
SalesVu iPad POS System Over Square at Sweet Freedom Bakery


Based in Philadelphia, PA, Sweet Freedom Bakery (SFB) is an allergy-friendly bakery that offers treats free of gluten, corn, soy, dairy, eggs, nuts and refined sugars. SFB ships throughout the continental U.S. and will soon be opening a second location in New Jersey.

“We are truly one of a kind and love what we do,” said SFB Owner Jen Kremer.

Sweet Freedom needed a new POS because their current solution, Quickbooks POS, was dated, “horrible” with tracking items, had no timekeeping and did not integrate well with credit card processing. They also sell their treats at local events, fundraisers and farmers’ markets, so having a mobile POS makes it easier to sell their products away from home while also keeping accurate records.

“We narrowed every option on the market down to two: SalesVu and Square,” said Kremer. “Obviously upfront costs pushed us in the direction of these two and ultimately SalesVu won our loyalty because of employee timekeeping. Other items were also charming like gift card integration, quickbooks integration, etc.”


SFB likes that programming is simple with SalesVu’s iPad POS and can be done from anywhere. Kremer can do payroll from home and if the internet goes down, she can ring up customers from her iPhone. “Shall I go on,” Kremer asks when talking about her favorite SalesVu features.

“Since adopting SalesVu, we have smarter record keeping, more accurate money handling and the ability to do payouts without having a separate petty cash account,” said Kremer. “[SalesVu] really simplified our business.”

Sweet Freedom saves nearly $3,000 annually with SalesVu’s solution.

For more information about SFB, go to, follow them on Twitter @sfbakery or like them on Facebook.

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The Screen Lady Changes POS Systems After 12 Years


SalesVu’s new customer, The Screen Lady (TSL), is a mobile on-site screen service. TSL specializes in custom fabrications, replacements and repairs of window and door screens. They fabricate and install virtually any kind of custom screen. TSL’s traveling workshop allows them to fabricate screens at customers’ curbside. Their custom trailer, equipped with all the necessary tools, allows them to create customers’ screens on the job the first time around rather than going back and forth and making multiple appointments. This unique mobility creates the obvious need for an mPOS solution to complete payments on-the-spot.

“The customers love it and so do we,” said TSL Owner Nhorma Eischen.

Eischen heard about SalesVu through a Manta recommendation in one of their “best conversations of the week” emails.

  1. “If you are looking for an item to collect money (physical or through the web) and track inventory, send invoices, have gift cards or coupons, then you should look at SalesVu,” read the Manta email. “It has tons of features and is simple to setup. Customer service is excellent. It’s a company I use and highly recommend.”

TSL had used Retriever Payment Systems for 12 years before adopting SalesVu. Eischen accepted their high fees but struggled with their “awful” customer service.

“We used Square on our second mobile workshop for a brief time last year,” said Eischen. “I didn’t like the fact that there was no one you could talk to if you made a mistake with the transaction.”

TSL was tired of having to manually input transactions on their second trailer’s terminal and wanted to avoid the cost of a second terminal. Eischen thoroughly researched SalesVu and interviewed them on the phone after reading about the POS system.

“I could already tell the customer service would be excellent,” said Eischen. “The transactions are secured, the fees are great (no increase for non-swiped cards, unlike Square) and there are no termination fees. I will be paying a termination fee with Retriever and have to finish paying the remaining lease payments on my equipment; this amount is close to $800. Ouch!”

Eischen likes that SalesVu is easy because she considers herself to be “low-tech.” She has also had a great experience with SalesVu and Mercury’s customer service.

“I was initially concerned about SalesVu using Mercury because I had read their reviews which weren’t great but they proved me wrong,” said Eischen. “I will be writing stellar reviews on both SalesVu and Mercury in the near future!”

You can find out more information about The Screen Lady on Yelp and Angie’s List.


Posted in Professional Services, Retail

SalesVu iPad POS System at Work in the Service Industry


The service industry loves SalesVu! Hear why our iPad POS is helpful in this industry from our customer, WRENCH, a service-based bicycle shop whose main focus is on repairs rather than bike sales.

WRENCH needs a POS system so they can keep their shop in order, from selling services to ordering and stocking all parts and accessories needed to keep the business running smoothly. WRENCH tried using Square but the system was “too simple” for their taste. They need the ability to create orders and leave them open until customers enter the shop to close them; Square is not capable of this.

“We had several POS options to choose from; we chose SalesVu because of the complexity of the POS system and the customer service we have received so far,” said WRENCH Owner Buck Hazard. “It’s a great POS!”

Hazard likes the ability to email a customer with an open order so they know when their repair is complete. He also like the “pay now” function.

SalesVu, or any iPad POS app, saves small businesses plenty of upfront costs,” said Hazard. “We looked into buying a [traditional] POS system, including hardware, and the costs were very high. Using an app-based [system] allows any business to use their existing iPad.”

You can learn more about this bike shop at or on Facebook.

Posted in Professional Services, Retail

SalesVu iPad POS System at The Electric Bean, a Non-Profit Coffee Shop



The Electric Bean (EB) is a non-profit coffee shop, run by volunteer staff, that donates 100% of its profits back to the community. In this next quarter, their money will go to help fund the local homeless shelter and battered women’s shelter.

EB chose to operate their business with an iPad POS because they wanted to save counter space.

“We chose SalesVu primarily because of its straightforward operation,” said Electric Bean GM Andrew Nguyen. “We also loved the reporting system.”

Nguyen specifically likes being able to access reports and monitor transactions from his laptop anywhere that has internet.

“When I am away from the shop I can use the tool to check in on staff and see how busy we are based on the number of sales; it’s like having a live feed,” said Nguyen.

SalesVu has helped us by allowing us to have a mobile POS system,” said Nguyen. “There are times when we can load up SalesVu on other devices and take orders when our line gets too long.”

For more information about The Electric Bean, go to or check out their Facebook page.

Posted in Professional Services, Restaurants and Bars, Retail | Tagged

We’ve Got a Sweet Tooth for Yours Truly Cupcake!

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The Company

Yours Truly Cupcake (YTC) is a dessert catering company in Denver, Co. YTC creates unique sensory experiences for customers through desserts and services. Yours Truly specializes in liquor-infused cupcakes and desserts that pair with cocktails and wine; these treats are targeted at adventurous adults with a sophisticated palette.

For events and corporate gifts, YTC meets with clients in their tasting room to gain an understanding of the customers’ needs and how Yours Truly can be the “sweet solution” for them. For larger events, they bake-to-order every dessert imaginable .

The Needs

  • YTC wanted the ability to use iPads and iPhones to charge customers without investing in a large POS system as they don’t have the space.

  • Analytics during business growth

“Before SalesVu, we used Square,” said YTC Owner Tiffany Goodyear. “But as the business grew, we wanted to keep analytics. Our processing company recommended SalesVu and we have been satisfied with the interface.”

  • Online ordering AND on-site purchases

“We recently opened a retail walk-up window adjacent to our tasting room so we can offer our customers the option to pick up treats without needing to place an advanced order,” said Goodyear.

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The Results

  • Retail operation is more organized through SalesVu’s features

“We use SalesVu for our retail operation which allows us to track inventory and see trends in popular products and flavors,” said Goodyear. “For the catering side and call-in orders, we love to send the invoice directly through SalesVu and have our clients click through to pay; this saves time and ensures we are paid in full before we bake.”

  • Online ordering

“I like how easy it is to integrate online ordering through our website,” said Goodyear. “We get lots of orders from all over the country so it allows people to shop during hours when we are closed.”

  • Simplified payment process

“Because we are a small business, we want to spend our energy on our clients and not worrying about if and how we are going to get paid,” said Goodyear. “[SalesVu] is so easy to use that we can train people quickly and it is very intuitive!”

  • YTC saved hundreds from not investing in a traditional POS.

Contact Yours Truly at, on Twitter @yourstrulycpck or on Facebook.

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Posted in Professional Services, Restaurants and Bars, Retail | Tagged ,

Alpha Brewing Company Talks SalesVu iPad POS System


Alpha Brewing Company (ABC) is a small microbrewery located in St. Louis that sells beer and merchandise in their tasting room.

An iPad POS was important for ABC because they needed a way to process credit cards and hold tabs. When opening their business, ABC looked into Square, SalesVu and PC-based POS systems. SalesVu prevailed for two reasons: they like using Apple products and they wanted SalesVu’s tab and tipping features.

ABC Owner Derrick Langeneckert really likes the cloud-based sales reporting that SalesVu offers.

SalesVu has also made it easy to process credit cards,” said Langeneckert. “We saved at least $1,000 upfront. The PC-based systems require you to purchase a lot of hardware; we didn’t want to buy a Windows machine.”

You can find out more about this St. Louis brewery at, on Facebook or on Twitter @alphabrewingco.

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Purlin’ J’s Roving Yarn Co Adopts SalesVu’s iPad POS System

Purlin’ J’s Roving Yarn Co (PJ) is a mobile yarn truck that satisfies the modern knitter’s craving for sumptuous yarns. PJ is just like a gourmet food truck..but with yarn! They sell to inspired knitters at music festivals, studio tours, markets and retreats. Purlin’ J’s is a small-scale, flexible retailer that is responsive to the market.

“The truck, in part, is literally a vehicle to connect the fiber crafting community with local wool producers,” said Owner Joan Sharpe.

Because Sharpe’s business is operated out of a truck, she wanted an iPad POS. She heard about SalesVu through Ravelry, an online knitting community and other local yarn shop owners that recommended it. Sharpe also considered Square when making her decision.

“I chose SalesVu because of the point of sale software and inventory management that comes with it,” said Sharpe. “Now I can easily share my sales and inventory data with my bookkeeper.”

Sharpe uses an iPad and says that her business is made more viable because of this technology.

“I like that I can manage my inventory from anywhere and that the credit card component is very easy to use,” said Sharpe.


 Contact Purlin’ J’s:  

Facebook: PurlinJs     Twitter: @PurlinJs     Ravelry: PurlinJs     Pinterest: PurlinJs

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SalesVu iPad POS System Role on the Street of Dreams

1016503_10151676555068921_1853527372_nThe Company

  • Street of Dreams (SD) is the original Luxury Home Show in the U.S. and has been running continuously since 1977. It is held in late summer, usually in August, and hosts 60-80,000 attendees.

The Needs

  • SD’s show is held on recently developed land far from the offices. They needed a POS System to track customer ticketing and concession sales.

The SalesVu Decision

  • SD was using a Quicken application residing on a PC.

“We tried to vet every application we could find,” said VP of Finance Mike Maxwell. “We looked at everything in the iTunes app store as well as scouring the web. The decision to use SalesVu was unanimous among those in the process.”

  • SalesVu stood out to Street of Dreams because of its ease of use.

“We had been using another application but were able to eliminate at least 1 step in the sales process that allowed us to process customers more quickly to reduce lines and wait times,” said Maxwell.

The Results

“The overall simplicity allowed us to drop steps in processing the customer,” said Maxwell. “I would also say the learning curve for the staff was super easy and they picked it up with little difficulty, so training time and errors were reduced.”

For more information, visit, like their Facebook or follow them on Twitter @StreetDreamsPDX.

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See SalesVu iPad POS System in Action at Dolce Vita

Posted in Restaurants and Bars, Retail, Wineries | Tagged ,

St. Lawrence Brewing Co Talks SalesVu iPad POS System Simplicity and Mobility

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The Company

  • St. Lawrence Brewing Company (SL) is a brand new production microbrewery in Canton, NY. SL is bringing craft beer to the north country with a passion for local products and strong regional flavors.

Why an mPOS?

  • In addition to selling in their taproom, SL attends events where they sell merchandise.

Whose POS?

  • St. Lawrence considered Paypal and Square when looking at a wide variety of iPad POS systems.

  • Owners had used Adelo, Aloha and Square at their restaurant.

Why SalesVu?

  • SalesVu was mentioned on several platforms, including, came well recommended and proved to be a good fit through research

“The web-based backend seemed robust for what we would need to be doing,” said Owner Ken Hebb. “The fee structure of many of the systems were prohibitively expensive and though the SalesVu merchant service fees are slightly higher than other credit card services, the combination of services made the cost worthwhile!”

  • Hebb’s favorite things about SalesVu are the mobility of an iPad, simplicity of the hardware and ease of management in the backend.

St. Lawrence Brewing Company can be found on Facebook and Google +.

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Posted in Brewery, Restaurants and Bars | Tagged
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