
SalesVu Partners With Tessitura Network SalesVu introduces Tessitura CRM integration


Austin, Texas –April 3, 2019 – Continually striving to innovate and improve its software, iPad POS software provider SalesVu has recently announced its new integration capabilities with Tessitura Network. Tessitura is a unified enterprise system for arts, cultural, and attraction organizations that powers key business functions including ticketing and admissions, fundraising, memberships, education, marketing, analytics, and more. .

With this new integration, museums, attractions, and performing arts organizations using the Tessitura system can look up any customer in their database using the SalesVu POS System.

Customers can be searched using membership number, name, phone, email, or customer membership card. Customer discounts, coupons, and loyalty rewards points can then be directly applied to any purchases. All existing Tessitura gift certificates can be redeemed with the SalesVu POS app by scanning the card or manually entering the certificate. Purchase history from SalesVu is transmitted to the Tessitura CRM providing organizations with a full view of all purchases and interactions in keeping with their 360 degree approach. SalesVu offers a number of free iPad POS apps and auxiliary solutions, which can be utilized for bars, gift shops, and concessions stands in entertainment venues and arts and cultural organizations.

Apps include:

  • POS – primary point of sale system app
  • OrderUP – self-ordering kiosk solution
  • Regulars – loyalty program manager
  • VIPz – discount voucher manager
  • And more.

This integration achieves great strides in the ongoing quest for better overall customer experiences in arts and cultural organizations and enables them to have a unified system. By integrating the Tessitura system with free SalesVu POS apps, organizations can drastically reduce the time it takes to look up customer information, apply discounts, and process transactions.

“Our initial attraction to SalesVu was its mobility and scalability. As a major presenting arts organization, we have an ever-changing range of needs across our venues, events and festivals and we were searching for one system that would allow us to capture both concessions and merchandise sales with an easy to learn interface for part-time/seasonal employees,” said Kate Springer from the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust. “The Tessitura integration will give us the ability to see a more complete picture of patrons’ spending with us and more easily fulfill membership perks. Being able to process Tessitura gift certificates will allow a gift certificate to be used for anything in our venues, not just tickets.” 

About SalesVu

Founded in 2007 in Austin, TX, SalesVu is a leading provider of restaurant management solutions that include a robust portfolio of iPad apps, as well as cloud-based remote management features.

About Tessitura Network

Tessitura is an enterprise CRM system that powers all key business functions for museums, attractions, and performing arts organizations. From ticketing and admissions, fundraising, and memberships to marketing, education, analytics, and more, Tessitura’s unified platform enables a seamless, 360-degree view of all visitors, donors, members, subscribers and volunteers. In addition to its flagship software, Tessitura offers a range of complementary services that empower its users to achieve their goals. Those users form a community of industry leaders that enjoys an unprecedented level of knowledge sharing and collaboration. Tessitura also works with a wide range of ecosystem partners that provide products and services to extend the power of what its members can do.

Operating since 2001, Tessitura Network, Inc. is proud to be a member-owned and governed nonprofit. Tessitura serves over 600 organizations in ten countries including museums, theatres, performing arts centers, operas, orchestras, festivals, dance companies, zoos, aquariums, film centers, historical sites, and more. For more information about Tessitura, visit or contact Laura Bowden, Vice President of Administration, at [email protected].  For partnership inquiries, contact Strategic Alliance Manager Kelly Degenhart at [email protected].


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SkyRocket Group

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Posted in Professional Services, Restaurants and Bars, Retail

The Top 4 Must-Have POS-Boosting Apps for Free for Juice Bar Owners

As juice bars continue to grow in popularity with increasingly health-conscious consumers, shop owners need to find ways to stand out among the competition. Offering refreshing juices and vitamin-packed smoothies with unique flavor combinations is great, but today’s customers also expect efficient and personalized service.  Luckily, there are point of sale (POS) apps available —for free —that can accomplish these goals and help you grow your business.

  1. Self-Order Kiosks

OrderUp is another useful POS app, available for free, which lets you use your iPad POS as a self-service kiosk. Self-ordering can break up long counter lines and increase order accuracy, since customers can enter and check their own specifications. This functionality is great for products that are highly customized and potentially complex. Your staff can devote their attention to order prep instead of transcription, getting that organic turmeric-ginger apple juice with wheat-grass shot on the side made just right.

  1. Kitchen Display System

Paper-ticket ordering systems are becoming a thing of the past. It’s too easy for paper tickets to get lost or misread, resulting in unhappy customers. Plus, you spend a lot of money on ink and paper, only to end up creating a lot of waste. A kitchen display system (KDS) via the Incoming app will queue orders from several sources (including self-service kiosks, smartphone app or website orders) and send them directly to the appropriate food prep stations. On-the-go customers will appreciate the increased efficiency and accuracy of order fulfillment. And patrons who value healthy, “green” options such as fresh, organic drinks will applaud the eco-friendly aspects of your KDS.

  1. Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs can be a significant factor in customers’ buying decisions: they value the personal connection and the sense that their patronage is appreciated. Moreover, they tend to spend more at places that offer loyalty rewards. Regulars is a free POS System that lets your customers accumulate “loyalty cash” (a percentage of their purchase amounts) to unlock rewards to use toward future purchases. The program is easy to manage, and uses SMS text messages to communicate with customers. With Regulars, you can encourage people to make recurring visits to your juice bar part of their workout routines or healthy lunch-break habits.

  1. Group Coupons

Since fresh juice and smoothies are often spontaneous purchases rather than planned ones, juice bar owners need ways to attract customers. Group-based coupons and special discounts, like those offered on Groupon and other sites, can bring an almost immediate surge of business and reach a wide range of new customers. Instead of using a third-party site that will take half of your profits, though, use VIPz — a POS app for free that allows you to create and manage your own group coupons, and gift cards as well. Set up offers to run during slower periods, such as during colder or rainy weather, to keep the juices — and the profits — flowing.

These iPad POS apps are not only free, they’re offered by the same vendor, SalesVu, so they can be managed from a single account and are supported 24/7. The apps integrate with Square Register and other POS systems. Contact SalesVu to learn more about how these apps can help you improve your juice bar’s operational efficiencies and increase customer satisfaction.

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The 4 Best Free POS-Enhancing Apps that Coffee Shop Owners Should Know About

Coffee-shop operators have a lot on their plates. They’re serving a high volume of frequently complicated and specialized drink orders in a fast-paced environment, doing everything they can to provide exceptional customer service in a competitive niche — and also trying to operate in the black. Having the right POS system can make achieving those objectives easier. Here are four of the best free POS apps that enhance functionality for coffee shops.

  1. Incoming: Kitchen Display System App


If you have a kitchen display system (KDS) — and you probably should since it has many advantages over paper ticket systems — then one of the best free POS apps to consider is Incoming. This app allows you to view and manage orders placed from any source. Going paperless not only reduces cost (and waste) of ink and paper, but also improves order accuracy. It also streamlines prep times by sending the order elements to the appropriate stations, such as the espresso machine or the pastry counter, for speedier fulfillment.

  1. OrderUp: Self-Service Kiosk App

OrderUp is a free POS app that turns an iPad into a self-service kiosk — which has many benefits, especially for businesses like coffee shops where the orders are highly customizable and specific. With self-ordering, customers place all of their requests directly into the system, which greatly reduces the chance that some element will be overlooked or miscommunicated. That venti, low-fat, half-caf, triple-shot, iced caramel macchiato needs to be served just as ordered to ensure customer satisfaction. Plus, patrons placing their own orders tend to include more add-ons and extra items, increasing overall ticket sizes. And self-service kiosks can bust lines at the counter, so busy morning rush-hour commuters can get those caffeine fixes quickly and get to work.

  1. VIPz: Group Coupons App

For group-based discounts and special deals, one of the best free POS apps is VIPz, similar to Groupon — but it won’t cost half of your profits. You can use VIPz to introduce your coffee shop to new customers and bring in new business. This app also lets you create offers that are valid during slower periods of the day/week/month, to help maintain a steadier flow of revenue.

  1. Regulars: Loyalty Rewards Program App

Coffee shops have a particularly high potential for earning repeat business, as commuters make your stop a part of their regular morning routine. Another incentive that will increase this likelihood (besides quality products and great service) is a loyalty rewards program. Regulars is one of the best free POS apps that help you set up and manage a rewards program based on purchase amounts.  It’s easy to track balances and redeem rewards. Loyalty programs forge a personal bond with your customers and make them feel that you value their business — which makes them want to keep coming back.
Bonus: Your Own Shop-Branded Ordering App for Smartphones
In addition to providing these free POS apps, SalesVu can help you create a brand-specific app and modern-looking online ordering website so your customers can place orders on their smartphones and computers. This provides greater convenience for your customers, and increased revenue for you. You may not be a giant franchise like Starbuck’s, but you can look just as professional and tech savvy as your big competitors.
These best, free POS apps are available from a single provider, one that offers round-the-clock customer support every day. SalesVu’s apps all integrate with Square Register and other POS systems to provide the add-on functionalities that coffee shops need most. To find out more, request a demo, or set up a free account, contact SalesVu today.

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5 Reasons Full-Service Restaurants Need to Set Up a Self-Service Kiosk

The evolution and increased availability of technology has led to high consumer expectations of convenience and personalization in their dining experiences. Self-service kiosks, which have risen steadily in popularity in recent years, are a prime example of how to meet those standards. Self-service isn’t just for fast-food places or QSRs; full-service restaurants can benefit from it as well. Here’s how.

  1. Optimize Labor

Full-service restaurants can use self-service kiosks to streamline the processing of to-go meals. Orders are transmitted directly from the customer to the kitchen, eliminating the need for a front-of-house middleman. Those staff members can be reallocated to focus on dine-in customers or to help the kitchen prepare the to-go orders faster, providing a better experience for all customers.
Full-service restaurants can also place self-service iPads at each table so that guests can start ordering drinks and appetizers without having to wait for the availability of their server. This streamlining not only gives servers more time to provide personalized attention but also speeds up table turnover, thereby increasing revenue.

  1. Increase Order Accuracy

Restaurant self-service kiosks greatly improve order accuracy, so your staff won’t be wasting time and food on rejected orders. The kitchen gets the order information straight from the customer, virtually eliminating potential server miscommunication or misread tickets. With the visual prompts, customers can see images of exactly what they’re ordering and have the opportunity to review and check their orders before submitting. They can customize the entire meal to their specifications, increasing overall satisfaction with their experience.

  1. Enhance Customer Experience

While restaurant self-service kiosks are especially popular with millennials, who appreciate and are accustomed to the convenience afforded by technology, older generations can find reasons to appreciate the experience as well. Streamlined ordering expedites the food preparation process, so diners get their food faster. And they can have greater confidence that they’re getting exactly what they wanted, since they customized their own choices based on clear visual imagery. Finally, the social aspect of dining out is actually improved, because when servers don’t have to be running orders back and forth from the kitchen, they have more time to interact with their guests (which can lead to better tips for them as well).

  1. Increase Ticket Sizes

One of the biggest benefits of self-service kiosks for full-service restaurants is the increase in revenue. As more restaurants and franchises adopt self-service, results consistently show that when customers place their own orders, ticket sizes increase. According to an article in the Harvard Business Review, when Taco Bell introduced its digital app in 2015, orders placed through it averaged 20% higher than orders placed with human cashiers. In 2014, The Atlantic reported that when Chili’s introduced tabletop tablets, dessert orders rose 20% (perhaps, as the article suggests, because diners don’t feel they are potentially being judged by the server for what they’re ordering). And in 2018, Australian chain Hog’s Express claimed their average spend per person rose a whopping 30-37% with self-service kiosks.
What drives these increases? For one thing, the graphical interface of a self-service kiosk provides appealing images of the food to whet diners’ appetites. Customers can also access lists of specials or other items they might miss on a regular menu or the specials board they pass by on their way in. Finally, guests placing their own orders tend to select additional ingredients or extra add-ons when prompted by the upselling features built into the self-service software. Restaurants no longer have to rely on their employees remembering to upsell consistently, because it’s automatic — and it works. Those extra toppings, sides, drinks, and combos add up.

  1. Anticipate the Future of Dining

The new normal for consumers can be summed up in two words: convenience and automation.  Consumers can hail a ride in self-driving cars through Lyft or Uber, they can go to cashierless stores, such as Amazon Go, and even have drones deliver packages right to their doorstep. Sooner or later, they will begin to expect the same convenience and automation in their dining experiences.  We are not far off from having serverless restaurants where diners view the menu, place their own orders and pay their bill all via a device on the table. Quite a few restaurants across the United States are already testing this new experience or implementing a hybrid method that employs waitstaff who are ready on the sidelines and available upon request.
Don’t fall behind.  Stay a step ahead of your competition by offering menus on iPad devices at your tables, rather than old-fashioned printed paper menus, in order to provide more information to your diners about the ingredients in each meal and the history of each dish. The menu should be an integral part of the dining experience. After your customers begin to get accustomed to reviewing your menu via iPad, begin to add “order” buttons next to each dish to streamline the ordering process by sending your customers’ orders immediately to the kitchen.
For all of these reasons, restaurant self-service kiosks provide a healthy return on investment. Discover how SalesVu can help you quickly and easily implement a self-service solution.
Download the OrderUp App for iPad now, or contact SalesVu to learn more.

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Restaurant Scheduling: 5 Best Practices for Shift Trades and Time-Off Requests

For many restaurant owners and managers, one of the more onerous administrative tasks is employee scheduling. Juggling time-off requests and trying to keep everyone happy with their shift slots while making sure you’re not under- or over-staffing can be difficult. But there are ways to make it easier on yourself and your employees — just follow these tips, and choose the right tools.

  1. Plan the schedule in advance.

Ideally, you should be posting your employee schedules at least two weeks in advance. This lead time gives workers sufficient notice so they can rearrange personal commitments or appointments if necessary, or trade conflicting shifts with a co-worker. The schedule should also be readily available to everyone at all times. Sticking a paper copy on the wall and hoping everyone sees it (and any changes that might come up) is inadequate. Online accessibility to the single most up-to-date version saves a lot of frustration.
If you’re thinking that you can’t plan your schedule that far ahead because you have no way to anticipate your future needs, then you aren’t using the right tools. Good restaurant scheduling software includes labor reporting that will show the labor cost ratio over actual sales on each shift. This information enables you to plan in advance based on past trends, ensuring that you don’t over- or under-staff during peak periods and that you keep labor costs under the recommended 30%.

  1. Open lines of communication.

Employees need a reliable means of communication with each other and with management in order to get updated schedules, swap shifts with each other, and get trades or time-off requests approved. Not everyone uses e-mail regularly, and calling everyone individually can be frustrating and a time sink. A digital labor management tool is a great way to connect all staff members and managers, enable seamless swaps, and make the latest information readily available at any time.

  1. Set clear rules for requesting time off.

Restaurant scheduling works best for everyone involved when there are clearly defined rules, consistently applied, for time-off requests. Your rules should cover such issues as:

  • How should time-off requests be submitted, and how far in advance? A standard written or online form is recommended, and at least two weeks’ notice is a good starting point. The important thing is to have everyone making their requests the same way.
  • When can time off be requested, and when can’t it? You might want to take certain holidays off the table in order to be fair to everyone. Or the needs of your business may dictate policies: if you know your establishment is especially busy during Spring Break weeks in March or the local music festival in August, you might want to set those times as off-limits. If employees know these rules ahead of time, they can make their own plans accordingly.
  • How are you going to handle overlapping requests? You might lean toward a “first come, first served” policy, or a seniority-based one, to handle conflicts. And managerial discretion regarding the reasons for the requests and the needs of the business will also come into play. Consistency and transparency are key.
  1. Create a procedure in case of emergencies.

Emergencies will happen: an employee might fall ill, or have their car break down, or need to stay home with their children when school is closed because of adverse weather. It’s always good to have a Plan B (or even a Plan C) in place for when such situations arise. Your emergency backups could include keeping a list of former or part-time workers who could fill in, or designating “on call” days for employees when they aren’t scheduled but could be available.

  1. Invest in restaurant labor management and shift scheduling software.

Advance planning, open communication, easy shift trades or emergency substitutions, and consistent handling of time-off requests can be difficult to juggle without the right tools. Pen-and-paper or spreadsheet methods might be what you’re used to, but they will cost you valuable time and energy to accomplish tasks that could be streamlined with restaurant scheduling software and online management solutions. These tools can save you a lot of headaches, improve employee satisfaction, and give you more time to focus on other areas of your business.
Contact SalesVu to explore how you can implement an affordable iPad restaurant labor management and shift scheduling software solution in your restaurant.

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Maximize your business potential with SalesVu POS system: Web Store and Gift Cards modules!


Estes Park, Colorado, is hometown of the popular brewery Rock Cut Brewing Co. This place offers well-crafted ales and lagers, snacks and merchandise such as hats, t-shirts, growlers and more. Tracy Goodemote, founder of the company, shared with us how him and his colleague Matt Heiser started a brewing company and tap room from scratch.

Rock Cut Brewing Co. was founded in 2015, starting on Tracy’s garage, their passion lead them to have a 7 barrel system and tap room downtown with great a great view of the city. They started their journey with SalesVu right away when they opened and they selected this particular POS software for a couple of reasons.

“The pricing structure with SalesVu is one of the main reasons we chose this POS System. We started with the POS module and as we grew SalesVu was growing as well, at anytime you are able to upgrade to an advanced bundle. Pricing was also very competitive, it was nice that we started with one feature and we could add more tools if needed”. – Tracy Goodemote

Thanks to the E-commerce module, Tracy was able to offer merchandise on his website and he likes the option of offering online ordering to his customers. Any order that takes place online, is sent out as an email notification and he can keep track of any order on the back end, having access to all kind of customized reports has been very valuable for the Rock Cut Brewing Co. staff members.

Before holiday season, Tracy was very interested about selling gift cards, they found out SalesVu provided this service and they implemented it right away. They were using printed gift certificates and upgraded to plastic barcoded cards that can be scanned for recharging and redemption. All reporting is available on the web portal, and you have an ease of access for balances, recharge history and purchase history.




Having a software system that’s flexible and grows at the same time as you is what Rock Cut Brewing Co. was looking for and they found it with SalesVu! Manage your business remotely from any place at anytime. For more information about promotions or if you’re just in the area, visit them and follow them on social media below!


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Brookwood Georgetown uses SalesVu POS system to manage their Cafe and Shop easily!

Located in Georgetown, Texas, Brookwood in Georgetown is a non-profit organization that offers a program for adults with special needs, their mission is to provide an educational environment that creates meaningful jobs and builds a sense of belonging and validates dignity and respect for adults with disabilities. Diane Saphiro, buying manager, shared with us their purpose of using SalesVu and why they decided to start using a POS system.

Brookwood in Georgetown was created 6 years ago and is an expansion from a larger program by the same name which is located in Texas. In March of 2016 the decided to open a shop, cafe and greenhouse, they needed to have a better control of products that were selling and pulling specific data and reports to continue growing, a POS system is what they needed.

‘We started using a system from our parent program which was Windows based and it was not working properly based on our needs, that’s why we decided to improve and switch. SalesVu was one of the first programs that offered pictures on the menu. It was able to do both, cafe and gift shop and that was very important for us, using a Ipad POS system that was able to handle different industries under one account’. – Diane Saphiro



Brookwood in Texas uses three main modules in their business: POS, Inventory and Employe modules. With POS they are able to differentiate which categories they can arrange and sell, whether is the cafe or shop, they can distinguish between both of them and pull reports with very specific fields. Inventory is used for the most part for the retail products, they are able to adjust the items on stock in real time and they have a threshold, which is a notification alert when inventory is low, SalesVu sends an email to notify the business owner or any other staff members in order for them to create purchase orders from their vendors. Lastly, the employee module is used for adding more staff into their account and mainly for keeping track of their hours, clock in/out and generating a labor report for payroll.

‘SalesVu is really easy to use, our staff learn the system really fast, how to take orders, close the shift, apply discounts for our Christmas or eben birthday discounts. The sales reports and inventory reports are customizable and easy to obtain’. – Diane Saphiro

This non-profit organization is very inspirational, if you’re in town don’t hesitate to go there and grab some food and coffee and get some handmade beautiful products. For more information, follow them on social media below.


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‘With SalesVu POS system my sales increased 23%-24% on slow times’ – Alex Jain

Homemade fresh gelato is the distinctive product that Paciugo Gelato Caffe offers. Located in Oklahoma City, Alex Jain joined us and shared with us why SalesVu was his first option when looking for a POS solution for his business.

Alex started his business using Square POS System but he was having problems with viewing reports. He decided to go with SalesVu about a year ago because of the incredible analytics that this Free POS offers. Sales reports were easier to pull and he could obtain information such as : busiest hours of the day, best day of the week and best month of the year.

‘SalesVu has helped my business with mainly reporting, if you know exactly which are the slowest times of the day or the week I can push those hours with discounts. If it’s slow I create happy hour discounts on those days and times. With SalesVu my sales increased 23%-24% on slow times and I am very happy that we decided to switch to this POS solution’ – Alex Jain

Besides reporting, Alex mentioned that Inventory control is very good, he is able to see inside out exactly which products have been sold and which products are coming in. With the profitability report he is able to see total cost of inventory and profit margin per products or categories.


Having a POS software that gives you reliable and detailed reports was very important for Alex and because of it he was able to push his business even more and got more sales as a result. Mood for a gelato? visit Paciugo Gelato Caffe! Don’t forget to follow them on social media below for their latest products and offers!

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‘SalesVu POS system modules: e-commerce and branded app are extremely convenient for our customers and business’ – Ozzie Ramirez


Fruta Loca is a juice bar and cafe that offers a variety of pressed juices, smoothies, cafe and breakfast and lunch specials. Located in Miami, FL., Ozzie Ramirez shared with us why SalesVu is the best POS to help with the different aspects of his business.
Five years ago Ozzie started his journey as a business owner, Shopkeep was his first POS system but  couldn’t meet his needs and decided to upgrade to a new solution, SalesVu was the perfect fit because of the integrated modules and low price. POS, online ordering, branded app and employee management are the modules that Fruta Loca is using. Fours years have passed and Ozzie and his team are enjoying SalesVu’s features to the max.
‘We started with the POS system and online ordering. Both modules work together pretty good, our sales have definitely increased since we integrated the shopping cart to our website. Business is growing gradually and consistent, and the main reason we decided to offer online ordering is because we are located in an industrial area, we are not a retail store located in a shopping center where people pass around, we wanted to give customers the option to order online and select delivery, dine-in or pick up’. – Ozzie Ramirez
Besides delivery preferences, SalesVu also manages different payment options, customizable tools for the shopping cart and email notifications for online orders. To enable/disable products is extremely easy and can be completed within minutes.  


Another module that integrates with the POS software is branded app. Ozzie decided to implement the newest feature SalesVu offered because he wanted his customers to have the full experience of his business from their phones. His app , is available on the app store and play store, it works for ordering products online, reservations, electronic gift cards and loyalty. App is totally customizable with their business, logo, colors and fonts. Customers can always check their purchase history and upcoming reservations straight from their device.
‘In addition, customer service has been great with us. We like that is 24/7 and any question that we have or issue that we’re facing, we can ask on chat or email and it gets solved right away’. – Fruta Loca staff
Are you in the mood for a sandwich, wrap or a smoothie? Visit! check their menu and order great food. Take the next step and offer your customers the experience of a lifetime with SalesVu POS system and branded app, grow your business’ sales with an iPad based solution. Don’t forget to follow them on social media below!

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Keep improving your business with SalesVu brewery POS System!


Located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Champion’s Pub is a little neighborhood tavern that started business in 1956, Robert Greenya is part of the third generation of family ownership. Thanks to their cozy atmosphere, this is the perfect place for conversations, drinks and good music.
Robert started his journey with SalesVu in 2013, credit cards were becoming quite popular and he decided to upgrade to an iPad based solution with these capabilities. Champion’s Pub has an outdoor deck where people can watch sports and enjoy the lovely view, this area is seasonal due to weather and Robert is able to enable and disable an extra terminal depending on his needs. This has been very helpful because customers can start tabs and close them inside or outside, orders are shared between the iPads due to the cross-device feature.


‘I decided to implement the Gift Card module because is one of the things you see out there, when you go to other places you see that they offer gift cards and I wanted to give people the possibility to buy them and give them as a present. Likewise, I have customers that come here on a regular basis and it is very convenient for them. I am able to load the cards over and over and check balances and reports with the system. It is also very nice to have your logo on the physicals cards. Having gift cards allows me to give them out for charitable events, fundraisers for the local high school and different celebrations, customers feel always at home when they are at Champion’s Pub’ – Robert Greenya
One of Robert’s favorite features is analytics, he used to do all the maths on his own and with SalesVu everything calculates automatically and reports are sent every week by email, he is able to check his comparison between weeks and sales trends. The software gives him a very tangible effect on how his business is doing.
Either is winter or summer don’t miss the opportunity to go to Champion’s Pub! You’ll have a great time with their friendly staff and you can buy some merchandise too. Check them out on social media below!

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