
How SalesVu iPad POS System Can Make a Difference for Your Business


Mobile POS systems are exactly that – mobile. That means your business goes where you go. You can manage your employees, track inventory, and even make sales on the go. This also allows you to easily monitor your business, even while you are away. It offers a complete point of sale right at your fingertips.

What Can They Do?

Mobile POS systems can easily accomplish the following services from unlimited terminals, like any iPad or Android device:

  • Automatically syncs information between all devices through the cloud
  • View sales reports quickly by product, employee, business location, and more
  • Quick setup of products with sizes, colors, and other options
  • Easily add products to orders with barcode scanning
  • Integrated online ordering
  • Mobile inventory management
  • Secure payment processing
  • Manage finances and recurring billing
  • Provide receipts through print or e-mail
  • Automated discounts

Your Employees Will Love It

Most people are attached to their smartphones and mobile tablets nowadays anyways, so your employees will be able to learn the mobile POS system more easily and quickly than they would a cash register. In fact, a POS system will even allow them to instantly split checks, add gratuity to the check, apply discounts, easily process refunds and exchanges, and more that they couldn’t normally do with a traditional cash register.

A POS system helps to automatically organize everything quickly, so your employees can focus more on the customer experience. Your employees will also have access to all business information, including product descriptions, menu items, and prices – all from the mobile device, so they can easily pull up the required information on a moment’s notice.

Say Goodbye to Long Checkout Lines

With mobile POS software, your employees can also take the checkout counter with them, so they can easily interact with customers, and even ring up their sales, anywhere in or out of the store. They can walk around the store, answer customer questions on the spot, and ring them up immediately, so your customers never even need to visit a register. Human error is natural, but with a POS system, human error is reduced or eliminated, ensuring more efficient records, inventory, reporting, payments, and business transactions.

Most importantly, having an iPad or Android POS solution will allow you to ditch your clunky, fickle cash register once and for all. Studies have also shown that customers are usually most frustrated by long checkout lines. With a POS system, you can say goodbye to long lines and wait times. Not only will your customers have a better experience, but you will also enjoy faster customer turnover and higher profits.

How to Get Started

Our iPad POS and Android POS systems are free to use and can be fully integrated with the other SalesVu solutions to better organize and streamline your system. Mobile POS systems are easy to use and easy to set up, so you and your employees can begin using it in no time.

Mobile POS is expected to grow 95% in 2014 alone, so find out why companies in all different industries are taking advantage of it!

Contact us for more information on the benefits of a mobile POS system or to get started today.

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SalesVu iPad POS System keeps the Sugar House Distillery on the edge of the modern marketplace


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SalesVu Mobile POS has given the unique artisans of liquor of the Sugar House Distillery another reason to be an unique and modern establishment. We talked with the business owner, James Fowler who told us about the singular characteristics of their handcrafted spirits. According to them, they are “The Ultimate legacy to the Culture of Small Batch, handcrafted spirits connoisseurs”. Located in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Sugar House is one of the few privately-owned locals that enjoy a permit to sell alcohol in the region.  Their undeniable quality has awarded them with loyal customers who attend to their local to purchase the delicatessen beverages. According to James:


“Our products are hand crafted in Salt Lake City Utah. Our Vodka is our most popular product and the one we have been producing since long time ago.  During this Holiday Season, we will have the release of a 100% pure malt Whisky and we are  working on parallel project also developing high quality Rum”

David told us about the expanding plan of becoming also a gift shop offering hats and t-shirts, so definitely Sugar House Distillery  is doing great on sales, and SalesVu mobile POS system has helped them develop into what they are now.

 ” As a  startup company we chose SalesVu first among other competitors because we received good referrals from other people in the industry and because it is really simple to use. SalesVu mobile POS prices were also important in taking the decision, in contrast with competitors, like Square, SalesVu mobile POS offers lower credit card transaction cost. Additionally, it is very convenient to have a tablet on the front. As a company, SalesVu mobile POS places us on the edge of technology and makes our store look modern and updated in regards of the current trends in the market.”

We asked David about the Quickbooks feature SalesVu mobile POS offers to small businesses and he told us:

” I have not used it yet, but I am going to be messing around with it in a couple of weeks. Certainly, I will be using it in the near future. My accountants have been using SalesVu reports already where they can picture all the information together in one place.”

If you are interested in knowing more about Sugar House Distillery, and delight yourself with the highest quality spirits, be sure to visit their website at  or visit their social media by clicking on the icons below.

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How to Prepare Your Storefront for Fall


Most people love the colder weather, shopping, hot drinks, and cozy feelings of fall. You can give your customers and employees those same feelings every time they enter – or walk by – your store. So get in the holiday spirit by decorating your office for the holiday season and preparing your storefront in the following ways:


  • Play up the seasons: Everyone wants to enjoy the winter season and holiday tidings in the air. Don’t be a scrooge. Play with the season and make sure it’s reflected on your storefront, so customers are greeted with season’s cheers before they even enter your store.
  • Remain neutral: Try not to focus on one particular religious holiday so that you don’t potentially offend customers or employees. Sticking to neutral color schemes and fall/winter decorations (like fall leaves, winter bark, and anything gold or silver) can give the festive holiday spirit without pushing a particular holiday.
  • Add a sales banner: Whether you are running a sale, promotion, or new loyalty program, make sure your storefront clearly displays it. You may also consider marketing automation services to automatically generate email and social media marketing campaigns.
  • Display your top products: Make sure your bestselling items are displayed in the storefront. Whether it is a product you think will sell well, a popular item that every child has on their holiday wishlist, or new sales items you think will sell well, clearly displaying your bestsellers can quickly increase sales and attract potential customers who are passing by. You can use your POS system to determine what customers like best and what their shopping patterns look like.
  • Decorate, decorate, decorate: While you want to get in the spirit, make sure to keep things professional, tactful, and clean. Going overboard with the glitter, tinsel, and blinking holiday lights can look tacky. Pick a theme and try playing on your business logo, colors, or design style. For instance, if you have a modern blue and white logo or color scheme, try using a modern blue and white decorating scheme to decorate your place.
  • Keep your space clean: Your business can quickly become a mess during the holiday season, if you don’t have a plan of attack in place. Your customers will want to get their shopping done quickly, so your retail space may have more items opened, out of place, or even on the floor. Make sure that your employees realize more cleaning will be required during this busier time of year. Make a schedule so that employees know when they need to clean next during their shifts.
  • Include your E-Commerce site: Remember that along with decorating your physical storefront, it is important to also decorate your E-Commerce storefront so that your customers enjoy that jovial feeling, even from their home computer.

To find out how our software can help prepare your store for fall and the upcoming holiday shopping season, contact any of the SalesVu Social media bellow.


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Kettle Heroes have popped up their business with the easy-to-use SalesVu iPad POS System


Kettle Heroes have tasted the SalesVu iPad POS System and have popped up their business!. This company is a family-owned business located in Arizona that was launched into the market in 2013 by two brothers who were looking to make a difference in the world. They strive to offer customers from all ages the best popcorn, kettle corn and lemonade in the Southwest! They use only top-of-the-line, all-natural ingredients in their recipes.

We had the privilege to talk to one of the business owner Rudi Sinykin who runs day-to-day operations at Kettle Heroes. We asked him why Kettle Heroes needed a mobile iPad POS solution and they responded with a great story to share.

“We operate Food Trucks in the Arizona area and we needed a really easy POS system that could really be incorporated in a mobile platform facility like a food truck. SalesVu gave us a practical, affordable and easy-to understand platform that could easily be used with an iPad or Android. During our research for new POS solutions we investigated other competitors, but SalesVu really offered the best transaction fees for the credit card operations and it is able to work in multiple platforms like iOS and Android.”

Previously, Rudi told us that they owned a restaurant in which they used the traditional point of sale system, with cash registers.

” The cost of this machines was 2000$ or 3000$ and they broke down all the time. SalesVu offered us the possibility of using and iPad to manage the transactions and if something happens to it, well, it is affordable and easy to replace”

Rudi also told us that he has not yet used the majority of the SalesVu features, but that what he uses works fine all the time; nevertheless, they recommend to have good Internet Connection when using the SalesVu iPad POS to secure all the transactions.

“My favorite feature is the Sales Report. This one allows me to see the sales results at the end of the day and divides it in categories. It is really simple and easy to bring any transaction in the day by just clicking on it. SalesVu iPad POS operations go really fast which is excellent for our business requirements of almost 90 transactions per hour

The business has a positive motto that leads their day-to-day operations by following what they call, the Kettle Heroes’ creed: “BE HUMBLE. BE HONEST. BE A HERO”. Moreover, Rudi donates 20% of their earnings to several foundations like Pat Tillmans Foundation and since August 2013, we have donated over $17,000 to support local groups and causes such as Anasazi Elementary School and Making Strides Against Cancer.

Kettle Heroes Truck & Trailer

If you want to know more about Kettle Heroes, be sure to check out their website at and follow their Facebook account by clicking the image bellow.

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Tropical Sno share their sweet experience with SalesVu iPad POS System : “A complete and reachable business management solution”


Tropical Sno is a shaved iced local in Western Spring Illinois that is dedicated to create an oasis of shave ice euphoria. They do this by selling the highest quality and best tasting shave ice in the world. It serves more than 50 flavors to eager customers who constantly experiment with the wide variety of flavors and create their own ice indulgences.

We talked to the business owner Nicholas Cozzi who used in his first store the traditional registers, but noticed they were not really useful business-wise to his store. “All they did was round all the money earned in a day and nothing else” Nicholas realized he needed something more useful and a regular POS. He needed a complete and reachable business management tool, one that could offer him a wide range of business tools

He used Square in the past, but found that its features were insufficient for the market understanding and developing of Tropical Sno.

SalesVu offered me the Gift Card Feature and I loved it!. This was crucial for my decision towards SalesVu business management solution. It is a complete system that understands the requirements and needs of my stores, hence of my clients. The Gift Cards were a huge success for my store, and a way to keep the sales organized. Customers loved it and used it a lot. This feature implied a great success for me and Tropical Sno”

He also told us that other favorite feature he has is the employees and inventory management tools that SalesVu includes.

“They are both very effective and convenient. As the owner of two stores, I need to be constantly updated about the things that happen with the payments of the employees and their hours of work. I also need to know if the cups or spoon supplies are running low in the store and SalesVu emails me with all this relevant information and allows me to manage my business effectively everywhere I go”.

Moreover, Nicholas explained that he felt that SalesVu Customer Service phone number is an extremely important tool of the system.

“The fact that I can call them directly instead of just having an email address makes it a very nice and reachable business solution. It is better to have a direct contact with a customer service representative in case some questions or concerns arise”

If you want to know more about Tropical Sno at Western Spring Illinois be sure to visit their Facebook page be clicking the icon below.

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SalesVu iPad POS System offers a simple display that is reliable for small businesses like YogoFresh



YogoFresh is a family run business run by David Giacomini and his father. The establishment offers a variety of self-serve frozen yogurt flavors and fun toppings for clients of all ages. They have been using the SalesVu iPad POS System because of the incredibly prompt and helpful technical support we offered them, and because the simple display SalesVu iPad POS presents.

We asked David Giacomini why did he need a fixed POS system and he responded confidentely that:

 “We had very little space to work with and wanted a more trendy POS system as the aesthetics of our store is very important. The POS is in prime view of customers so we didn’t want a large clunky device. Plus, with the rise of mobile POS solutions, they almost all had remote access, which was important to us but was lacking with mainstream POS systems.”


 As previously mentioned, while David was looking for other fixed POS solutions, he investigated about other alternatives like Square and GoPayment, but after close examination of pros and cons David decided for SalesVu because of its extraordinary and accessible technical support. Here is what he said to us:

 “1. We needed to be able to have fractional units without rounding. For instance, we charge $0.45 per ounce of frozen yogurt and a customer may order 8.8 ounces. Other systems would have forced us to round it to 8 ounces (can’t overcharge customers and round to 9 ounces).
2. We had some initial questions and the tech support team with SalesVu was incredibly prompt and helpful. This gave us a lot of confidence in going with SalesVu as a solution.
3. We were initially turned off with SalesVu because there was a more formal merchant application. However, I’ve started numerous businesses and can tell you that real merchant applications are 10x more complex and usually involve a contract and additional fees. Going through a real merchant application early on meant no disruptions later when volume picked up. So it was actually a good thing.”

David opted to start his YogoFresh establishment with the SalesVu iPad POS from the very beginning .Since YogoFresh is a very simple business, they appreciate the simplicity that the SalesVu iPad POS had to offer.

“I love being able to run reports remotely. This paired with our remote viewing camera systems gives me a great sense of being at the store. Products are incredibly easy to set up and employees understand how to enter orders almost immediately. We also go through the process of setting up each employee with their own access which is a great way to track hours. I’ve even been able to edit hours remotely when an employee forgot to clock in or out. The sales reports are helpful too and are easy to run and filter. It is great having settings in the cloud so that I can implement changes without having to physically go to the store.”


David affirms that the main thing that SalesVu has done for his business is to keep it simple and understandable. He said:

“The main benefit to me is the simplicity of being able to take credit cards and view reports. These are things that SalesVu does so well that it is easy to take for granted. The system is reliable and employees quickly understand how to use the system. “

For more information about the tasty options YogoFresh has to offer, make sure to check out their website at and their Facebook page clicking the link bellow.

Posted in Restaurants and Bars, Retail | Tagged , , ,

With SalesVu iPad POS System Al Capone’s Dinner & Show can consolidate all their business departments under one system



Our friends in Orlando, Florida bring back the prohibition and gangster fashion to today’s entertainment. Offering a wide variety of foods, beverage, and transporting customers to another time in history, Al Capones is part of the SalesVu experience and by using the iPad POS all their services are aligned under one system platform.

Al Capones show starts with a turn-of-the-century ice cream parlor where your party will knock three times, say a secret password and enter Gangland Chicago 1931… Get ready for some action during our good ol’ gangster shoot out!.

According to business owner John Kucik, the dinner theater puts a lot of effort into their show, décor, and food. Definitely, it is a mandatory stop for the many tourists that travel to the Disney and Universal Studios city.

We talked to the business partner of Brian Costello for more details about their experience with SalesVu Ipad POS System. We asked them why  they needed a mobile or iPad POS system and they responded:

 “We needed something that worked with equipment we already owned. We chose SalesVu because of the feature set and no upfront equipment cost or built in monthly fees”

They told us that they used to work with traditional cash registers and that they considered Square Register and Shopify POS as alternate mobile POS Systems. The thing that Brian likes the most from SalesVu is that:

“Features that can be used in different departments such as invoices for phone orders tickets and liquid measurements for tracking alcohol inventory in the bar. It has helped us consolidate different departments to work under one system, from the box office to the bar and kitchen. Everyone works on the same system”

Compared to other standalone POS Systems, SalesVu have saved Al Capone Dinner Show several thousand dollars. Currently they don’t use the E-commerce feature, but they used the email invoice feature, which is presented very conveniently and easily for SalesVu Ipad POS solutions

If you are interested in knowing more about Al Capone’s Dinner and Show click on any of the links below or visit their website at


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