
Get an Early Start on Easter This Year!

Happy March, SalesVu nation! You know what this meansEaster is coming! Don’t wait until the last minute to make this year’s celebration extra special. SalesVu wants to hear your plans and ideas for the day; we’ll even share the best ones!

Coloring eggs, visits with the Easter bunny, egg hunts, family gatherings, whatever it is you’re doing, we know the weekend will be busy! Well, we have a tip to spice things up and take a little bit off your plate: Ali’s Sweet Treats (AST). Ali’s is offering hand-decorated cookies, cake, cupcakes, cake pops and gift baskets for Easter. Based out of Miami, AST can ship your custom order anywhere in the U.S. with a two week lead minimum (three ideally), though rush orders can be made.

Visit Ali’s website to look through an assortment of Easter options, place your order and be one step ahead of everyone else this Easter!

“There’s nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate.”
-Linda Grayson


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