
SalesVu iPad POS System offers a simple display that is reliable for small businesses like YogoFresh



YogoFresh is a family run business run by David Giacomini and his father. The establishment offers a variety of self-serve frozen yogurt flavors and fun toppings for clients of all ages. They have been using the SalesVu iPad POS System because of the incredibly prompt and helpful technical support we offered them, and because the simple display SalesVu iPad POS presents.

We asked David Giacomini why did he need a fixed POS system and he responded confidentely that:

 “We had very little space to work with and wanted a more trendy POS system as the aesthetics of our store is very important. The POS is in prime view of customers so we didn’t want a large clunky device. Plus, with the rise of mobile POS solutions, they almost all had remote access, which was important to us but was lacking with mainstream POS systems.”


 As previously mentioned, while David was looking for other fixed POS solutions, he investigated about other alternatives like Square and GoPayment, but after close examination of pros and cons David decided for SalesVu because of its extraordinary and accessible technical support. Here is what he said to us:

 “1. We needed to be able to have fractional units without rounding. For instance, we charge $0.45 per ounce of frozen yogurt and a customer may order 8.8 ounces. Other systems would have forced us to round it to 8 ounces (can’t overcharge customers and round to 9 ounces).
2. We had some initial questions and the tech support team with SalesVu was incredibly prompt and helpful. This gave us a lot of confidence in going with SalesVu as a solution.
3. We were initially turned off with SalesVu because there was a more formal merchant application. However, I’ve started numerous businesses and can tell you that real merchant applications are 10x more complex and usually involve a contract and additional fees. Going through a real merchant application early on meant no disruptions later when volume picked up. So it was actually a good thing.”

David opted to start his YogoFresh establishment with the SalesVu iPad POS from the very beginning .Since YogoFresh is a very simple business, they appreciate the simplicity that the SalesVu iPad POS had to offer.

“I love being able to run reports remotely. This paired with our remote viewing camera systems gives me a great sense of being at the store. Products are incredibly easy to set up and employees understand how to enter orders almost immediately. We also go through the process of setting up each employee with their own access which is a great way to track hours. I’ve even been able to edit hours remotely when an employee forgot to clock in or out. The sales reports are helpful too and are easy to run and filter. It is great having settings in the cloud so that I can implement changes without having to physically go to the store.”


David affirms that the main thing that SalesVu has done for his business is to keep it simple and understandable. He said:

“The main benefit to me is the simplicity of being able to take credit cards and view reports. These are things that SalesVu does so well that it is easy to take for granted. The system is reliable and employees quickly understand how to use the system. “

For more information about the tasty options YogoFresh has to offer, make sure to check out their website at and their Facebook page clicking the link bellow.

Posted in Restaurants and Bars, Retail | Tagged , , ,

With SalesVu iPad POS System Al Capone’s Dinner & Show can consolidate all their business departments under one system



Our friends in Orlando, Florida bring back the prohibition and gangster fashion to today’s entertainment. Offering a wide variety of foods, beverage, and transporting customers to another time in history, Al Capones is part of the SalesVu experience and by using the iPad POS all their services are aligned under one system platform.

Al Capones show starts with a turn-of-the-century ice cream parlor where your party will knock three times, say a secret password and enter Gangland Chicago 1931… Get ready for some action during our good ol’ gangster shoot out!.

According to business owner John Kucik, the dinner theater puts a lot of effort into their show, décor, and food. Definitely, it is a mandatory stop for the many tourists that travel to the Disney and Universal Studios city.

We talked to the business partner of Brian Costello for more details about their experience with SalesVu Ipad POS System. We asked them why  they needed a mobile or iPad POS system and they responded:

 “We needed something that worked with equipment we already owned. We chose SalesVu because of the feature set and no upfront equipment cost or built in monthly fees”

They told us that they used to work with traditional cash registers and that they considered Square Register and Shopify POS as alternate mobile POS Systems. The thing that Brian likes the most from SalesVu is that:

“Features that can be used in different departments such as invoices for phone orders tickets and liquid measurements for tracking alcohol inventory in the bar. It has helped us consolidate different departments to work under one system, from the box office to the bar and kitchen. Everyone works on the same system”

Compared to other standalone POS Systems, SalesVu have saved Al Capone Dinner Show several thousand dollars. Currently they don’t use the E-commerce feature, but they used the email invoice feature, which is presented very conveniently and easily for SalesVu Ipad POS solutions

If you are interested in knowing more about Al Capone’s Dinner and Show click on any of the links below or visit their website at


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SalesVu’s iPad POS System allows Treasure Coast Seltzer Works to operate entirely on delivery trucks!

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Treasure Coast Seltzer Works (TCSW) is one of only four bottling companies in the country who specialize in old-bottled seltzer. TCSW delivers their quality product directly to their customers’ door, and then collects the empty bottles that have been left out for them. This milk-man style delivery process requires a mobile POS system that can operate on a delivery truck, for which TCSW has chosen SalesVu.

We caught up with TCSW owner Ryan Pinnell as he was on the way back from a delivery route. When asked about TCSW’s experience with SalesVu, Pinnell opened right up with “We literally could not operate our business without it, hands down!”

TCSW chose SalesVu because of the ability to modify the software to work the way they needed it to. Pinnell says that running SalesVu-generated reports has saved him 85 hours per month in billing labor.

“The recency report saves me thousands of dollars just in the reporting suite,” he says, “It comes down to this: you need something for the backbone of your business. [SalesVu] is literally priceless to me now.”

Before switching to SalesVu, TCSW was using Square but found themselves greatly frustrated by technical support and lack of necessary business management tools. “You can’t talk to anyone at Square,” tells Pinnell. “[SalesVu’s] technical support team is amazing!”

Pinnell has been so pleased with the capabilities of his iPad POS, he has integrated more of SalesVu’s business management features like our easy accounting software and our ecommerce website for online sales.

“Everything is fluid. Very simple. Not a hard program to use,” he explains, “SalesVu gives you just enough of what you need without all the junk. Out of the box you have a web platform and the ecommerce website has a simple setup!”

When asked what he liked most about SalesVu, Pinnell says he enjoys the fact that he can run his whole company through SalesVu’s iPad POS. “I can pick any iPad, go anywhere in the world and see everything that’s going on in the business” he says.

“We are a visionary company and [SalesVu] has molded our business to be 100% mobile!” says Pinnell.

We thank Ryan Pinnell and TCSW for their continued loyalty, we have thoroughly enjoyed serving and growing with them over the past few years. For more information on Treasure Coast Seltzer works visit their website, or any of the social media links below.


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Open tab management on SalesVu’s iPad POS System at New Republic Brewing Co!


New Republic Brewing Company (NRB) is a brewery in College Station, Texas that serves quality brewed beer in their on-site Taproom.

“We have a couple of kegerators where we serve the beers we brew here at the brewery,” explains founder John Januskey. “We typically have live music and food trucks to provide something to eat while customers enjoy beer and music.”

After using Square and an external credit card reader for some time, NRB found themselves looking for a more well-rounded business management solution that would allow them to regulate tabs for customers. Though they had used Square for some time, they also researched Micros and OPos before making their decision to switch.

NRB chose SalesVu’s iPad POS not only for tab management but also for the “low cost of entry and better features than the alternatives.”

NRB’s Taproom enjoys being able to share tabs between devices. It’s very convenient for them to be able to open a tab and then give the customer’s credit card back to them.

“A full POS like Micros was so far out of our budget it wasn’t a real option,” says Januskey, “We would have stuck with Square over Micros, but SalesVu has much better features for a bar.”

NRB also used SalesVu to build an ecommerce website through which they could sell tickets online for their 3rd anniversary party.

For more information about New Republic Brewing Co., visit their Taproom in College Station, their website or click any of the social media icons below!


Posted in Brewery, Restaurants and Bars | Tagged , ,

SalesVu iPad POS System is the “Perfect” Restaurant POS for Stanley’s Farmhouse Pizza!

SFP Restaurant POS

Stanley’s Farmhouse Pizza (SFP) is a pizzeria located on a ranch in southwest Austin, Texas. SFP prides themselves on using as many locally-sourced ingredients as possible along with a unique 3-day cold fermentation process for their pizza dough. SFP shares their 180-acre plot of land with Jester King Craft Brewery. This allows guests to embark on an exciting brewery tour and end their evening with a delicious, hand-crafted pizza – all in one trip! This establishment is “family friendly, but also appropriate for a first or second date”, they even carry wine, cider and 19 craft beers on tap!

SFP owner Cinnamon Nemec sought a mobile restaurant POS solution because she wanted to keep the farmhouse experience as close to authentic as possible.

“We do not have anything electronic. We don’t have screens for the cooks to look at; we don’t have TVs or anything,” explains Nemec. “We do not want our customers to walk up to our counter on a farmhouse and see the back of a computer… But we also want to be able to run credit cards quickly, take care of our customers in a modern fashion and keep track of cash and credit card income.”

SalesVu is perfect for that cause we can use iPad Minis!” exclaims Nemec. She enjoys that her employees are able to walk around to answer customer questions, then ring up a sale anywhere. Since SFP is located outdoors on an 8,000 square foot pavilion, they cannot leave any equipment outside without it being damaged by flour or dust in the air. Nemec likes that the iPad devices are mobile and can easily be stored in a main building where they are out of harms way.

SalesVu’s help to SFP has been “two-fold” according to Nemec. She appreciates “being able to have modern technology married with low-tech visual effects.”

When she opened SFP about a year and a half ago, Nemec was using PayPal as her mobile point-of-sale solution. She soon realized that PayPal was not able to keep up with the growing demands of her inventory and did not want to have employees sifting through hundreds of uncategorized items to ring up one sale. After doing research on Square, QuickBooks, PayPal and Intuit, she found herself thoroughly unimpressed. Intuit was generally “terrible” and Square did not have the inventory capabilities she needed. QuickBooks was “all wrong and their customer service was horrible. They weren’t willing to bend at all and it was too hard to get anyone to help me or answer any questions.”

SFP sign

After a customer recommendation, SFP started using SalesVu. “From day one, customer service has been phenomenal!” raves Nemec. The support staff has been able to figure out a solution to every problem she has faced and she “LOVE, LOVE LOVES” being able to use a local company for her business management needs.

Nemec’s favorite thing about SalesVu is the fact that she can manage her business easily and not feel disconnected if she leaves for vacation. Even when she’s not present in the store she can log in and see how the day is going.

“Everything I like to keep track of while I’m at the restaurant, I can keep track of on the mobile app while I’m gone.” She says.

The reporting center has been the most beneficial part of SalesVu for SFP. Not only do they find it “well laid out”, they really appreciate the ease of use when trying to generate reports for business accounting or government offices.

Nemec reports that SFP has saved money with SalesVu simply by decreasing the occurrences lost sales and lost customer information. They’ve only been open for a year and a half, but using a faster system to get customers through the line has greatly increased sales per hour.

SFP was so thrilled by their experience with SalesVu’s iPad POS, they also have incorporated SalesVu gift card management and plan to explore employee scheduling once the summer ends.

“I’m keeping [SalesVu] because I really like it. I love it enough to recommend it to other local companies and vendors. It’s nice to use something I feel good about!”

SFP restaurant pos 2

For more information about Stanley’s Farmhouse Pizza, visit their website or click any of the social media icons below!


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SalesVu’s iPad POS System seamlessly integrates Lone Star Kolache’s six locations!

LoneStarKolaches Store

Lone Star Kolaches (LSK) was founded ten years ago by Massey and Allen Wallace. This Austin, Texas bakery specializes in “those delicious Czech pastries known as kolaches.” Today, you can pick up these delectable treats at any of LSK’s six locations – all of which are fully integrated with SalesVu’s iPad POS software.

Before switching to SalesVu, LSK used standalone cash registers that were “very archaic.” They considered a few other restaurant POS solutions but after an excellent recommendation from a local coffee shop, they chose SalesVu because of the many features offered and low cost of getting started.

“Switching from the old style cash registers to a mobile POS system was a no brainer,” says Allen Wallace, “Besides being more user friendly with the cashiers, the ability to run reports and track sales from the home office has improved the efficiency of our organization tenfold.”

Wallace’s favorite SalesVu feature is the multi-location management report.  He finds it very convenient to be able to track sales per location as well as sales per product – then easily export that data to an excel spreadsheet.

These reports have given the Wallace family “better eyes” to see which products are selling best and which are not. It has also greatly improved their efficiency in managing the menus for their six different locations.

Whenever they run into technical trouble, Wallace says kindness and patience of SalesVu’s support staff has been a “godsend.”

“Thomas is always there when we need him and he’s demonstrated enormous patience dealing with a couple of computer illiterates like us.”

Although they aren’t able to generate an exact figure on their savings, Wallace says that the credit card processing rates with Mercury Payment Systems and the POS solution with SalesVu is “definitely less money than a lot of the competition.”

We are thrilled for the opportunity to continue to provide LSK with the exceptional business management software they require to run their business.

LoneStarKolaches front

For more information about Lone Star Kolaches, visit any of their six Austin locations or click one of the following icons:


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ECommerce Website allows ease of ordering at Brian’s Brew

iPad POS

Brian’s Brew (BB) is an establishment that serves coffee, espresso drinks and breakfast items to the downtown Austin area. The coffee beans served here are roasted in a brick oven over a mesquite wood fire, courtesy of Summermoon Coffee Roasters. BB provides free delivery services to offices in the downtown area, and also offers a coffee solution to high-rise apartments.

BB sought a mobile POS solution because they wanted to have a consistent system that worked both in the shop and while out catering.

“It is nice to be able to charge a card from anywhere in downtown,” said owner Brian Burns.

After researching Intuit and Breadcrumb, as well as trying Square, Burns decided to use SalesVu.

“We chose SalesVu because we spent a lot of time looking for a good POS and SalesVu was the best one at the best price!”

Burns says he likes that SalesVu’s reporting feature helps him monitor which items are selling best and which need to be promoted further or removed from the menu completely. Also, he enjoys being able to track BB’s catering and in-store sales online, from anywhere.

With the use of SalesVu, BB has also been able to establish an ecommerce website that has helped their customers place orders online and pick them up in the store. Burns says that SalesVu has saved them an average of $1,100 per year!

Restaurant POS

For more information on Brian’s Brew, visit them in Austin, view their website or click any of the icons below to follow them on social media.


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Inexpensive inventory management from SalesVu iPad POS System helps Denver Bicycle Cafe break away from it’s competitors

Denver Bicycle Café (DBC) is a very unique establishment that opened as a bike shop, tap house and coffee house in November of 2011. DBC regularly changes their selection of beers on tap in order to highlight the variety offered by local Colorado brewers. In addition, DBC provides a diverse array of coffee beans from local roasters and places a great deal of importance on their hands-on brewing process. Aside from all the delicious drinks available at DBC, they also operate as a full-service bicycle shop that offers both repairs and sales. DBC is set apart from their competitors because they pride themselves on having approachable, front of shop mechanics that are available to chat with you in order to understand your repair, as well as offer on-the-spot instructions and a selection of common tools for the do-it-yourself personalities.

iPad POS Solution

Prior to adopting SalesVu, DBC was using an old-fashioned cash register for their point-of-sale transactions. Being as new as they were, DBC sought a cloud-based POS solution that was compatible with Android platforms and that is what drew them to SalesVu.

After investigating ShopKeep and Square, DBC concluded that other solutions “didn’t have the functionality they needed” and decided to go with SalesVu for their business management needs instead.

SalesVu is the only inexpensive POS solution that had advanced features like inventory management and employee payroll for timekeeping.” said Peter Roper, manager and co-founder of DBC.

DBC loves that SalesVu’s inventory tracking works flawlessly, and they are looking to integrate the ecommerce feature to their website as the next frontier.

SalesVu is a necessary component of running DBC because without it, they would have to reinvent their whole processing system. To run a business, Roper says you need “electricity, water and your POS system.” SalesVu is ecstatic to be the preferred choice of POS solution for DBC’s business management needs.

Restaurant POS

Want to learn more about Denver Bicycle Café? Visit their social media sites by clicking any of the icons below.


Posted in Health Clubs, Restaurants and Bars, Retail | Tagged , ,

Sugar House Coffee selects SalesVu iPad POS System for inventory management

Sugar House Coffee (SHC) has been providing it’s community with a destination gathering space since 2002. During breakfast they offer freshly baked pastries, bagels, local eggs and a variety of vegan friendly and gluten free options. For lunch they have paninis, sandwiches, wraps, hummus plates and more. This coffee house, café and catering service has crafted a delicious menu with locally sourced ingredients for the community of Salt Lake City, Utah.

Before SalesVu, SHC’s POS Solution was a “very outdated” PC with Coffee Shop Manager but they wanted to move to a mobile POS so they could sync the devices in the shop with their devices on the go for catering. After researching other systems, SHC General Manager Emily Potts “liked that SalesVu had the same fee whether it was a swipe or manual entry. The fact that they offered free support 24 hours a day was a HUGE plus in my eyes.”

After exploring different solutions and asking many questions, SHC chose to trust SalesVu with their business management needs.

“We chose SalesVu because of their customer service foremost,” says Potts. “SalesVu’s associates were so helpful in answering all my questions and taking suggestions from me.”

SHC loves that SalesVu’s restaurant POS solution allows them the option to print receipts or send them by email. Inventory management has been beneficial for SHC as well because all products can be modified from a smart phone and prices can be adjusted easily and in real-time.

“We are always getting different pastries from our baker and I need to be able to add a product quickly,” says Potts. “I also love that there is an employee time clock on the POS – it’s nice to have everything on the same program. It makes payroll quick and easy.”

SalesVu’s services have saved SHC over a thousand dollars a month on merchant fees, and its user-friendly interface has helped speed up the processes of customer ordering and employee training. SHC is excited to integrate SalesVu’s eCommerce feature with their current website and incorporate QuickBooks as well.

For more information on Sugar House Coffee, visit their websiteFacebook page or follow them on Twitter.

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