
How to Hire the Right Employees


Whether you have just launched a new startup or are looking for new employees for your budding small business, it is crucial to hire the right people to ensure that they can help contribute to your business success. In order to accomplish this, consider the following factors when hiring potential candidates for employment.

Education and Work History

Making sure that candidates are qualified for the open position is the first part of the hiring process. This can be done by thoroughly checking their resume for their education, work history, and credentials. However, considering the candidate’s background is only half the battle when determining if they can handle any future tasks.

Quickly Adaptable

In today’s world of constantly changing technology, regulations, and software, you will need employees who can keep up with the changes and won’t require extensive training from the start. Hiring multi-talented people can also ensure that they are more likely to fit into management positions later and can easily adapt to changes within the workplace or industry.

One sign that you have a great learner on your hands is to see how the candidate handles the interview. If they continue to cut you off or get the glazed over look in their eyes when you are speaking, then they are most likely not a good listener – or learner.

Highly Productive and Enthusiastic

Did the candidate wear multiple hats at their last position? Can you envision them being enthusiastic about their job and adding to your productivity?

When hiring someone to the team, they should be enthusiastic about helping the business grow. Make sure that you have an enthusiastic candidate on your hands, preferably one who seems very interested in the position and has already spent time researching your company and gathering questions.

Corporate Culture

Do you run a professional office or do you offer a more laid-back workplace approach? You will want to find employee who fits your corporate culture, so they can more easily fit in with other staff members and can represent your business well.

Clearly Define the Position

Before you begin the hiring process, make sure you know exactly what you are looking for so that you can be transparent about the job. If your potential candidates don’t know what you want, they will never be able to live up to your expectations. The salary, benefits, and role responsibilities should be clearly defined and discussed during the interview.

Along with finding the right employee, keep in mind that they are also looking for the right employer. Make sure to highlight all of the benefits associated with working for your company, along with the salary.

Don’t Settle

Finding the right employee – who can succeed and enhance your work culture – will end up saving you time and money in the end and can help your business reach the next step. On the other hand, bad hires can be extremely costly, resulting in wasted funds, wasted training, and wasted time spent searching for employees. Take your time searching for the right employee and make sure they’re someone you can work with for the long-run.


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How SalesVu iPad POS System Can Make a Difference for Your Business


Mobile POS systems are exactly that – mobile. That means your business goes where you go. You can manage your employees, track inventory, and even make sales on the go. This also allows you to easily monitor your business, even while you are away. It offers a complete point of sale right at your fingertips.

What Can They Do?

Mobile POS systems can easily accomplish the following services from unlimited terminals, like any iPad or Android device:

  • Automatically syncs information between all devices through the cloud
  • View sales reports quickly by product, employee, business location, and more
  • Quick setup of products with sizes, colors, and other options
  • Easily add products to orders with barcode scanning
  • Integrated online ordering
  • Mobile inventory management
  • Secure payment processing
  • Manage finances and recurring billing
  • Provide receipts through print or e-mail
  • Automated discounts

Your Employees Will Love It

Most people are attached to their smartphones and mobile tablets nowadays anyways, so your employees will be able to learn the mobile POS system more easily and quickly than they would a cash register. In fact, a POS system will even allow them to instantly split checks, add gratuity to the check, apply discounts, easily process refunds and exchanges, and more that they couldn’t normally do with a traditional cash register.

A POS system helps to automatically organize everything quickly, so your employees can focus more on the customer experience. Your employees will also have access to all business information, including product descriptions, menu items, and prices – all from the mobile device, so they can easily pull up the required information on a moment’s notice.

Say Goodbye to Long Checkout Lines

With mobile POS software, your employees can also take the checkout counter with them, so they can easily interact with customers, and even ring up their sales, anywhere in or out of the store. They can walk around the store, answer customer questions on the spot, and ring them up immediately, so your customers never even need to visit a register. Human error is natural, but with a POS system, human error is reduced or eliminated, ensuring more efficient records, inventory, reporting, payments, and business transactions.

Most importantly, having an iPad or Android POS solution will allow you to ditch your clunky, fickle cash register once and for all. Studies have also shown that customers are usually most frustrated by long checkout lines. With a POS system, you can say goodbye to long lines and wait times. Not only will your customers have a better experience, but you will also enjoy faster customer turnover and higher profits.

How to Get Started

Our iPad POS and Android POS systems are free to use and can be fully integrated with the other SalesVu solutions to better organize and streamline your system. Mobile POS systems are easy to use and easy to set up, so you and your employees can begin using it in no time.

Mobile POS is expected to grow 95% in 2014 alone, so find out why companies in all different industries are taking advantage of it!

Contact us for more information on the benefits of a mobile POS system or to get started today.

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How to Prepare Your Storefront for Fall


Most people love the colder weather, shopping, hot drinks, and cozy feelings of fall. You can give your customers and employees those same feelings every time they enter – or walk by – your store. So get in the holiday spirit by decorating your office for the holiday season and preparing your storefront in the following ways:


  • Play up the seasons: Everyone wants to enjoy the winter season and holiday tidings in the air. Don’t be a scrooge. Play with the season and make sure it’s reflected on your storefront, so customers are greeted with season’s cheers before they even enter your store.
  • Remain neutral: Try not to focus on one particular religious holiday so that you don’t potentially offend customers or employees. Sticking to neutral color schemes and fall/winter decorations (like fall leaves, winter bark, and anything gold or silver) can give the festive holiday spirit without pushing a particular holiday.
  • Add a sales banner: Whether you are running a sale, promotion, or new loyalty program, make sure your storefront clearly displays it. You may also consider marketing automation services to automatically generate email and social media marketing campaigns.
  • Display your top products: Make sure your bestselling items are displayed in the storefront. Whether it is a product you think will sell well, a popular item that every child has on their holiday wishlist, or new sales items you think will sell well, clearly displaying your bestsellers can quickly increase sales and attract potential customers who are passing by. You can use your POS system to determine what customers like best and what their shopping patterns look like.
  • Decorate, decorate, decorate: While you want to get in the spirit, make sure to keep things professional, tactful, and clean. Going overboard with the glitter, tinsel, and blinking holiday lights can look tacky. Pick a theme and try playing on your business logo, colors, or design style. For instance, if you have a modern blue and white logo or color scheme, try using a modern blue and white decorating scheme to decorate your place.
  • Keep your space clean: Your business can quickly become a mess during the holiday season, if you don’t have a plan of attack in place. Your customers will want to get their shopping done quickly, so your retail space may have more items opened, out of place, or even on the floor. Make sure that your employees realize more cleaning will be required during this busier time of year. Make a schedule so that employees know when they need to clean next during their shifts.
  • Include your E-Commerce site: Remember that along with decorating your physical storefront, it is important to also decorate your E-Commerce storefront so that your customers enjoy that jovial feeling, even from their home computer.

To find out how our software can help prepare your store for fall and the upcoming holiday shopping season, contact any of the SalesVu Social media bellow.


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Ease Your Inventory Management Pains with SalesVu iPad POS System

Tracking inventory and managing your supply chain may not be exciting to you, but you know it’s a vital part of running your business. And that’s why it’s exciting to us. We live for making businesses thrive. We’ve taken the Inventory and Supply Chain Module our clients rave about and made it more comprehensive.

Our Inventory and Supply Chain Management Module allows you to keep track of inventory levels and notifies you when products drop below their custom threshold. Products will automatically be deducted from your inventory based on any type of sale, whether it be in-store or on your website. The module also accounts for orders made through recurring billing or invoicing. Allocate product status as available, preparing to ship or awaiting customer pickup. Create PO’s to automatically send to vendors when product thresholds are reached. Run detailed reports of your profit margins and COGS. Maybe you have multiple stores (or are hoping to). This module allows you to transfer inventory between locations and track transfer history for your records.

This module integrates with our ECommerce solution and barcode and SKU systems to further simplify inventory management.

Interested in SalesVu’s Inventory Tracking for your business?
Sign up for a free 15 Day Trial
(no credit card required)

“It’s completely worth it to have amazing functionality like the reporting and inventory — a lot of great tools that make our job a lot easier. We love that we receive alerts when a product has dropped below a certain amount. We don’t have to guess, go to the shop, ask our employees; we know right away.” – Colleen McConeghy, Yo’Cheese. Read the Yo’Cheese Story>>

For more information, contact a SalesVu representative at [email protected] or call 888-900-5819


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Tuesday Tip: Manage Open Tabs in SalesVu iPad POS System

Check out this video tutorial on using one of our POS system‘s most popular features: open tabs.


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How-to Tuesday: Delete a Product from an Order on SalesVu’s iPad POS System

For your Tuesday tip, we’re making sure you remember the new way to delete a product from an order in SalesVu’s POS system! Watch below:

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SalesVu iPad POS System Tip of the Day: Using the Component Feature

Wondering what the purposes of the components feature are? Look no further. The component feature of SalesVu’s POS system is a very powerful tool for tracking your inventory and maximizing it’s effecieny.

The first use: is when you need to track inventory, ‘Chocolate,’ ‘Eggs,’ ‘Flour,’ and ‘Oil’ as products. Since we do not sell these products to customers as standalone products when creating them we would change the field ‘Type’ to ‘Component’. This denotes that it is only sold as a part of another product. A single product such as ‘Chocolate Cake’ can have several components (or ingredients) that make up that product for inventory tracking purposes. For example the components of a product ‘Chocolate Cake’ might be, ‘Chocolate,’ ‘Eggs,’ ‘Flour,’ and ‘Oil’.

To complete the product setup for the example above you would need to do the following:

  1. 1. Login to
  2. 2. Click the ‘Products’ tab or icon
  3. 3. Click ‘Add Product’
    1. a. In the name field enter, ‘Chocolate’
    2. b. A description can be added (optional)
    3. c. Click ‘Select Category’
    4. d. Choose a category by clicking one or create one by entering one at the top and clicking ‘Add’
    5. e. Click ‘Save’
    6. f. Change the field ‘Type’ to ‘Component’
    7. g. Click the check next to ‘Track this component in inventory using the following unit’
    8. h. The default unit is ‘Item,’ which is good for retail, etc. but will likely be changed in situations like this example. Click ‘Select Unit’ and choose the unit that you want to track ‘Chocolate’ in. In this example I will choose ‘kg’ for kilogram. (note: if you need to create a unit of measurement that is not there please see ‘Settings->Unit Conversion’ or the support article here-
    9. i. Once a unit is selected click ‘Save’
    10. j. Click ‘Finish’
  4. 4. Repeat steps, 3a – 3j above for each component of your product in this case you would repeat for ‘Eggs,’ ‘Flour,’ and ‘Oil’.
  5. 5. Next we’ll create the ‘Chocolate Cake’ product. On the products page, click ‘Add Product’
  6. 6. In the name field type ‘Chocolate Cake’
  7. 7. Next to the ‘Type’ field you will leave this as ‘Product’ for ‘Chocolate Cake’ since you will actually be selling this product
  8. 8. Do not click the box next to ‘Remove the following number of units from inventory every time this item is sold’ unless you plan to track how much cake you have in inventory as well as the ingredients.
  1. 9. Fill out remaining fields with necessary information
  2. 10. Click ‘Add Modifiers’
  3. 11. On the next page, click ‘Add Components’
    1. a. Click ‘Select Product’
    2. b. Choose the first product, ‘Chocolate’ and click ‘Next’
    3. c. Choose the unit that you want to use to have as a part of this product (the inventory will be tracked in the unit that the ‘chocolate’ component product was setup with and will convert automatically) and click ‘Next’
    4. d. Enter a quantity. When we set the inventory up for the ‘Chocolate’ component product we choose to track in kilograms (kg). If each ‘Chocolate Cake’ product uses .10 kg of ‘Chocolate’ per cake you would enter .10 and click ‘Next’
  4. 12. Repeat steps, 11a – 11d for each component of your product. In this example you would repeat for ‘Eggs,’ ‘Flour,’ and ‘Oil’.
  5. 13. Click ‘Save’
  6. 14. You now have created the product ‘Chocolate Cake’. Each time that it is sold the component products, ‘Chocolate,’ ‘Eggs,’ ‘Flour,’ and ‘Oil’ will be removed from inventory

The second practical use for components:

Components can be considered as ingredients in the example above, but they can also be used when you sell products in various quantities and only want to track one product in inventory. For example if you have a wine tasting room or wine bar where you sell by the glass, bottle, or case, but you only want to track your inventory in terms of bottles you can use the components feature.

For example if you sell a product called, ‘House Red – Glass,’ ‘House Red – Bottle,’ and ‘House Red – Case’, but you only want to track it in inventory by the bottle you would do the following,

  1. 1. Login to
  2. 2. Click the ‘Products’ tab or icon
  3. 3. For the product that you do want to track directly in inventory click, ‘Add Product’
    1. a. In the name field enter, ‘House Red – Bottle’
    2. b. A description can be added (optional)
    3. c. Click ‘Select Category’
    4. d. Choose a category by clicking one or create one by entering one at the top and clicking ‘Add’
    5. e. Click ‘Save’
    6. f. Since we are selling all of these products directly to the customer the ‘Type’ for all these will be ‘Product’
  1. 4. Click the check box next to the field ‘Remove the following number of units from inventory every time this item is sold’ for this product since this is the product unit that we want to track.
  2. 5. The ‘Unit’ can be left as ‘Item’ or you can create a unit named ‘Bottle’ in the ‘Settings->Unit Conversion’ menu
  3. 6. Once a unit is selected click, ‘Save’
  1. 7. Repeats steps 3a – 3j for each product that you do not want to track directly in inventory
  2. 8. For the products that will not be tracking directly, click ‘Add Product’
    1. a. In the name field enter, ‘House Red – Glass’
    2. b. A description can be added (optional)
    3. c. Click ‘Select Category’
    4. d. Choose a category by clicking one or create one by entering one at the top and clicking ‘Add’
    5. e. Click ‘Save’
    6. f. Since we are selling all of these products directly to the customer the ‘Type’ for all these will be ‘Product’
    7. g. Do not click the check box next to the field ‘Remove the following number of units from inventory every time this item is sold’ for the product(s) that you do not want to track in inventory (in this example it would be the ‘House Red – Glass’ and ‘House Red – Case’ since we want to track by bottles)
    8. h. The ‘Unit’ can be left as ‘Item’ or you can create a unit called bottle in the ‘Settings->Unit Conversion’ menu
    9. i. Once a unit is selected click ‘Add Modifiers’
    10. j. Click ‘Add Components’
    11. k. Click ‘Select Product’
    12. l. Choose the product created earlier, ‘House Red – Bottle’ and click ‘Next’
    13. m. Choose the unit that you want to use to have as a part of this product (the inventory will be tracked in the unit that the ‘House Red – Bottle’ component product was setup with and will convert automatically) and click ‘Next’
    14. n. Enter a quantity and click ‘Next’. When we set the inventory up for the ‘House Red – Bottle’ product we choose to track it as an ‘Item’ or ‘Bottle’. In this example we will say that each glass of red wine is 1⁄4 of a bottle we would enter 0.25 or for a case if there were 12 bottles in a case we would enter 12
    15. o. Click ‘Save’
    16. p. Repeat steps 8a – 8o for each product that applies (in this example you would repeat with the case product’.

You have now created 3 products (glass, bottle, case of wine) that pull inventory from 1 product (bottle of wine).

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