
SalesVu iPad POS Sytem, a perfect match for Sweety Pies Bakery


Sweety Pies Bakery is a small family owned and operated business in Downtown Skokie in Illinois. They have been open for 7 years and were featured on Chicago’s Best for their  pies. They also do custom cakes for any type of event, including, weddings, sculptural, tiered, and special occasion/birthday cakes. If you can dream it, Sweety Pies Bakery can make it come to life. Business owner Jason Davidson talked to us about their need for a accessible and reliable POS system and how they found a perfect match with SalesVu iPad POS.

“We love what we do and we hope to share our special family recipes with everyone!. SalesVu has definitely allowed us to take orders and process payments from any area of our bakery. We needed something similar to what would be useful for our farmer’s markets ,where people don’t always have cash. We also needed better tracking of what was and wasn’t selling on our menu to adjust our offerings. SalesVu has provided us a compelling iPad POS system

Jason’s previous experiences with competitors like the old-fashion Casio register were not up to the standards and quality of Sweety Pie Bakery, so they moved away from the past with SalesVu iPad POS. Jason told us:

“The credit card rate was better than Square and the software was easier to set-up and FREE!. None of the other competitors like Square, PayPal or Quickbooks could match SalesVu iPad POS.

Sweety Pies favorite feature is sales reporting and the tracking of average ticket sales. They try to take advantage of as many features as they can from the SalesVu POS and managing system and they feel that the results they are getting are very positive.

“The ability to properly manage employee hours, and the inventory management are also important to us. We are currently working on setting up to better facilitate just-in-time inventory. This has helped me to manage all those aspects of my business from anywhere including home which is a huge plus.

For them, the initial cost of the iPads, printers, and cash drawer were a reasonable expense , but the overall savings with credit card processing saved them thousands. The credit card processing rates are very comprehensive and fair.

 “It has helped me to be more productive and spend less time number crunching and more time focusing on what’s next for our business to help us to continue to grow. It has been a great analytic tool for me so I can quantify my projections based on actual statistics and find those much easier now.”

If you are interested in knowing more about Sweety Pies Bakery, be sure to follow them on their social media links by clicking the images below or go to their website at


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Kettle Heroes have popped up their business with the easy-to-use SalesVu iPad POS System


Kettle Heroes have tasted the SalesVu iPad POS System and have popped up their business!. This company is a family-owned business located in Arizona that was launched into the market in 2013 by two brothers who were looking to make a difference in the world. They strive to offer customers from all ages the best popcorn, kettle corn and lemonade in the Southwest! They use only top-of-the-line, all-natural ingredients in their recipes.

We had the privilege to talk to one of the business owner Rudi Sinykin who runs day-to-day operations at Kettle Heroes. We asked him why Kettle Heroes needed a mobile iPad POS solution and they responded with a great story to share.

“We operate Food Trucks in the Arizona area and we needed a really easy POS system that could really be incorporated in a mobile platform facility like a food truck. SalesVu gave us a practical, affordable and easy-to understand platform that could easily be used with an iPad or Android. During our research for new POS solutions we investigated other competitors, but SalesVu really offered the best transaction fees for the credit card operations and it is able to work in multiple platforms like iOS and Android.”

Previously, Rudi told us that they owned a restaurant in which they used the traditional point of sale system, with cash registers.

” The cost of this machines was 2000$ or 3000$ and they broke down all the time. SalesVu offered us the possibility of using and iPad to manage the transactions and if something happens to it, well, it is affordable and easy to replace”

Rudi also told us that he has not yet used the majority of the SalesVu features, but that what he uses works fine all the time; nevertheless, they recommend to have good Internet Connection when using the SalesVu iPad POS to secure all the transactions.

“My favorite feature is the Sales Report. This one allows me to see the sales results at the end of the day and divides it in categories. It is really simple and easy to bring any transaction in the day by just clicking on it. SalesVu iPad POS operations go really fast which is excellent for our business requirements of almost 90 transactions per hour

The business has a positive motto that leads their day-to-day operations by following what they call, the Kettle Heroes’ creed: “BE HUMBLE. BE HONEST. BE A HERO”. Moreover, Rudi donates 20% of their earnings to several foundations like Pat Tillmans Foundation and since August 2013, we have donated over $17,000 to support local groups and causes such as Anasazi Elementary School and Making Strides Against Cancer.

Kettle Heroes Truck & Trailer

If you want to know more about Kettle Heroes, be sure to check out their website at and follow their Facebook account by clicking the image bellow.

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Tropical Sno share their sweet experience with SalesVu iPad POS System : “A complete and reachable business management solution”


Tropical Sno is a shaved iced local in Western Spring Illinois that is dedicated to create an oasis of shave ice euphoria. They do this by selling the highest quality and best tasting shave ice in the world. It serves more than 50 flavors to eager customers who constantly experiment with the wide variety of flavors and create their own ice indulgences.

We talked to the business owner Nicholas Cozzi who used in his first store the traditional registers, but noticed they were not really useful business-wise to his store. “All they did was round all the money earned in a day and nothing else” Nicholas realized he needed something more useful and a regular POS. He needed a complete and reachable business management tool, one that could offer him a wide range of business tools

He used Square in the past, but found that its features were insufficient for the market understanding and developing of Tropical Sno.

SalesVu offered me the Gift Card Feature and I loved it!. This was crucial for my decision towards SalesVu business management solution. It is a complete system that understands the requirements and needs of my stores, hence of my clients. The Gift Cards were a huge success for my store, and a way to keep the sales organized. Customers loved it and used it a lot. This feature implied a great success for me and Tropical Sno”

He also told us that other favorite feature he has is the employees and inventory management tools that SalesVu includes.

“They are both very effective and convenient. As the owner of two stores, I need to be constantly updated about the things that happen with the payments of the employees and their hours of work. I also need to know if the cups or spoon supplies are running low in the store and SalesVu emails me with all this relevant information and allows me to manage my business effectively everywhere I go”.

Moreover, Nicholas explained that he felt that SalesVu Customer Service phone number is an extremely important tool of the system.

“The fact that I can call them directly instead of just having an email address makes it a very nice and reachable business solution. It is better to have a direct contact with a customer service representative in case some questions or concerns arise”

If you want to know more about Tropical Sno at Western Spring Illinois be sure to visit their Facebook page be clicking the icon below.

Posted in Restaurants and Bars, Retail | Tagged , , , , ,

SalesVu iPad POS System offers a simple display that is reliable for small businesses like YogoFresh



YogoFresh is a family run business run by David Giacomini and his father. The establishment offers a variety of self-serve frozen yogurt flavors and fun toppings for clients of all ages. They have been using the SalesVu iPad POS System because of the incredibly prompt and helpful technical support we offered them, and because the simple display SalesVu iPad POS presents.

We asked David Giacomini why did he need a fixed POS system and he responded confidentely that:

 “We had very little space to work with and wanted a more trendy POS system as the aesthetics of our store is very important. The POS is in prime view of customers so we didn’t want a large clunky device. Plus, with the rise of mobile POS solutions, they almost all had remote access, which was important to us but was lacking with mainstream POS systems.”


 As previously mentioned, while David was looking for other fixed POS solutions, he investigated about other alternatives like Square and GoPayment, but after close examination of pros and cons David decided for SalesVu because of its extraordinary and accessible technical support. Here is what he said to us:

 “1. We needed to be able to have fractional units without rounding. For instance, we charge $0.45 per ounce of frozen yogurt and a customer may order 8.8 ounces. Other systems would have forced us to round it to 8 ounces (can’t overcharge customers and round to 9 ounces).
2. We had some initial questions and the tech support team with SalesVu was incredibly prompt and helpful. This gave us a lot of confidence in going with SalesVu as a solution.
3. We were initially turned off with SalesVu because there was a more formal merchant application. However, I’ve started numerous businesses and can tell you that real merchant applications are 10x more complex and usually involve a contract and additional fees. Going through a real merchant application early on meant no disruptions later when volume picked up. So it was actually a good thing.”

David opted to start his YogoFresh establishment with the SalesVu iPad POS from the very beginning .Since YogoFresh is a very simple business, they appreciate the simplicity that the SalesVu iPad POS had to offer.

“I love being able to run reports remotely. This paired with our remote viewing camera systems gives me a great sense of being at the store. Products are incredibly easy to set up and employees understand how to enter orders almost immediately. We also go through the process of setting up each employee with their own access which is a great way to track hours. I’ve even been able to edit hours remotely when an employee forgot to clock in or out. The sales reports are helpful too and are easy to run and filter. It is great having settings in the cloud so that I can implement changes without having to physically go to the store.”


David affirms that the main thing that SalesVu has done for his business is to keep it simple and understandable. He said:

“The main benefit to me is the simplicity of being able to take credit cards and view reports. These are things that SalesVu does so well that it is easy to take for granted. The system is reliable and employees quickly understand how to use the system. “

For more information about the tasty options YogoFresh has to offer, make sure to check out their website at and their Facebook page clicking the link bellow.

Posted in Restaurants and Bars, Retail | Tagged , , ,

SalesVu’s iPad POS System allows Treasure Coast Seltzer Works to operate entirely on delivery trucks!

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Treasure Coast Seltzer Works (TCSW) is one of only four bottling companies in the country who specialize in old-bottled seltzer. TCSW delivers their quality product directly to their customers’ door, and then collects the empty bottles that have been left out for them. This milk-man style delivery process requires a mobile POS system that can operate on a delivery truck, for which TCSW has chosen SalesVu.

We caught up with TCSW owner Ryan Pinnell as he was on the way back from a delivery route. When asked about TCSW’s experience with SalesVu, Pinnell opened right up with “We literally could not operate our business without it, hands down!”

TCSW chose SalesVu because of the ability to modify the software to work the way they needed it to. Pinnell says that running SalesVu-generated reports has saved him 85 hours per month in billing labor.

“The recency report saves me thousands of dollars just in the reporting suite,” he says, “It comes down to this: you need something for the backbone of your business. [SalesVu] is literally priceless to me now.”

Before switching to SalesVu, TCSW was using Square but found themselves greatly frustrated by technical support and lack of necessary business management tools. “You can’t talk to anyone at Square,” tells Pinnell. “[SalesVu’s] technical support team is amazing!”

Pinnell has been so pleased with the capabilities of his iPad POS, he has integrated more of SalesVu’s business management features like our easy accounting software and our ecommerce website for online sales.

“Everything is fluid. Very simple. Not a hard program to use,” he explains, “SalesVu gives you just enough of what you need without all the junk. Out of the box you have a web platform and the ecommerce website has a simple setup!”

When asked what he liked most about SalesVu, Pinnell says he enjoys the fact that he can run his whole company through SalesVu’s iPad POS. “I can pick any iPad, go anywhere in the world and see everything that’s going on in the business” he says.

“We are a visionary company and [SalesVu] has molded our business to be 100% mobile!” says Pinnell.

We thank Ryan Pinnell and TCSW for their continued loyalty, we have thoroughly enjoyed serving and growing with them over the past few years. For more information on Treasure Coast Seltzer works visit their website, or any of the social media links below.


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With an ecommerce website and online Employee Scheduling, LPV says SalesVu’s iPad POS System is an “awesome” system!

The Lilly Pad Village (LPV) is an establishment in Blue Ridge, Georgia that has been in business for nine years and caters to over 25,000 visitors annually. Owner, Geza Csuros says, “We provide gem mining, mini golf and a great fishing pond in a beautiful and serene mountain setting.”

As they began to add more inventory to their gift shop, LPV discovered that their regular cash register would no longer be able to accommodate their needs. LPV “went through about three or four merchant service companies, who offered great savings, a better service etc, but ended up costing a lot more money than was initially indicated… the annual contracts and the hidden fees always ended up costing more.”

fishing - littlle girl with catching fish

LPV also tried Square for an iPad POS but found that they lacked some of the important services that LPV required.

“We have been with SalesVu for three years now, and do not look back.” Csuros raves. “SalesVu allows us to keep accurate inventory and helps with keeping track of employee hours… Makes payroll a breeze!”

LPV appreciates the ability to have multiple terminals that are synchronized in real time – this has allowed them to reduce traffic in the main building by taking payments for activities out on the grounds. LPV has also been able to reduce employee hours because the multiple terminals allow employees to share booking responsibilities.

SalesVu’s ecommerce website widget has helped LPV sell tickets online.

LPV Ecommerce Website 2

“I love using the SalesVu shopping cart!” says Csuros. “Our sales are automatically added to the open orders, hence the only thing customers have to give us is their name, and their open ticket can be redeemed very easily.”

Csuros also speaks very highly of SalesVu’s customer service team.

“Response time to any questions or problems (which are not many) is great. Jarod and Thomas are always on the ball, and I usually get a response within a few hours the most.”

We thank The Lilly Pad Village for their continued patronage and look forward to continuing to serve them!

“All in all the system is awesome! Cannot say enough about the application and about the service we receive,” says Csuros, “No long term obligations, no hidden fees, no compliance fees – just a great application and even greater service.”

 gem mining collage - LPV

For more information on The Lilly Pad Village, visit their website or click below to friend them on Facebook!

Posted in Health Clubs, Retail | Tagged , ,

Low CC Processing rates AND excellent reporting? K Bar K Ranch chooses SalesVu’s iPad POS System


K Bar K Ranch (KBKR) is a pasture in Pottsboro, TX that has mastered the art of producing naturally fed, humanely raised, high-quality meats. With more than 1,300 acres of land, 20+ years of experience, and a cowherd of more than 400 head, KBKR has managed to pioneer the “black baldy” calf. Cattlemen, butchers and customers alike prefer the hybrid black baldy because it’s beef is faster growing and more tender than other calves. KBKR is an establishment that consistently brings high-quality products as well as innovation to the field of cattle farming.

KBKR felt the need for a mobile POS solution about 3 years ago when they began selling their meat at the Frisco Farmers Market in Frisco, Texas. At the time, they were using a notepad and calculator to track their sales, which proved to be incredibly slow.

“We have 5 or 6 people trying to keep up as orders are entered and product is picked out of 6 different freezers,” says Scott Galyon, KBKR Manager. “It is a very hectic process on Saturday mornings.”

KBKR was looking for a way to streamline their checkout process and reduce some of the chaos involved in making sales. These days at the Frisco Farmers Market, you can find KBKR using two devices that run SalesVu’s iPad POS software and business is booming.

When he began searching for a mobile POS system, KBKR owner Kent Black started by looked into Square, who charges a fee of 2.75% of credit card sales for processing.

“I noticed that SalesVu only charged 2.7% so I started looking into [that],” said Black. “I was impressed by all the features SalesVu offered both on the iPad as a POS device as well as the reporting software available online.”


KBKR was also interested in the real time data syncing and the ability to sell products by decimal quantity, which was not offered by other services. “If you are selling meat, you have the price per pound for each product stored in the POS system,” explains Galyon. “Most items are sold by the pound. The packaged meat item is weighed at time of sale and that weight must be entered out to two decimal places (e.g., 5.85 pounds).”

Black and Galyon like that they’re able to view all their reports online. They enjoy the option to see their orders by individual product or group of products (e.g. steaks, roasts, brisket vs beef).

They also appreciate that the mobility of an iPad POS helps them seamlessly make deliveries.

“We have what we call co-op orders which we deliver during the week,” says Black. “A customer from a remote location or neighborhood can collect a group order from their friends and email that [list] to us.  We can enter that order into the iPad in advance and collect the products into a package. Then when we deliver, we just pull up [their order], enter the payment and it is complete.”

Mobility in the field, low credit card processing rates and impressive sales reporting is what keeps KBKR with SalesVu. We thank KBKR for their continued patronage and look forward to continuing to serve them well! For more information about KBKR visit or see their Facebook page.


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Tiburon Golf Club gets an ace for convenience using SalesVu’s iPad POS System

T Golf 1
Tiburon Golf Club (TGC) is a semi-private 27-hole facility that handles events such as business outings, graduation parties and league tournaments in Omaha, Nebraska.  They not only offer golf lessons with a PGA professional, but have an on-site sports bar where you can eat your favorite American dishes at any time.

Always working to stay a step ahead of their competition, TGC owner Bob Hill Jr sought a mobile POS solution so their facility could process credit card sales on beverage carts. TGC has three carts that rotate around the 27-holes and they needed to incorporate a system that could manage multiple tabs from different devices. Using SalesVu’s iPad POS solution, TGC has been able to keep the beverage carts running consistently and conveniently on the course while managing different tabs and processing credit cards on the spot. Hill remarked that this software has made it easy to host corporate events because guests can charge multiple drinks on their tab from different locations on the course and have just one receipt to deal with at the end of the day.

Before deciding on SalesVu, Hill downloaded Intuit and other similar software programs but chose SalesVu after speaking with our technical support team.

SalesVu’s reporting feature has helped TGC tremendously as well. Their accountant has been able to use the detailed sales reports to allocate the company’s budget more efficiently. This has also allowed Hill to easily monitor sales trends and make business decisions based on the reports.

Hill says that TGC “loves the software because it works very well.” They were thrilled when they could use SalesVu to process credit cards on the beverage carts while still maintaining the golf-course specific software they use elsewhere on the property. Hill says their next ventures with SalesVu will be to explore the QuickBooks integration and launch an ecommerce website.

T Golf 2

For more information on Tiburon Golf Club, visit their location in Omaha, Nebraska or follow their social media accounts by clicking the following icons.


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