
Learn How to Upsell Successfully with SalesVu ECommerce Website



Upselling is an important part of any business. By recommending the right additional products to customers, your business can enjoy increased sales, increased revenues, and more satisfied customers. However, becoming too pushy or using the wrong sales tactics can turn customers away. That’s why we’ve provided some tips to help you upsell more successfully.

Thoroughly Train Your Employees

It is important to make appropriate suggestions based on what your customer has purchased, ordered, or is interested in. Your employees or servers should be well versed on the products in inventory so that they can better explain them to customers and find the appropriate complementary items or accessories.

Provide Useful Suggestions

If possible, suggest more than one item. Giving customers a choice makes them feel more in control and will make them more likely to purchase one of the complementary items. If there are items that are generally purchased together, then consider creating a package deal or have your employees recommend the bestselling duo whenever a customer purchases one of the items. For instance, if they are purchasing electronics, your employees can recommend batteries, cases, or other accessories to complement their new electronics.

Make Yourself Known

Greet your customers as they walk in the door, get to know them, find out why they came, and make yourself readily available in case they have questions. If possible, engage in conversation regarding what they are purchasing, without following them around the store.

Read Your Customer

Not every customer wants to buy more than what they came in for. Pushing a sale on a customer who is unlikely to buy anything will only scare them away from your business altogether. Learn to read your customers, so that you can tailor your approach to better suit their needs.

Be Prepared

Many people feel nervous about upselling or suggesting items to customers. Provide your employees with a suggestion on how to approach customers. Some businesses even script out a compelling sales pitch, which employees can use and change as they please.

Leave Goodies By the Register

There is a reason that stores put irresistible sweets and affordable finds near the register. While people are spending time in line or at the register, give them something to be tempted by. Your employees can easily mention the small goodies to customers. You can also offer incentives, such as discounts when a customer hits a certain price point. This will make them more likely to increase their order or buy the little items by the register.

Invest in a POS System

A POS system can take all of the guesswork out of upselling. It will recommend the right products to suggest based on the customer’s purchases. This will make employees feel more confident selling those items. With a POS system, your employees can also pull up all items in inventory (and information relating to those items), so that they can quickly answer any questions about the products. Contact SalesVu to begin benefitting from a POS system and upselling more.

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Why You Should Make the Switch to SalesVu iPad POS System now

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If you’ve considered making the switch to POS, it may be one of the most impactful things you can do for your small business. The easy-to-use software can help you seamlessly run your business from anywhere, anytime. Whether you have one small boutique or a number of large retail stores around the country, a POS system can be customized to fit your needs. The system can pay for itself in no time with increased revenues, a larger client base, and more time to spend with your customers.

Quick Checkout Process

Instead of having to wait in line for an open register, your customers can check out from anywhere in the store with mobile POS technology. This is a fast, highly convenient option for both your customer and employees, and can lead to more on-the-spot sales. It will also reduce the chances of a customer walking out because they don’t want to wait in line to pay for their purchase.

Answer Questions On the Spot

Imagine having all the information on products and items in inventory at your fingertips. With mobile POS, you can answer any questions customers may have about your products and services. This can help employees engage more meaningfully with customers, creating more customer loyalty, customer retention, and even employee retention.

Effortlessly Upsell

With a POS system, your employees will know exactly which products will work well with what your customers are already interested in. This can take the guesswork out of upselling and will give your employees more confidence when they are selling a product.

Send Orders to the Right Place

When it comes to a restaurant, bar, café, or fine dining establishment, things can quickly get out of control if the front and back of the house are not in sync. With a POS system, each order can go to the correct area. Employees can easily open multiple tabs, split checks, accept payment, and more – all from an iPad or mobile device. This can save a huge amount of time, help your business run more efficiently, and provide your employees with the tools they need to succeed.

Gain Complete Insight into Your Business

With a POS system, you can gain complete insight into your business, inventory, and customer purchase patterns. It can also help with things like table management, inventory management, employee management, customer tracking, marketing automation, accounting, and more. This can help you make better business decisions, replenish inventory before it’s too late, and anticipate your customers’ needs.
Join the New Age

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Many small businesses are now enjoying the overwhelming benefits of POS technology. Offering your customers these same options can provide them with the quick, convenient shopping experience they want and expect. Dated machinery and practices can slow down your business and show customers that you are not keeping up with your competitors’ technology. So contact SalesVu to find out how you can start taking advantage of affordable POS software today.

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How to Create Successful Holiday Promotions with SalesVu iPad POS System and Marketing Automation



The holidays are right around the corner, so it’s time to start thinking about how you’re going to prepare your business for the busy shopping season. Your customers want to feel cheery during the holiday season and, fortunately, you don’t have to spend much to decorate your business and get in the holiday spirit.

DIY Decorations

Go for subtle, but expressive, decorations that add a modern, classy flare to your storefront. Stick to traditional holiday color palettes, like red and green, blue and white, or silver and gold. Encourage employees to decorate their areas, while being aware of others’ space and religious sensitivities. Consider a team decorating event or contest, so your employees can feel more pride in where they work and what they’ve done to ring in the holidays.

Get Your Customers Involved

Some of the most successful holiday promotions and branding efforts involve some form of customer interaction. Whether your customers get to leave their name on a snowflake after a donation, can make suggestions for holiday décor on your social media, or can win freebies and goodies with their holiday purchases, find a way to get your customers involved.

Create Gift Sets

If you are trying to sell more items from inventory, consider creating gift sets. This can include something like a customer favorite with a less popular item to entice customers to try new things, while turning over inventory much more quickly. Make sure to also offer special deals, free shipping, or other ways of enticing your customers to shop at your business more both during and after the holidays.

Replenish Your Inventory

The last thing you want is to run out of inventory during the holidays. When your customers want to purchase a gift, if your business is out of stock, they will just go elsewhere. This is a busy time of year and the last thing your customers want is to have to come back twice for the same thing. Get control of your inventory with our inventory management tools so you know what your customers love most and never have to worry about running out again.

Update Your Packaging

Try updating your packaging to include winter scenes and non-religious holiday elements, such as snowflakes and snowmen. This can make your product instantly themed or limited edition, and more appealing to customers who want to get in the holiday spirit.

Establish Your Online Presence

Make sure your customers know where to find you online, so you can inform them of holiday promotions quickly and effectively. Consider updating your website or e-commerce site to feature holiday-related designs or content to bring holiday cheer to every aspect of your business.

Get On Board With Loyalty Programs and Gift Cards

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to start offering loyalty reward programs and gift cards. Read more about the benefits of a gift card management system and how you can benefit from a loyalty program to see why you need to get on board before the holidays. Contact us for more advice and to get started on a successful holiday promotion today!


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Everything You Need to Know about Inventory Management Systems of SalesVu iPad POS System

Keeping good records can be very confusing. When you’re tracking sales, inventory, or payments manually, you need to worry about basic human errors, wasted time, and misplaced records. Inventory management software can take care of all the work for you with automatic inventory tracking based on manual, POS, and/or e-commerce sales.

Easy to Use, Intuitive, Accurate

Inventory management software is easy to use, easy to implement, and easy to succeed with. You can quickly add products to the inventory using bulk import, barcode scanner, or by printing labels. You can make the software work for you by sorting inventory by items, categories, departments, and more.

Increase Productivity

By not having to track, manage, and verify inventory manually, you can save time, frustration, and effort. Instead of having to manually track sales and inventory changes, the system will automatically update inventory counts when sales are made for more accurate, effortless reporting.

The software will help increase productivity, efficiency, and accuracy in reporting. It can also make inventory ordering much easier, more efficient, and more cost-effective. It can even help you transfer inventory from one store to another and email your vendors and suppliers when specific inventory is getting low to save you more time.


Anticipate Your Customers’ Needs

With automatic inventory tracking, you can determine what your customers love the most, so you can keep your restaurant, bar, or business stocked at all times. You can even set re-order alerts so you never have to run out of an item again. This will also help your business avoid buying too much product and having wasted inventory.

Detect Discrepancies

With inventory management software, you can realize at a moment’s glance what is entering your business, what is leaving it, and how much money you are making or losing. If there is a difference between actual and reported inventory, it will be instantly noticeable. So you can get to the root of the problem right away.

Automated Reporting

With intuitive inventory management software, you can receive automatic reporting on the profit margin, total cost of inventory, cost of goods sold over time, customer purchase patterns, and more. These important figures can help your business determine what your most profitable products and services are, what isn’t selling, and what has gone missing. This can help you more easily make informed business decisions going forward.

POS Systems With Inventory Management Capabilities

With the holiday season just around the corner, it is especially important to pursue effective inventory management to ensure you are fully stocked when shoppers are looking to make all their favorite purchases. The easiest way to take advantage of an effective inventory management system is through your POS system. Contact SalesVu to find out other ways an inventory management and all-in-one POS system can benefit your business.

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Top Benefits of the Gift Card Management feature of SalesVu iPad POS System


Gift cards are a quick, convenient gift for your customers to give to someone they love. They are also a quick sale for your business and can increase revenue at any time of year, especially around the holidays. Whether your business currently offers gift cards or would like more information on how you can add them to your store, we can help. With a gift card management plan, you can leave all the work to a reliable software solution, reducing any administrative tasks and risk for human error. There are also benefits to both your business and the customer, so everyone wins.

Your Customers Have a Better Experience

With a gift card management program, your customers can view their gift card information and balance online. They can also conveniently activate their gift card online so that they can begin shopping at your new store in no time.

Spread Your Brand Reach

With gift cards, your customers are giving their friends and family money to your store. That means you instantly gain new customers and upfront cash every time one of your gift cards is handed out.

Your business will also benefit both when a customer uses the gift card, as well as when they don’t. Studies have shown that more than ¾ of all gift card users spend significantly more than the value of the gift card when they shop. This is because they are able to get more while spending less thanks to the gift card. If they do not use the gift card during their first visit, they will have an added incentive to visit again soon.

Free Advertising

Take advantage of customizable gift cards to spread your brand reach even more. By adding your brand logo, name, or imagery to the gift card, it can make your brand more recognizable and increase your sales further. Once a new customer receives your branded gift card, they will continue to see your branding every time they open their wallet.

Simplify Your Business Operations

By leaving the operations to our system, you can ensure that the transaction report adds up and can begin to track trends and make important business decisions. The extensive reporting capabilities will allow you to track sales and outstanding balances, so you have a better idea of the big picture of your business.

With this simple, intuitive system, your business can issue and accept gift cards easily. The gift card sales will be properly tracked in your reporting, so you can reduce errors, easily reconcile transactions, and gain a deeper insight into your business operations.

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