
Acute Payrolls Have Never Been Easier with SalesVu Employee Scheduling


Antonelli’s Cheese owner, John Antonelli  has been asked many times “Why a Cheese Shop?”, his response is simple and always the same: it comprises everything he loves. Traveling, spending time together with his partner, and eating great cheese. Antonelli placed himself in a very intense cheese bootcamp, attended to cheese conferences and found out the secrets for the production of an amazing product. He concentrates on sourcing the finest artisanal cheese and serve the growing demand of their customers with private events and cheese education sessions. SalesVu employee management system has been essential integrating their restaurant needs. 

“We have two reasons for needing SalesVu.  1) We were in need of a clock-in/clock-out employee time system that would integrate both sides of the street.  and 2) We operate events in our Cheese House on a regular basis and it requires a POS solution to allow us to check guests out after making purchases post event.”

Antonellis chose SalesVu to assist with their clock-in/clock-out management because the interface of SalesVu employee management  is holistic enough to control the payment of the team members and check their hours of work.

“Employee scheduling is the most helpful tool and it adapts to our necessities. Before using SalesVu for our clock management system, we were leveraging our Microsoft RMS software installed on a HP computer. It was not really convenient, SalesVu employee management became the ultimate solution to submit payments efficiently”

What they like the most is the easy-to-use functionality of the app. It suits Antonelli’s Cheese requirements and according to John:

” I am so happy that that we are able to sync both locations! Team members can flow between spaces without having to worry about clocking. Checking in and out at the correct location, has never been easier. We have now a more acute payroll for our team members and for our business.”

There is no such thing as having “too much” cheese, so be sure to visit Antonelli’s Cheese Shop website  and like them on Facebook and follow their Twitter account by clicking any of the icons below. 


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“Inventory Management is Why I Love SalesVu iPad POS System so Much”


Northern Sun Winery is an estate grown winery located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  Everything in their wine bottles is grown on site. The business includes a tasting room, a small gift shop and hosting events such as weddings.  They can also deliver their wines! They use SalesVu inventory management and simply love it for its convenience and simplicity. Northern Sun winery thinks inventory management is among the top features of SalesVu.

 “We needed a mobile POS system because our tasting room does not have phone or Wi-Fi service.  We are located in a desolate location.   We also can deliver our product to stores or customers, this way I can ring their sale on site accepting cash, check or credit card.  It is very convenient for our customers increasing their satisfaction.”

We talked to the business owner, Susan Anthony and she gave us her opinion about the SalesVu inventory management system. For Susan, flexibility and lower credit card transaction rates were a must when searching for a business management solution.

“SalesVu is my first POS system and feel very lucky I got the best.It is hard to pick out a favorite thing, it’s like looking at a picture and picking out one subject.  The whole thing is great.That being said I like that it keeps track of my inventory, COGS, taxes.  Taxes are huge because I need to really keep on top of that not only on the state, but also on the federal level.  I also really like that I can easily obtain my monthly sales of wine for filing purposes.  I can break the sales down by time, day or month.”

According to Susan, SalesVu has helped Northern Sun Winery substantially. She says they can now accept credit cards, thus they can make each of their clients feel more comfortable with the transactions. Cold, hard and old cash is a thing of the past. Now everytime she gets foreign customers, SalesVu is perfect for their payment selection.

“SalesVu is priceless. What I paid for it has returned in so many ways to my business. SalesVu inventory management has given me comfort, tranquility, automation, and more importantly customer satisfaction.I must say that I tried the Quickbooks integration a year ago; however, I am not planning on using it this winter.”

If you are one of those people who think wine is bottled poetry, be sure to check Northern Sun Winery’s webpage and like them on Facebook clicking the icon below. 


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The smartest choice is SalesVu iPad POS System for Seminar Brewering


Seminar Brewing LLC is a partnership of three brewers: Bryan Fisher, Travis Knowles and John Mathias, along with business partner and project manager Dave Peters. They have created an exciting standard tap list, along with a solid reservoir of recipes for special releases and seasonal ales.Seminar is a microbrewery specializing in high quality, hand-crafted ales.Never has it ever been so much fresh, exciting and local craft beer being produced. Seminar Brewing is a proud user of SalesVu restaurant POS.

“We operate a tasting room within our brewery. The space doubles as brew space, so our restaurant POS needed to be mobile and able to be packed away when not in use. In addition, we participate in beer festivals where merchandise sales are encouraged. A mobile POS solution allows us to process credit and debit cards on the go.”

Seminar Brewing  considered as other options Square, ShopKeep, and NCR Silver, but chose SalesVu over all because of its broad range of features, simple and the easy organization of the interface. They told us about the immense advantage of having an open tab management within SalesVu restaurant POS.


“Creating open tabs for our customers is easy, and viewing or reviewing sales activity is simple. It’s easy to get a daily sales summary and sales breakdown by category; we make a bank deposit for the cash portion the next morning. Credit card deposits in Quickbooks are made only when they are posted to the bank account, so we use a spreadsheet to track credit card deposits.”

SalesVu gives Seminar the ability to process credit and debit card transactions without any barriers to customer spending. The “only cash” sign has been removed while ago!

 “SalesVu restaurant POS also allow us to track tasting room sales of different products. Although we haven’t calculated the exact breakdown of money saved upfront, we know that the other products’ combined costs of the restaurant software solution, plus card processing fees, were much higher.

Seminar Brewery has not yet tried SalesVu Quickbooks integration nor the Ecommerce feature, but they look forward to try them in the near future and expand the reach of SalesVu restaurant POS benefits.


If you would like to know more about this exciting and fresh local  be sure to visit their website by clicking on here and like them on Facebook for updates. 

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“Every business should have an iPad POS System like SalesVu”


Enjoy craft beers and fine wines in a cozy Downtown Rogers bar in Arkansas, featuring  crafts Arkansas beers and fine wines from around the world. Business owners Rick and Naomi were previously the owners of a Farmers insurance Agency a few blocks from Brick Street Brews and have chosen SalesVu mobile POS solution as their business management tool.

“We knew we wanted to be convenient for the people on the way to Beaver Lake or the Rogers Little Theater or any of new restaurants around the downtown area. Then we got to work and created a place we want to share with all our friends, including the ones we don’t know yet.”

We asked them why a mobile POS solution and they said the cheapest and the most convenient way to receive any type of payments at very affordable credit card rates, was under SalesVu mobile POS platform.

“Another Local Brewery gave us the recommendation, and certainly we made the right decision. Customer service is always available for us and they treat us very well every time we call with numerous questions. All business should have a mobile POS platform like the one SalesVu offers. As new business owners, SalesVu is our first POS. We are very satisfied with our choice and we are certain our happy customers are too.  We feel we are updated to nowadays technologies and included in the business trends”

Brick Street Brews owners believe that the best features that SalesVu has in comparison to other competitors is that is really easy to use, has a great variety of services that complement the overall SalesVu business management tool.

“SalesVu mobile POS has low start up cost and the mobility and reach is great. SalesVu have helped us grow and become better partners and offer not only great quality beer, but also a great quality service at the cash register. By choosing SalesVu mobile POS, we have chosen to save more than 3,000 dollars or more.”

Brick Street Brews uses the Quickbooks integration that SalesVu provides and their experience using it has been exceptional. They would recommend all other users to explore this option and enjoy the helpful resource it can become.

If you enjoy good beer and having high quality time with friends, follow Brick Street Brews social media clicking the icons below or find more info about them on their website clicking here.


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Improve the Restaurant Experience and Engage with Your Customers with SalesVu Customer Relationship management



Every customer interaction you have is another way of gaining their continued business and loyalty. Read our tips on how to improve each interaction so that your customers are more likely to return time and time again.

Improve the Service

Getting your employees involved can quickly transform your business and leave your employees feeling more upbeat, which can lead to better customer interactions and more employee and customer retention. Ask for their suggestions, offer employee promotions and contests, and make sure everyone knows the menu inside and out. Anonymous employee surveys can gauge their satisfaction, feedback, and insight into management and how the business is run.

Make sure your employees understand the importance of customer service. For starters, they should introduce themselves to each table, have a friendly demeanor, and be able to answer any questions about the menu and preparation. They should be alert, attentive, and quick to meet your customers’ needs so that patrons want to return for the ambience, food, service, and overall experience.

Get In Your Customers’ Shoes

In order to really make lasting changes, you need to know what is, and is not, working. The best way to do this is to see things from your customers’ perspective. Consider leaving suggestion cards that customers can fill out. Leave them in the bill and offer a discount or free meal if customers are willing to fill them out. Patrons love to feel like they are being heard and suggestion cards is one great way of accomplishing this.

Offer More Menu and Dining Options

Restaurant patrons love options. Consider offering take-out, delivery, and/or curbside to-go options so that your customers can get their favorite food faster. This can also reduce labor costs, free up tables, and increase profits quickly. Consider also adding new menu items featuring seasonal produce, local ingredients, and weekly specials so your patrons can always try something new and exciting. They will want to visit more often to see what new items the chef has prepared.

Consider updating your brand image, logo, e-commerce site, storefront, and awning. Make sure to also clearly display and promote your new menu options with colorful posters, menu boards, or through online campaigns.

Tech Updates

With POS solutions, servers are able to take orders at the table, send them where they need to go (such as directly to the bar or kitchen), open multiple tabs, split checks, and more from any terminal, which will make your servers’ lives easier. Most importantly, it helps ensure every order is right, that your inventory is updated, and can even help track customer purchase patterns. Once you know what your patrons’ love most, you can make better business decisions, shift pricing, and improve inventory management.

Contact  SalesVu to find out how our all-in-one restaurant POS solution can quickly produce a huge change for your business. Our pos system also offers table management, reservation management, credit card processing, marketing automation, and more to help you manage every aspect of your business – anytime, anywhere.

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SalesVu iPad POS System and credit card processing system contributes with House Blend Cafe noble initiative


House Blend Cafe is an establishment  committed to impact people’s lives. By giving 100% of their net profit  to love and serve people in their community and around the world. They don’t generally get involved in things where it is just simply writing a check, rather they give back in a way that will meet needs and create a real  connection. SalesVu POS and credit card processing solution has helped this noble initiative reach their goals far and beyond.

“100% of the net profit from our cafe goes back into the community, so having a cost effective POS helps us to give more away. We’re involved in things like caring for the homeless, mentoring at risk kids, growing food to feed people in need. “

We talk to Josh Taylor, the general manager, and asked him how was his experience with SalesVu POS and credit card processing solution. He told us his positive opinion from the system and how efficient and adequate he feels it is for his business

“We’re a cafe and need something that is efficient, and that involves cost efficiency too. Since we are a non-profit, our main priority is to direct as many capital as possible to our cause. The fact that SalesVu credit card processing system has fair credit card transaction fees mean a lot to us. SalesVu POS and entire managing system has made generating reports more efficient to us”

As a final remark, Josh told us that he is potentially interested in setting up and using the e-commerce feature SalesVu has to offer.

Patio 1

If you are interested in supporting and knowing more about the House Blend Cafe be sure to contact them by clicking the social media icons bellow or visit their website at 


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SalesVu iPad POS Sytem, a perfect match for Sweety Pies Bakery


Sweety Pies Bakery is a small family owned and operated business in Downtown Skokie in Illinois. They have been open for 7 years and were featured on Chicago’s Best for their  pies. They also do custom cakes for any type of event, including, weddings, sculptural, tiered, and special occasion/birthday cakes. If you can dream it, Sweety Pies Bakery can make it come to life. Business owner Jason Davidson talked to us about their need for a accessible and reliable POS system and how they found a perfect match with SalesVu iPad POS.

“We love what we do and we hope to share our special family recipes with everyone!. SalesVu has definitely allowed us to take orders and process payments from any area of our bakery. We needed something similar to what would be useful for our farmer’s markets ,where people don’t always have cash. We also needed better tracking of what was and wasn’t selling on our menu to adjust our offerings. SalesVu has provided us a compelling iPad POS system

Jason’s previous experiences with competitors like the old-fashion Casio register were not up to the standards and quality of Sweety Pie Bakery, so they moved away from the past with SalesVu iPad POS. Jason told us:

“The credit card rate was better than Square and the software was easier to set-up and FREE!. None of the other competitors like Square, PayPal or Quickbooks could match SalesVu iPad POS.

Sweety Pies favorite feature is sales reporting and the tracking of average ticket sales. They try to take advantage of as many features as they can from the SalesVu POS and managing system and they feel that the results they are getting are very positive.

“The ability to properly manage employee hours, and the inventory management are also important to us. We are currently working on setting up to better facilitate just-in-time inventory. This has helped me to manage all those aspects of my business from anywhere including home which is a huge plus.

For them, the initial cost of the iPads, printers, and cash drawer were a reasonable expense , but the overall savings with credit card processing saved them thousands. The credit card processing rates are very comprehensive and fair.

 “It has helped me to be more productive and spend less time number crunching and more time focusing on what’s next for our business to help us to continue to grow. It has been a great analytic tool for me so I can quantify my projections based on actual statistics and find those much easier now.”

If you are interested in knowing more about Sweety Pies Bakery, be sure to follow them on their social media links by clicking the images below or go to their website at


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SalesVu iPad POS System keeps the Sugar House Distillery on the edge of the modern marketplace


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SalesVu Mobile POS has given the unique artisans of liquor of the Sugar House Distillery another reason to be an unique and modern establishment. We talked with the business owner, James Fowler who told us about the singular characteristics of their handcrafted spirits. According to them, they are “The Ultimate legacy to the Culture of Small Batch, handcrafted spirits connoisseurs”. Located in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Sugar House is one of the few privately-owned locals that enjoy a permit to sell alcohol in the region.  Their undeniable quality has awarded them with loyal customers who attend to their local to purchase the delicatessen beverages. According to James:


“Our products are hand crafted in Salt Lake City Utah. Our Vodka is our most popular product and the one we have been producing since long time ago.  During this Holiday Season, we will have the release of a 100% pure malt Whisky and we are  working on parallel project also developing high quality Rum”

David told us about the expanding plan of becoming also a gift shop offering hats and t-shirts, so definitely Sugar House Distillery  is doing great on sales, and SalesVu mobile POS system has helped them develop into what they are now.

 ” As a  startup company we chose SalesVu first among other competitors because we received good referrals from other people in the industry and because it is really simple to use. SalesVu mobile POS prices were also important in taking the decision, in contrast with competitors, like Square, SalesVu mobile POS offers lower credit card transaction cost. Additionally, it is very convenient to have a tablet on the front. As a company, SalesVu mobile POS places us on the edge of technology and makes our store look modern and updated in regards of the current trends in the market.”

We asked David about the Quickbooks feature SalesVu mobile POS offers to small businesses and he told us:

” I have not used it yet, but I am going to be messing around with it in a couple of weeks. Certainly, I will be using it in the near future. My accountants have been using SalesVu reports already where they can picture all the information together in one place.”

If you are interested in knowing more about Sugar House Distillery, and delight yourself with the highest quality spirits, be sure to visit their website at  or visit their social media by clicking on the icons below.

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Kettle Heroes have popped up their business with the easy-to-use SalesVu iPad POS System


Kettle Heroes have tasted the SalesVu iPad POS System and have popped up their business!. This company is a family-owned business located in Arizona that was launched into the market in 2013 by two brothers who were looking to make a difference in the world. They strive to offer customers from all ages the best popcorn, kettle corn and lemonade in the Southwest! They use only top-of-the-line, all-natural ingredients in their recipes.

We had the privilege to talk to one of the business owner Rudi Sinykin who runs day-to-day operations at Kettle Heroes. We asked him why Kettle Heroes needed a mobile iPad POS solution and they responded with a great story to share.

“We operate Food Trucks in the Arizona area and we needed a really easy POS system that could really be incorporated in a mobile platform facility like a food truck. SalesVu gave us a practical, affordable and easy-to understand platform that could easily be used with an iPad or Android. During our research for new POS solutions we investigated other competitors, but SalesVu really offered the best transaction fees for the credit card operations and it is able to work in multiple platforms like iOS and Android.”

Previously, Rudi told us that they owned a restaurant in which they used the traditional point of sale system, with cash registers.

” The cost of this machines was 2000$ or 3000$ and they broke down all the time. SalesVu offered us the possibility of using and iPad to manage the transactions and if something happens to it, well, it is affordable and easy to replace”

Rudi also told us that he has not yet used the majority of the SalesVu features, but that what he uses works fine all the time; nevertheless, they recommend to have good Internet Connection when using the SalesVu iPad POS to secure all the transactions.

“My favorite feature is the Sales Report. This one allows me to see the sales results at the end of the day and divides it in categories. It is really simple and easy to bring any transaction in the day by just clicking on it. SalesVu iPad POS operations go really fast which is excellent for our business requirements of almost 90 transactions per hour

The business has a positive motto that leads their day-to-day operations by following what they call, the Kettle Heroes’ creed: “BE HUMBLE. BE HONEST. BE A HERO”. Moreover, Rudi donates 20% of their earnings to several foundations like Pat Tillmans Foundation and since August 2013, we have donated over $17,000 to support local groups and causes such as Anasazi Elementary School and Making Strides Against Cancer.

Kettle Heroes Truck & Trailer

If you want to know more about Kettle Heroes, be sure to check out their website at and follow their Facebook account by clicking the image bellow.

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Tropical Sno share their sweet experience with SalesVu iPad POS System : “A complete and reachable business management solution”


Tropical Sno is a shaved iced local in Western Spring Illinois that is dedicated to create an oasis of shave ice euphoria. They do this by selling the highest quality and best tasting shave ice in the world. It serves more than 50 flavors to eager customers who constantly experiment with the wide variety of flavors and create their own ice indulgences.

We talked to the business owner Nicholas Cozzi who used in his first store the traditional registers, but noticed they were not really useful business-wise to his store. “All they did was round all the money earned in a day and nothing else” Nicholas realized he needed something more useful and a regular POS. He needed a complete and reachable business management tool, one that could offer him a wide range of business tools

He used Square in the past, but found that its features were insufficient for the market understanding and developing of Tropical Sno.

SalesVu offered me the Gift Card Feature and I loved it!. This was crucial for my decision towards SalesVu business management solution. It is a complete system that understands the requirements and needs of my stores, hence of my clients. The Gift Cards were a huge success for my store, and a way to keep the sales organized. Customers loved it and used it a lot. This feature implied a great success for me and Tropical Sno”

He also told us that other favorite feature he has is the employees and inventory management tools that SalesVu includes.

“They are both very effective and convenient. As the owner of two stores, I need to be constantly updated about the things that happen with the payments of the employees and their hours of work. I also need to know if the cups or spoon supplies are running low in the store and SalesVu emails me with all this relevant information and allows me to manage my business effectively everywhere I go”.

Moreover, Nicholas explained that he felt that SalesVu Customer Service phone number is an extremely important tool of the system.

“The fact that I can call them directly instead of just having an email address makes it a very nice and reachable business solution. It is better to have a direct contact with a customer service representative in case some questions or concerns arise”

If you want to know more about Tropical Sno at Western Spring Illinois be sure to visit their Facebook page be clicking the icon below.

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