesVu’s Human Capital Management feature allows you to view employee clock-in and clock-out times as well as individual sales from the comfort of your own home. Also, this feature allows your employees to request time-off, shift-trades and send each other messages – all through your iPad POS software!

7. View customer transaction history. Need to go back and find a customer’s history with your company? With the diverse capabilities of SalesVu’s Customer Relationship Management feature you can see your most loyal customers, what they’re interested in and the last time they shopped with you. This feature also offers the capability to divide your customers into groups based on amount purchased, recency, products bought, discounts applied or whatever category you would like.

8. Speed up the checkout process. Mobile point of sale solutions operate much more quickly and efficiently than traditional cash registers. This gives your customers the ability to be in and out faster. Forget the long lines! With SalesVu, you can have an unlimited number of devices in your store – all of which are integrated on one software. So you could begin to ring a customer transaction on one iPad, then close it out and pay on another without losing any data!

9. Provide receipts in a more convenient way. Giving customers the option to print their receipt, have it e-mailed or both allows them the satisfaction of feeling more in control of their purchase. You no longer have to worry about customers losing or throwing away their receipt because both parties will have a copy of their transaction on file. Additionally, you may add your company tagline or other desired information to receipts rather than just the traditional system’s product price and date!

10. Save time with taxes and get your finances organized! Lets face it, most businesses have financial information that needs to be collected and analyzed. With SalesVu’s accounting feature, your finances are collected directly from your POS system and compiled into easily viewable reports. Automatically generate profit and loss statements and reconcile accounts right from your SalesVu portal! You can also use SalesVu’s integration with QuickBooks, and import all the data you already have into your business management system. This can greatly reduce labor costs spent on administrative tasks for your establishment.

11. View sales reports quickly and simply. Regardless of where you are, SalesVu allows you to pull up your business’ performance from your mobile device. Break it down by day, week, month, product, or however you’d like! You can generate your own custom reports to track what is most important for your company. These reports can be edited at a moments notice and all changes will take affect in real time.

12. Reduce errors. Traditional cash registers allow a lot of room human error and don’t provide customized sales options. With SalesVu, you can set up automatic discounts based on time-of-day, product or customer. Don’t worry about manually entering discounts with every sale – with SalesVu they’ve already been applied to all qualifying modifiers in your system. This makes upselling easier than ever because modifiers can be set on an order to help increase sales and simplify complicated items for cashiers. You can customize this process at any time.

13. Personalize your system. SalesVu understands that different businesses have different needs. With our iPad POS, you can customize the features, products and options that will be beneficial to your company. Traditional cash registers don’t offer customization from business to business. Select the options that will be beneficial to you, without paying for or hassling with features you don’t need!

14. Operate from a remote location. The days of having to go into the office or place of business to find out what’s going on are over! See what your employees are up to, sales reports by location, customer activity and everything else without digging through files or having to micro-manage your staff. With SalesVu, you can see nearly every aspect of your business with the touch of a button! No worries if you’re on vacation; business management with SalesVu can now take place ANYWHERE!

15. Provide simplicity to your employees! Simplicity is the key to success. Using smart phones and tablets has become second nature to virtually everyone these days. Why force yourself and your employees to learn another hardware system? Most people, including customers, are close to expert with devices such as iPads, iPhones and tablets. This greatly reduces the need to make calls to managers and owners asking how to execute functions while the customer waits. In addition, if you or your staff ever do encounter an issue you aren’t sure how to handle – SalesVu’s customer service team is available to take your call 24/7!

The 21st century is a digital age – bring your business up to speed by trusting SalesVu’s Cloud-based POS solution for your business management needs! All the information you use with SalesVu is stored securely in the cloud, so you are never in danger of losing your progress. We are the only fully integrated, cloud-based business management software on the market for small business and we offer our features in bundle packages at competitive rates.

Interested in learning more? Visit our website and sign up for a free trial today!

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Shout Out to Celia Scissor Hands for Joining SalesVu iPad POS System Community

Welcome to SalesVu, Celia Scissor Hands!

Hairstylist Celia Shields has adopted SalesVu! Shields decided to turn to an iPad POS solution because the salon that Celia Scissor Hands is located in uses what she referred to as “a dinosaur machine” that took “forever” to get money to her. According to Shields, her clients generally do not carry cash or checks, creating the need for a credit card processor. She also looked into PayPal but chose SalesVu’s POS system because of the reviews and customer service. Shields loves that it is easy to use and everything can be done quickly!

For more information about Celia Scissor Hands or online scheduling, please visit her website: www.

Posted in Beauty and Wellness, Professional Services

Welcome to SalesVu, DropSmashFix!

Ugh, we all know that awful feeling when your phone breaksain’t nobody got time for that! So, check out our new customer DropSmashFix (DSF)!

DSF is known as the “smartphone repair pro” because their certified technicians fix smartphones (iPhones, Samsung, Android, Blackberry, etc.) and iPads. Located in Ventura, California, DropSmashFix offers approximately one hour repairs with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. What’s more, customers get a 100 day guarantee!

DSF had previously used Square and Shopkeep but switched to SalesVu iPad POS because of its functionality and inventory features. Owner Joel Felix told us he needed a POS system that was “clean and not bulky;” SalesVu fit the criteria while also offering “simplicity.”

We’re happy to have you on board, DropSmashFix! To find out more about DSF, you can visit their website:, like their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter!

Posted in Professional Services | Tagged


The Company

  • THE STARDUST CLUB and BILLIARDS (SCB), a family owned and operated business since 1996, has set itself apart from the rest of the Austin, Texas social scene. With two full service bars, 16 pool tables, a projection screen TV (along with 17 other screens), live music and karaoke, there is something for everyone to enjoy. In addition to these main attractions, they also provide darts, dominoes, a digital jukebox, shuffle board, video games, touch screen bar tops and liquor catering. STARDUST has daily specials and events that incorporate all of their great features

“We have everything you need to have a great time,” said Owner Joan Castillo.

The Needs

  • Because of her busy schedule, Castillo wanted the ability to see everything related to her business remotely.

“To be able to wake up at my home and pull information from the previous evenings sales and/or reports in my pajamas is great,” said Castillo. “I can do most of my work from my phone or computer without coming into my business.”

  • Prior to adopting SalesVu, SCB was using Casio electronic cash registers. They had a very basic register system, paper inventory and sales reports were done either manually or on a spreadsheet.

The SalesVu Decision

  • Castillo looked into Aloha, POS Nation and Prosperity POS.

“I know several business owners in Austin that use SalesVu and I asked them if they liked the functionality and if it was user friendly; it seemed to fit what I had been looking for in a POS system,” said Castillo.

  • SCB needed inventory control and uniform pricing for all of its bartenders; SalesVu had the necessary features.

“I like the fact that I can be anywhere and adjust a product price, name, marketing tool, read reports and email items to my manager or my CPA,” said Castillo. “I am still finding new things that SalesVu has to offer for me and my business.”

  • SalesVu is user friendly and simple.

“Almost all of my bartenders are younger and use Apple devices, such as iPhones, iPods, iPads and Macs,” said Castillo. “When I looked into this system and its use of Apple products, it was a win-win because I would not have to teach them how to use it.”

  • Castillo liked the remote capabilities.

“I like being able to go into the system and look at a sale or a report at any given time at home, on the road, whatever,” said Castillo.

The Results

  • STARDUST has been able to utilize uniformed pricing and simpler inventory management.
  • The reports have helped save time.

“I can view everything from average sale tickets to quantity of items sold in a day, week or monthly basis, which saves time,” said Castillo.

  • According to Castillo, SCB has saved a minimum of $10,000 by switching to SalesVu iPad POS; including, needing multiple devices, printers and credit card swipers.

“The tech support is priceless! I am able to call them any time of day and get my questions or inquiries answered with a phone call,” said Castillo. “I think they are great!”

For more information about THE STARDUST CLUB and BILLIARDS, you can visit their website:, follow them on Twitter: @StardustAustin or like their Facebook page!

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