
Tuesday Tip: Reporting on SalesVu’s iPad POS System

Check out this video tutorial on creating custom reports on SalesVu’s POS system. Don’t forget, you can now create and view reports from your iPad POS by launching from the app!

For more information about SalesVu, please visit, contact us at [email protected] or call 888-900-5819.

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SalesVu Tip of the Day!

Today’s how-to: Remove tax from an order on your iPad POS

On the SalesVu app for iOS devices (iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch), you can use the ‘Remove Tax’ button to remove the tax from the total charged to your customer.

Here’s how:

  1. 1. Add products to your order
  2. 2. Next the order number above the order details there is a ‘+’ button that allows you to expand the order detail further. If it is in the ‘+’ state touch it, if it is already in the ‘-‘ state please move to step 3
  3. 3. Touch the the ‘x’ at the bottom of the order detail next to ‘Tax’
  4. 4. An alert will appear that says, ‘Do you want to remove tax?’ touch ‘Yes’

The tax will now be removed from this order.

We hope this helps SalesVu users in the future! Contact us at [email protected] or 888-900-5819 if you have questions about this process.

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Need Help Processing a Refund? Here’s How:

SalesVu’s Tip of the Day:

There are two ways to process refunds: on the device (iPad, iPhone/iPod Touch) or on the Cloud Management Portal.

On the Cloud Management Portal – (Can be done anytime)

  1. 1. Navigate to the orders page in your account
  2. 2. Use the search functionality to find the order that would like to refund
  3. 3. Expand the order by clicking on the green ‘+’ on the left hand side
  4. 4. Here you will see a refund option for both individual items and the whole order (individual item refund is only available until the order batches at 4AM ET).

Note:  If you need to process a partial refund after 4AM ET please send us an email to ‘[email protected]’ or give us a call at 888-900-5819 with the order number, the order total, and the amount to be refunded and we will process it manually and give you confirmation.


On the device – (Can only be done before the order batches at 4AM ET)

  1. 1. Open the orders menu
  2. 2. Under ‘Closed Orders’ find the order you would like to refund and touch to open
  3. 3. On the next screen touch the trash can to delete the order
  4. 4. You will see an approved when the order has been refunded

You can either process a full refund and re-ring the order or you can contact Mercury Payment Systems at 800-846-4472 and they can manually process a refund.

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District House Explains How SalesVu iPad POS System is Setting the Bar

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District House (DH) is an Oklahoma City coffee bar, deli and event center that hosts art and live bands on a regular basis. DH heard about SalesVu’s iPad POS from several businesses in the area that use it and “love it.”

“We had been using Square for our catered events and found that SalesVu was a much better option and that our employees loved the easy, intuitive design of SalesVu,” said DH Manager Joshua Cain.

“When looking around at options we looked at Square and our bank’s business system, but in talking with our business banker, she said that ‘our system can’t even begin to compete with SalesVu. We now have our IT guys looking into it and seeing what we can do to improve ours.’ She was blown away with how easy and cost effective it was. We had to go with SalesVu; no one could beat it or come close,” said Cain.

As a small business with a lot of space to cover, DH is able to use different mobile devices to manage the many events they host. With SalesVu, they can rearrange their space and having mobile sales stations makes it convenient and practical at events. They can use their iPad POS at the door for concerts or at the coffee cart during catered events.

“I’m able to add an artist and sell art on demand with the custom price option,” said Cain. “I love being able to see what we are doing in one report and manage my inventory based on the wide range of reporting and options that SalesVu offers; it makes my job as a manager easier and I take less time doing orders and tracking.”

Additionally, Cain likes that SalesVu is one of the only mPOS solutions that offers a time clock. He also says his employees find it easy and convenient to sign in on the computer, iPad, iPhone or other devices they have synced up.

“There is no way that District House could be so cost effective and run so smoothly without a simple and easy POS system like SalesVu,” said Cain. “We love it!”

If you’re interested in learning more about District House or going to one of their events, visit .

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Want to View Reports on Your Device?

ALERT: Tuesday Tip!

Having trouble viewing SalesVu iPad POS reports on your device(s)? Try these 3rd party apps:

Let us know how this tip worked for you by contacting us at [email protected].

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Make Sure Your Business is Prepared for the Holiday Season with a Cloud-Based mPOS

       With Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Free Shipping Day and every other shopping-frenzy-designated day around the corner, having a cloud-based mobile POS is a must for retailers. SalesVu’s retail POS can help your small business not only get through the madness, but make it your greatest success yet.

       So, why will an iPad POS give you the extra boost?

1. Mobility allows for higher conversion rates

       With an iPad POS, your employees gain the ability to walk around the store and converse with customers. The balancing act of customers being helped, getting product information, building a rapport with employees, making decisions and checking out is nonexistent. A customer can find a product, have an employee upsell them, hear about discounts and make a purchase without ever waiting or having to walk to a register.

“It’s best to take our POS to our customer rather than make them search for a checkout location,” said Kyle Knapton, Barnstomer Winery manager.


       Why is this so important now? The holiday season highlights consumers’ lack of patience, willingness to spend and peaks business competition. A quality retail POS system relieves the overwhelming aspect of holiday shopping, makes shopping more enjoyable and convenient and gives small businesses an edge over competition.

2. Quicker checkout process

       iPad POS solutions, like SalesVu, are simple, automated and easy to learn. Mobile solutions are available on the most commonly used devices like iPads, iPhones and Android devices. New holiday help will get the hang of things quickly, as not only are most people familiar with these devices, but they are also designed for ease of use. The days of having to train employees to use complicated POS stations are over.

“It takes us just minutes to get new employees up and running,” said Colleen McConeghy, Yo’Cheese Co-Owner. “We don’t have to spend or waste a lot of time getting new employees set up with a complicated system.”

       Many applications are highly customizable to help you and your employees organize your business to the fullest. We all know that no two stores have the same priority needs; the ability to adjust as necessary is not something most traditional systems allow.


       You can also expedite the process by having customers make purchases online and pickup items on location, which leads to number three, eliminating long lines.

“My main reason for using a mobile POS is that the parking lot at my store is limited, so I would like to be able to run my product out to my customers and use my iPod Touch and swipe their credit card so they can be on their wayFAST,” said Hillary Biediger, Juice Junkies owner.

3. Eliminate long lines

In addition to employees’ ease of use, as mentioned above, adding an additional device is as simple as the touch of a button. When you see your store starting to get busy, turn on an additional device to “open a new register.”

“We are a small shop and there is no room for a second POS station and we also don’t have room for lines to form,” said Angelo Sacerdote, Petaluma Pie Company owner. “SalesVu has given us the ability to add a cash register at a moment’s notice when the store gets busy, by picking up an iPod touch and helping the next customer.”


4. Increase floor space

       Your register location can be as small as you want to make it. Forget big, bulky stations; your register can consist of just an iPad touch – that is, if you want one. Employees can walk up to customers and complete a transaction anywhere in the store if necessary.


“We didn’t need a mobile POS, but we like that we are able to keep our counter space clear and uncluttered so we have room to add merchandise instead,” said Nga Myers, Bubble Crunch owner.

5. Multi-location management

       Running one store during the holiday season can be a lot to manage, but adding additional locations can be overwhelming. Cloud-based POS systems allow you to manage individual or multiple locations from anywhere. You can be at home and view individual and/or overall activity.

       Additionally, owners and managers can make adjustments to set pricing, discounts and products from a single remote location. Adjustments are automatically implemented in real time on location.


“To be able to wake up at my home and pull information from the previous evening’s sales and/or reports in my pajamas is great,” said Joan Castillo, Stardust Club and Billiards owner. “I can do most of my work from my phone or computer without coming into my business.”

6. Custom sales reports and inventory tracking

Customized reporting allows owners to keep track of what is important to them or manage specific parts of the business. Additionally, systems like SalesVu, will track your inventory and alert you when levels run low–a must have during the busy holiday season. You never want to be out of a best seller! SalesVu will also assist you in creating purchase orders.

“The reporting is absolutely amazing; it makes accounting so easy and we can get as detailed or as simple as we like,” said SalesVu Customer Michael Brummer.


7. E-Commerce

       Having an E-Commerce website allows you to expand your customer base and overcome geographical limitations. The traffic to your online store will also give your brand more visibility than a brick-and-mortar location alone. Additionally, this simplifies the shopping experience for customers. The simpler and quicker the process, the more successful you will be.

       When online shopping, a customer can quickly access a specific product, but will likely view more products than they will in a physical store. Not only will products gain exposure, but you can recommend items to your customers. Having an online store, especially through providers like SalesVu, will significantly reduce your costs.

       Make sure you’re prepared for Cyber Monday!


“[SalesVu] has made it easier for my clients to make payments other than cash or check,” said Dawn Arcieri, founder of Arcieri Confections.

 8. Gift cards

       We all know gift cards are a big hit during the gifting season. They are the quickest, most simple gift without much room for error. Make sure your business has physical gift cards available to holiday gift givers.

       Gift cards increase customer loyalty, customer reach and sales. You don’t have to worry about cash reimbursement with gift card purchases and fraud is minimized.

“The online coupons and option to get actual gift cards and track their usage help keep us on top of what is working,” said Lake Charles Martial Arts Owner John Newport.


9. Be more cost effective

       For a smaller fee than most traditional solutions, business owners can equip all employees with a device. Though this may not be necessary, it greatly enhances the shopping experience for customers. A shopper can build a rapport with one employee during their trip without being passed around, creating confusion or waiting while an employee helps someone else.

Apple stores have perfected this concept. When you walk into an Apple store, the same person that greets you often times helps you find what you are looking for, informs you about products and can immediately check you out anywhere in the store. Customers never wait in a single-file line to check-out.

“Our activities take place at a different site on our property and in our pre-SalesVu era, that required customers to check in at our office, make their purchases and head out to their activities,” said Lilly Pad Village Owner Geza Csuros. “We were actually missing sales and if the customer wished to make another purchase, they then had to head back to the office to pay before returning to their activity.”


10. Marketing through your retail POS

       Create Facebook coupons through SalesVu that lead to viral marketing. This is a great feature to have prepared for the busy shopping days, like Black Friday. When someone uses a promotion you have posted, the discount is announced on their Facebook for all of their friends to see. Then, others can use the same coupon, driving more business to your store. Sales are the most important part of shopping this time of year.

       SalesVu also allows you to email your pre-existing customers. You can export your customer list to notify them about specials, events or general announcements.

“One of the best features is having access to the customer’s email address after sending them an email receipt, unlike Square who doesn’t allow you to get that, which allows me the opportunity to send ‘thank you’s’ via email and the opportunity to add them to my mailing list,” said Photographer Matt Suess.


For more information about SalesVu or getting a cloud-based mPOS for your business, contact SalesVu at [email protected] or call 888-900-5819.

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SalesVu iPad POS System Customer Support is a Standout for Arcieri Confections


The Company

  • Arcieri Confections (AC) makes handcrafted artisan bark that is sold at markets, online and by order.

“I have been, and still am, a restaurant designer for 30 years,” said Arcieri Confections Owner Dawn Arcieri. “I have always had a passion for creating desserts and entertaining. Creating the chocolate bark has become a fantastic outlet for that passion, not to mention it is an awesome product that most people seem to truly enjoy.”

The Needs

  • Many orders are purchased on corporate credit cards and AC does not have a storefront, as Arcieri frequently delivers to clients.

Choosing an mPOS

  • In addition to researching SalesVu iPad POS, Arcieri also considered using Square, PayPal and Wells Fargo.

“I did a lot of research when deciding on a POS solution,” said Arcieri. “At first I chose SalesVu for the rates, but as I dug deeper there were many other features that would allow me to adjust as I grew; the customer service was great too! I must have called five or six times before making a final decision and every time the person I spoke to was informative and helpful.”

  • Arcieri’s favorite things about SalesVu are the ability to add and subtract items and rework the inventory as she needed to fit her business.

What Stands Out?

“Everyone at SalesVu has always been so helpful,” said Arcieri. “Amazingly enough, even when I call on a Sunday morning, someone will take the time to walk me through my challenge at the time.”

  • Customer support

“I remember one Saturday right after I had gotten the new swipe device for my iPad, I was at a show and couldn’t get it to swipe; I panicked of course,” said Arcieri. “I called SalesVu and got someone immediately. Thank goodness it was as simple as turning up the volume, but for me it was a life saver at the time!”

The Results

  • AC has saved money on a POS station and software.

“[SalesVu] has made it easier for my clients to make payments other than cash or check,” said Arcieri.

For more information about Arcieri Confections, please visit or like their Facebook page.

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Posted in Beauty and Wellness, Professional Services, Restaurants and Bars, Retail | Tagged

SalesVu Takes You Through Printer Settings Here:

This video will take you step-by-step through the process of setting up your printers in SalesVu’s iPad POS.

In case you missed it, here’s that graphic of proper configuration one more time:

Printer Setup

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How to Add a 2nd Location to Your SalesVu Account

Once you have created a SalesVu account you can create another location if you are opening another store, operate in multiple locations or want to manage more than one business from the same account.

There are 2 ways to create a new account from the device or from the Remote Management Portal:

 A.  From the Remote Management Portal

  1. 1.  Sign in to with the account owner email and password
  2. 2.  Click the ‘Account’ tab or icon
  3. 3.  Click the ‘Location Management’ icon
  4. 4.  Click the ‘Add New Location’ button
  5. 5.  Add the business information
  6. 6.  If this is a separate physical business location you will need to sign up for Mercury Payment Systems (MPS) credit card processing and receive an additional free card reader
  7. 7.  Optionally you can import your products, discounts and vendors to the new location
  8. 8.  Click ‘Save’

B.  From the SalesVu app on your device

  1. 1.  Download the app to the 2nd device that you want to use
  2. 2.  Open the app and enter your email address and password and touch ‘Login’
  3. 3.  On the next page touch ‘New Business Name’
  4. 4.  On the next page enter your additional locations name, address etc and touch ‘Submit’
  5. 5.  You will have now created an additional location

If you have further questions please email us at [email protected] or give us a call at 888-900-5819.

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Little Art Theatre Adopts SalesVu iPad POS System


The Company

  • Little Art Theatre (LAT) of Yellow Springs, Ohio is a small, single screen, non-profit theater that shows a variety of independent, foreign and mainstream movies and documentaries.

“Education and the arts are high on our priority list,” said Roger Reynolds of LAT. “We offer a venue for special events ranging from weddings and birthday parties to speakers and live music.”

  • LAT has been in business for over 84 years and just completed a $500,000 renovation as part of an upgrade to digital projection and sound.

Why an mPOS?

  • Having an iPad POS solution allows LAT to move outside for special community events in the area.

  • The theater has two stations: one for tickets and one for concessions.

The SalesVu Decision

  • LAT looked at many other POS systems, such as Intuit, Shopkeep and movie theater-specific systems.

  • The theater heard that another local business had recently opened using SalesVu and consulted with them.

“Price was a huge factor for us and having someone else in the area also using SalesVu,” said Reynolds.

The Results

  • Extensive reporting options allows LAT to do a “much better job” on inventory tracking and cash/change errors.

“The end of day reporting is saving on manual actions that we previously performed to track and report theater attendance,” said Reynolds.

  • Save paperwork and employee time

For more information about Little Art Theatre, go to or like their Facebook page.

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