
Mobile Payment SquareUp: SalesVu Beats Square at Solid Personal Training

Hi, I’m Austin Barbisch, I’ve been a trainer here in Austin since 1996. One of the big problems with this business is it’s basically cash and check. That’s all I’ve been able to do. I haven’t been able to take any credit cards. So I decided for me to kind of update my business and open up my options for payments, so I decided to and I got online and I started looking at the apps for the iphone and found SalesVu’s iPhone and iPad POS app. I checked Square and some of the other options and I just ended up going with SalesVu because the rates were lower. I’ve got two different businesses, I’m also a massage therapist. I’m actually able to split up my business and show two different ways to split up my payment. So for tax reasons when I need to go in later on a find out where did my money come in, I’m able to tell where my money, what I made. I love the credit card swipe option. It’s awesome. I’m able to take payment right off the clients credit card. Give it t me, swipe and it’s done. Goes right in. It automatically emails them a receipt so they have receipts for their tax transactions. Another thing I really like about the software is that this actually tracks when I give a discount. I’ve been doing paper coupons, and advertisements in the paper. Sometimes you know a coupon works, sometimes it doesn’t. This way I know. This is absolute verification if my marketing tactics are working to make my business grow. It’s real easy to check on here. I can get on SalesVu. Right here, here’s the icon on the phone. I can go over to my businesses, All my clients are on this phone by the way. If I want to start an order, start an order right here. Go right here. Complete log of all the people I have, all my clients. It’s very secure. It’s in a cloud. I put this information on my phone, it goes up to the cloud, I can get to it at any time. I can get to this information on my laptop and my iphone. Completely syncing. You make a change in one end and it syncs to the other. I love that, it’s awesome. I was really impressed by the client tracking. You’re actually able to tell, what client actually bought, how many sessions they bought, if they used a coupon, if I used a discount rate. You’re able to put a discount rate into this phone. It’s bullet proof.

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