
SalesVu’s iPad POS System Intuitive Interface benefits SLG’s Art Boutiki

Art Boutiki

SLG’s Art Boutiki and Gallery is a combination of a comic shop, art gallery and live music venue that proudly stands in San Jose, California. The Boutiki is a “brick-and-mortar store” of SLG, a comic publishing company founded in 1986.

As a publisher, SLG frequently travels to trade shows and comic conventions so they needed a point-of-sale system that would be consistent on the road as well as in their San Jose location.

After considering Square and trying out Imonggo, SLG eventually decided to go with SalesVu.

SalesVu offered the most functionality for the price and had an intuitive interface that was easy to get new employees up-to-speed on,” said Dan Vado, Supreme Commander of SLG.

Volunteers usually operate SLG’s point-of-sale transactions during events, so being able to use SalesVu software without much training was a greatly advantageous. In addition, the ability to process credit cards while away from their location increased SLG’s sales immensely.

Art BoutikiArt Boutiki

For more information about SLG’s Art Boutiki and Gallery, visit their website, look up their Facebook page or follow them on twitter @artboutiki.

Posted in Beauty and Wellness, Professional Services, Retail | Tagged , ,

SalesVu iPad POS System Helps Shades of Sugar Make Sweet Improvements

Shades of Sugar (SS) is a small bakery that provides custom cakes, cupcakes, cookies, cake balls and many other confections to the Richardson, Texas area.

Autumn Surface, SS owner, found herself in need of a mobile restaurant POS system because she wanted to be able to sit down with a customer to discuss cake ideas, and then ring up the sale at the same table. The shop’s previous owner had a massive traditional POS system that took up their entire counter. When Surface took over the shop, she was on a tight budget and didn’t want to pay “thousands” to maintain the current system or purchase a new mobile solution.

After struggling to keep up with employee hours, sales trends, expenses and invoices, Surface researched systems like Revel and ShopKeep and eventually decided to use SalesVu.

Shades of Sugar has been able to appropriate the Restaurant POS system to track sales in the front of the bakery as well as oversee employee hours and inventory in the back. Viewing reports helps SS see sales trends and make data-driven decisions about which cakes to sell and which to discontinue.

“I like that at any given time I can pull a report and see exactly what is happening financially at the bakery,” said Surface. “I can input my recipes and it will keep track of my inventory and my employees clock-in using SalesVu. It truly does everything! SalesVu has combined all of those [features] into one easy application and made my time mine again, so that I can do what I enjoy doing, BAKING.”

Lastly, moving to an mPOS system has helped Shades of Sugar seamlessly deliver products by allowing them to finalize a sale when it reaches it’s destination. The adoption of SalesVu has made business management at SS easier than ever.

“I like everything about SalesVu,” said Surface. “I am so glad that it keeps up with the front and back end of the bakery. I am busy all the with baking, so I like that SalesVu will keep up with all the stuff I don’t have time to keep up with.”

For more information about Shades of Sugar, please visit, like them on Facebook or on Twitter @shadesbakery.



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A.D.S. Kustoms Glass Adopts SalesVu iPad POS System for Inventory Management, Invoicing and ECommerce


“We like to say that, ‘We make gifts that last forever,’ here at ADS Kustoms Glass-Sandblasting,” said Owner Noe Agado.

ADS can personalize any glassware, mirror, stainless steel, copper, aluminum or even wood item. They can blast text and artwork to almost anything, though they focus on glass as it leaves the best impression. ADS can also cut glass into different depths for texture variations.

ADS went mobile soon after Agado began sandblasting, as he realized he needed to take the service to his customers. Prior to adopting SalesVu POS System, he had used PayPal, invoiceASAP, Intuit GoPayment, Quickbooks and an invoice generator.

“I really enjoy SalesVu because of the web portal,” said Agado. “Being able to load and track my inventory along with sales reporting is going to make my tax report easy.”

One of ADS’ favorite features is the ability to email invoices and receipts. Once Agado receives the payment email, he can ship customers their custom products.

“For example, over Christmas, I had a lot of Facebook sales,” said Agado. “I was able to add the customers’ info to the order, click on the email envelope and start working in the order that the invoices were paid.”

SalesVu has allowed ADS to expand their sales to different parts of Texas.

“I have consignment sales people who I’ve added as payment locations to my system,” said Agado of his sales expansion. “I’ve even cross synced a few devices that we use at farmers markets to allow different people to take orders and others to cash them out.”

SalesVu’s ECommerce is also allowing him to expand his business beyond just Texas.

For more information about A.D.S. Kustoms Glass Sandblasting, go to, like them onFac ebook or follow them on Twitter @adskustomsglass.


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SalesVu iPad POS System at Kim Bloomberg Designs

Kim Bloomberg Designs (KBD) is a handmade jewelry studio that prides itself on using the highest quality materials and craftsmanship. KBD boasts a customer base of feminine, strong women who have a strong sense of style and appreciation for fine jewelry.

Kim Bloomberg, KBD owner, needed an iPad POS because she frequently goes to fine art and trade shows. The studio is also often on the road, making inventory management key. They also wanted a POS system that could integrate with QuickBooks.

After extensive research and previous experience with Square, KBD discovered that SalesVu’s retail POS was not only easy to setup and use, but also cost efficient and used by most small businesses at the big shows.

“We knew our customers would be comfortable with it and we could train our staff to use it,” said Bloomberg.

KBD loves the SalesVu-QuickBooks integration because they are able to track inventory, sales and profits and transfer the information into QuickBooks for quick and seamless accounting.

“This is necessary to effectively run a business,” said Bloomberg of the simplified accounting.

According to Bloomberg, SalesVu has helped KBD get more organized and helped them refine and tighten their product lines.

“We have uploaded over 300 items to SalesVu and when we analyzed our products, we realized it was necessary to simplify the scope of each collection,” said Bloomberg.

KBD also saves money with the pricing flexibility, which allowed them “to use the product and not actually have to pay a dime until launching with actual customers.”

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You can find out follow Kim Bloomberg Designs at the following sites:

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SDAdish Puts Their Trust in SalesVu’s ECommerce Website for Their Nationwide Business

The Company

SDAdish (SDA) is a small business that sells free-to-air satellite equipment, meaning once you buy the equipment you can watch TV without monthly fees or contracts. SDA has several channel packages available, some of which include up to 200 channels. They also offer installation and repair to customers within a 150 mile radius of their office in Priest River, Idaho. Additionally, SDA has begun selling cell phone boosters, antennas, survival gear and health products.

“Primarily, our goal is to make Christian television available to more people at an affordable cost,” said SDAdish Owner Natalie Ocon. “We also want to make more people aware that there is still free TV available out there, with quality programming as well.”

The Needs

SDAdish needed an iPad POS solution because they frequently attend trade shows and Christian camp meetings where they need to process credit cards on the spot. They also needed to be able to accept credit cards while doing local installations and repairs.

“Because we sell nationwide, almost all of our sales occur over the phone or online,” said Ocon. “Therefore, if we are out in the field doing an installation, we can still take orders and process credit cards while out of the office.”

The SalesVu Decision

Prior to adopting SalesVu, SDAdish was using SecurePay. SDA was able to integrate it “fairly well” with their website, but it had more limitations and many extra fees.

“Also, every year they required us to go through a PCI compliance questionnaire and pay $180; I got pretty tired of that,” said Ocon.

Once deciding to look at other POS systems, SDA considered PayPal, Square and Intuit GoPayment. They chose SalesVu because they had the most features at the best rate.

“[SalesVu] has a low rate, no annual PCI compliance fee or other fees like, statement fees or getaway fees,” said Ocon. “We also needed to be able to integrate the credit card processing with our existing website and be able to use our mobile devices to process cards.”

SalesVu ECommerce

One of SDA’s favorite things about SalesVu is the ECommerce feature.

“We like being able to add products, descriptions, pictures and more to the website and then be able to see them on the app as well,” said Ocon. “We also like the ‘Buy’ buttons that we’ve integrated into our website as the shopping cart.”

According to Ocon, SDAdish was getting thousands of views to the website but they weren’t getting enough conversions to sales with their previous POS shopping cart system.

“It seems that with SalesVu, the checkout process is less confusing to the customer,” said Ocon. “They click on the ‘Buy’ button and are taken to a nice, clean item description page to complete their order.”

SDA also enjoys how easy it is to add new products, as well as remove items from ECommerce with a click of the mouse.

“With our last POS provider, we didn’t have the option to remove items from ECommerce when we were out of stock,” said Ocon. “We had to list it as ‘Out of Stock’ and hope that the customer would read that and not try to continue with the order.”

Ocon’s husband, Max, also had a lot to say about SalesVu’s ECommerce feature:

“The ECommerce has been great,” said Max. “My customers have found that our new system works much better, is easy to use and I like it too! I especially like the SalesVu dashboard and the easy-to-understand interface features for setting up products under categories, all with different options. The [ECommerce] website also works great on mobile devices, like phones.”

“My last service was quite a hassle to work with and you can’t beat SalesVu’s customer service,” said Max. “I give them a 10 and two thumbs up for their quick tech support response.”

The Results

“SalesVu has helped our business by making it possible for our website to be more user-friendly,” said Ocon. “It has also saved us quite a bit of money that we can use elsewhere to help our business grow.”

Ocon says that SDAdish saves about $420/year on fees alone by using SalesVu.

For more information about SDAdish, go to



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See How Yarn Shop Nikki’s Knots Uses SalesVu’s iPad POS System

Check out SalesVu’s nifty customer, Nikki’s Knots!

Nikki’s Knots (KN) is a yarn shop located in Woodland Park, Colorado. NK stands out from the rest because of its unique lounge area where crafters can hang out, craft and get to know fellow members in the crafting community all while enjoying refreshments.

Nikki’s Needs

When starting her business, Owner Nikki Parsons was looking for a POS system that offered inventory tracking to assess the long-term preferences of her customers. She also was interested in accounting for the profitability of the items she sells. Parsons needed a mobile processor so that she could make sales at the occasional trade show or farmers’ market.

So, Why SalesVu?

Parsons heard about SalesVu through a credit card processor when she was looking for an inventory tracking POS system. At the time, she was using Square and had looked into PayPal, Intuit and LightSpeed prior to joining SalesVu. Her budget would not allow for most POS software and she already owned an iPad that she was comfortable using, making SalesVu iPad POS the obvious choice.

“I love the integration between the computer, my iPad and my iPhone,” said Parsons. “Also you can create employees so you can track the many devices that you may use, along with the password protection.”

Parsons said she could not pick a favorite feature as “there is so much to love!”

“I love the support; you can talk to real people as well as leave messages on the forum boards when you don’t have time for a phone call,” said Parsons. “The support response is so quick.”

She also likes the reports option of this “intuitive” POS system, as she can get information on various aspects of her small business. Parsons most frequently uses the sales report so that she can replenish NK’s stock most efficiently.

For more information on Nikki’s Knots, go to or like the KN Facebook page!

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Fly Lake Austin with SalesVu’s iPad POS System!

Fly Lake Austin (FLA) is a water sports entertainment and instruction company that teaches people how to fly a Jetovator or Flyboard, the newest crazes in power water sports. FLA offers individual lessons, private parties and corporate team building events on the south end of Lake Austin.

FLA’s “office” is a boat therefore traditional POS systems are not an option. When searching online for the best way to make Fly Lake Austin mobile and accept credit cards and gift cards, Owner Ed Hughes came across the SalesVu iPad POS. Hughes also considered Square but chose SalesVu after seeing a checklist of the benefits of each side-by-side.

“There seemed to be far more benefits to using SalesVu over Square,” said Hughes. “The most memorable benefit of SalesVu iPad POS over Square, to me, was SalesVu’s compatibility with QuickBooks.”

Hughes also likes that the manual entry and swipe options are equally priced.

“The reason I like that is because, being on a boat, if I forget my credit card swiper or if I did not charge it properly I can still process a transaction as long as I have my iPhone,” said Hughes.

For more information about Fly Lake Austin, go to, like their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter @FlyLakeAustin.

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Lake Charles Martial Arts Loves SalesVu’s iPad POS System feature ,Inventory Management and Invoicing

Lake Charles Martial Arts (LCMA) is a martial art school that goes beyond martial arts and turns people’s lives around through innovative curriculum. “Our instruction not only changes our students’ lives but also helps improve the lives of people around the community,” said Owner John Newport.

LCMA found SalesVu when searching for a POS system that could track inventory. At the time, they were using PayPal but were quickly outgrowing its usefulness as their product and service options grew.

“The fact that [SalesVu] is less expensive to use than PayPal helps in dropping our overhead costs and presents us as a truly professional company with receipts and invoicing that are customized to our needs,” said Newport.

Lake Charles Martial Arts does a lot of traveling, private lessons and special functions away from school, giving them the need for an iPad POS.

“When tournaments come about we need something reliable to collect payment (non-cash) at the door,” said Newport.

LCMA researched more than 80 POS systems when looking for a new system.

“We looked at ShopKeep, but the monthly charges for what we needed prevented that sale,” said Newport. “We looked at NCR Silver but it was too complex and expensive. We considered LightSpeed but we saw that we would outgrow their introductory offer and could not afford the next level.”

LCMA chose SalesVu because they could try it without any required commitment. Once Newport saw that SalesVu iPad POS could grow with LCMA without being nickel and dimed plus the extensive list of features, they “knew they had a winner.”

Newport’s favorite thing about SalesVu’s solution is its simplicity. They also like the ability to invoice a sale complete with their logo and all of the pertinent information as well as the capacity to transfer sales between devices.

“Our students are wowed when they see us take our iPad or phone out to complete a sale or tuition payment,” said Newport. “We are the only martial art school in the area with anything like this.”

“The online coupons and option to get actual gift cards and track their usage help keep us on top of what is working,” said Newport.

According to Newport, SalesVu has helped in the retention of students by offering so many different means of payment.

“If someone doesn’t at least try SalesVu, then they are just going to waste their money,” said Newport.

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Hey 49er Fans, Niner Empire is Talking about Their Success with SalesVu’s ECommerce Website

Niner Empire (NE) is a San Francisco 49er fan shop. Initially, NE was a website for all 49er fans to come together in support their team. Then, it grew around the country and world to now have over 40 chapters.

NE started their own clothing line a couple of years ago and recently decided to open a fan shop. They sell 49er novelties, glassware, housewares, tailgating items, flags, prints, jewelry, toys, etc.

Owner Monica Toscano researched many POS systems, including Square and Shopkeep, and even bought a couple cash registers before returning them. Square could not support their inventory issues and they could not afford Shopkeep and the like because of monthly charges.

“SalesVu iPad POS had everything we needed: an inventory system, merchant service and the ability to scan barcodes,” said Toscano. “I also like that I could download my info into Quickbooks and the opportunity for an online store.”

Toscano and her husband like that the SalesVu retail POS is free with a valuable management portal.

“I like that I can make changes from home and have emails regarding all of my sales even when I’m not at the store; SalesVu is great,” said Toscano.

Since adopting SalesVu, Niner Empire has been able to put their store online and keep all of their inventory together.

“They have answered my questions when I call or email them,” said Toscano. “Their customer service is great!”

Are you a 49er fan or interested in some gear? Go to or check out their Facebook page!

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SalesVu iPad POS System beats other solutions at The Clay Purl

The Clay Purl (CP) is a small yarn and pottery shop in Nashville, Indiana. CP sells high quality yarns and supplies for fiber artists, offers classes and workshops and dyes their own yarns. Additionally, they carry Paul Hayes Pottery.

Owner Michele Hayes came across SalesVu while checking out different solutions. Previously, she was using a Sam’s Club cash register and spiral notebook as her POS system. She had just purchased an iPad, so an iPad POS seemed like the natural next move. Hayes said she was tired of the “un-understandable” fees being charged by the bank, so she thought to look into mobile options. While researching, she found another yarn shop that uses the SalesVu POS system, contacted them and was strongly advised to try it out.

“I wanted to spend the money on product, not software that would be out of date in a few months,” said Hayes.

An iPad POS became crucial for The Clay Purl as they plan on doing off-location sales in the future, are in need of inventory control and want to eventually offer products online.

“I wanted to get the big cash register off the counter,” said Hayes.

Between reviews, customer service, app features and recommendations, Hayes decided to adopt SalesVu’s retail POS.

“I love the simplicity; it is so easy to use,” said Hayes. “I love the reports and being able to look at them even if I am away from the shop!”

For more information on The Clay Purl, check out !

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