
Three Things to Consider When Choosing a Restaurant Self-Service Kiosk


Like an ever-growing number of restaurant owners, you may have decided that the many benefits of self-service kiosks — including higher ticket sizes, reduced wait times, and improved efficiencies — would make them a good choice for your business. If you’re ready to take the next step and start shopping for your solution, here are some things to keep in mind.


  1. Spatial Ergonomics

As they say in real estate, it’s all about location, location, location. Every square foot of your restaurant needs to be optimized for maximum efficiency and workflow, so you’ll need to give some careful thought to where your kiosks should be placed. Self-service kiosks are meant to enhance the customer experience by moving diners through your lines more quickly and with shorter wait times; but consider where they will wait for their meals, and how the kiosks should be incorporated into your floor plan for best traffic flow. You’ll also need room for more than just the ordering screen; there will likely be peripherals for payment processing and receipt printing.


  1. Durable and Highly Responsive Touchscreen Technology

Users will already be familiar with the projected capacitive touchscreens on their smartphones and personal tablets, so they should be comfortable ordering from a tablet-based kiosk. Projected capacitive touchscreens generally tend to be durable and have a relatively long life because there are no moving parts to wear out. The screens require only light touches to operate (and some can even be used with gloved fingers, depending on how sensitivity is adjusted), so customers won’t need to bang on them like manual typewriter keys. They also have good optical properties, enabling restaurant ordering screens that are easy to read and full of appealing graphic images.


  1. Point of Sale Integration

One of the most important features that restaurant owners want from self-service kiosks is easy integration with their point of sale (POS) software. The kiosks need to be able to communicate and share real-time information with several other POS functionalities. For example, with integration, kiosks can update your inventory levels as orders are placed, so that customers aren’t trying to order items that are out of stock (and if your inventory management system is good, it won’t let you run out of popular items). When the systems are connected, any menu or pricing changes are applied across the board, ensuring a consistent customer experience no matter which ordering option they use.


Integration with your POS System also allows kiosks to access customer information such as purchase histories, allowing them to make personalized upselling suggestions based on customer preferences. If the customer is a member of your loyalty rewards program, POS integration ensures that they can earn and redeem rewards when using the kiosks. Integration also enables the purchase and use of your branded gift cards at the kiosks. All of this sharing of POS data increases customer convenience and satisfaction.


When choosing the right self-service kiosk for your restaurant, you also need to look for a knowledgeable vendor. SalesVu’s OrderUp App creates self-service kiosk functionality on an iPad and fully integrates with our other POS solutions, all backed by 24/7 customer support. Contact us today to find out more about how our products can improve your business.


Posted in Beauty and Wellness, Brewery, Professional Services, Restaurants and Bars, Wineries

Dance Studio Software: Here is Why You Need One to Run and Manage Your Dance Classes Smoothly


The right dance studio management software can make a revolution in a way your dance studio is managed. No doubt, most of the dance studio owners are independent and a little bit skeptical of others’ capability to help them. This is the reason they start working on their own and not for any other person.

You might not initially get excited about the idea of letting a dance studio software manage your business operations. But, it can be said confidently that once you go for it, you’ll never regret.

Here are Some Benefits of a Good Dance School Management Software

  • Saves A lot of time

When running your own dance studio, you’ll always need dedicated time just to focus on your dance school’s marketing and growth strategy. In order to do so, you need to come up with a solution to get your day to day tasks automated in an efficient way. And there is no better option than a dance studio software that can manage all your bookings, enrolments, class scheduling, fee payments etc. with a minimal supervision, leaving you with a lot of free space to focus on what matters the most, your business growth.

  • Less stress

Everyone knows that managing your own dance classes can be a hectic experience – mainly in the first few years of starting your business.

Running a dance studio needs a professional lawyer, accountant, manager and more which is enough to roll your head. You started your studio to stay focused on the business and not to wake up worrying for basic things related to your studio management. Online dance studio software helps you manage most of the tasks related to your studio’s day to day operations and hence taking a lot of stress off your mind.

  • Greater performance

When you do everything on your own, you won’t be able to accomplish even the basic tasks until you get the time. And no doubt, time matters a lot when you are running your own business. The dance classes management software helps to automate most of your business which helps to run various things more efficiently. Students can enroll and don’t they need to wait whether they will be selected or not. You’ll get the access to automatic, instant report cards of students which is the best and simple way to go through various data points about the business.

  • Lesser cost

Running your own organization can feel like you are throwing all your money and hoping everything will grow from it. The expenses might include:

  • Marketing that includes memberships, advertising, etc.
  • Business management cost
  • Branding like making signs and creating logos
  • Fess to supporting staff and instructors

Every expense can’t be eliminated but some of them can be cut out, most probably the ones that are bigger. Rather than going to hire a couple managers or dedicated staff for each basic task, try a FREE dance school management software such as HERE by SalesVu instead. It helps to manage income, enrollment, reports, and payments that allow you to spend the amount on something other useful than training, hiring and compensating.

  • Fewer errors

Nothing is perfect, but the students can expect it. There would be nothing more embarrassing than telling students that there’s no space in the dance class. What about correcting some of the errors that your staff on the front desk could make?

A good dance studio software helps to provide students with accurate and seamless information without any issue. Some of the offerings include:

  • Timely progressive reports
  • Upgraded information about classes schedule
  • Real time changes about anything related to the dance studio (enrollment, classes timings, fees, availability of the dance instructor etc.)

Thus, it is better to go with a good dance school management app to avoid basic errors related to dance classes bookings and studio management.

  • A growing dance studio

Every dance instructor would want his/her dance school to get popular and grow fast, but not when you are not ready to handle the responsibilities, work pressure and all the management related things the come with all the growth at the same pace. This is where the dance classes management app comes in. The growing business also means growth in demand. The right dance studio manage software helps you in every way, it doesn’t matter how far your business gets.

  • Remote Access

Starting a new dance studio means to always be ready no matter where you are. A good dance studio management software will give you the functionality to access the software from anywhere making it easier for you to manage you dance classes remotely too. With a cloud-based dance studio software you’ll never have to take stress about crash of a hard drive as all your data will be safe even if the computer misbehaves.

So, what are you waiting for!

Get ready to take your business on success with HERE by SalesVu Fitness and Dance Studio Software.


SIGN UP for our FREE Dance Studio Management Apps for iPad Today!

Posted in Beauty and Wellness, Professional Services

3 Ways Lifestyle Stores are Redefining the Customer Experience with Community Spaces


In the days where online shopping rules the market, it has become more and more difficult for retail stores to attract foot traffic by simply using traditional tactics. Because of this, a new trend has risen: lifestyle stores. These are a form of experiential retail that combines traditional stores with cafes, lounges, and a comfortable atmosphere reminiscent of the beloved coffee house that the Friends crew frequented. With the right technology, lifestyle stores and “coffee shopping” conveniences are pretty easy to implement, even if you haven’t considered branching into the hospitality sector. For retailers that have already implemented this concept, they are noticing several advantages:

They Keep People Coming Back

“Coffee shopping” essentially bridges the gap between brick-and-mortar and ecommerce by offering a retail experience where showrooms are café-inspired and customers can browse items on a tablet while sipping on their favorite beverage. The products you sell are secondary. What you want to provide is a retail customer experience that gives customers a reason to visit your location. By doing this, you indicate to customers that you are willing to focus on what is important to them.

Additionally, you give employees the chance to interact with your customers in different ways. By arming the customers with mobile technology that can find products and provide information, employees can focus more on building positive relationships with customers.

CTA: See how the right POS tailored to lifestyle stores can benefit business. [Link]

They Encourage People to Stay Longer and Spend More

When a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere is provided, people are in less of a rush to get in and get out. Lifestyle stores provide a public place outside of work and home for people to meet and spend time together. The longer they stay inside your store, the more opportunities they have to browse the various products you offer until something catches their eye.

Not to mention, you will provide a space for customers to have a positive experience all on their own, such as catching up with old friends at a café, or working on the book they’re writing while using the free Wi-Fi you offer.

They Provide a Community that Increases Loyalty

Retail stores give people a place to both spend time with the people they know and love, and meet new people. This results in the forming of a close-knit community where people genuinely enjoy spending time in your store. When people associate their communities with your location, they feel a stronger sense of loyalty to your business. This community also incentivizes customers to spend more time in your store, rather than simply paying it a quick visit to pick up a few things, or shopping online for their products.

The extra time they spend in your store allows retail staff to establish a good rapport with your customers, which is incredibly helpful when it comes to providing quality customer service and understanding customer needs.

Why Focus on the Experience?

Brick-and-mortar stores face tough competition these days—not just from other physical stores, but from online stores as well. The best way to keep people coming back to your store is to adapt to the wants and needs of customers, and give them a more valuable and memorable experience when they visit. Lifestyle stores do just that.

To draw people in to your lifestyle store, make sure your website aligns with the experience you want to provide to customers. SalesVu offers a website builder that you can use to create a professional website that showcases your brand and the experiences you offer. Learn more.


Posted in Beauty and Wellness, Health Clubs, Professional Services

How Partnering with a Software Developer Contributes to Business Growth


If you run a web design or graphic design firm providing solutions for business clients, and you’re looking for ways to create more opportunities and expand your offerings, consider teaming up with a software developer. A partnership can help make you more competitive and increase your profits. Here are the ways you can benefit.


1. Sell Deeper into Existing Accounts

You’ve already gained the business — and the trust — of your existing customers. One way to continue fostering that relationship is to offer additional products and services that meet even more of their needs. Partnering with a software developer gives you access to a wider range of options for providing value to your clients. For example, maybe they already have a point of sale (POS) system, but don’t yet have a customer rewards or loyalty program, or don’t yet offer gift cards. Adding these things to their profiles will benefit their business growth and yours. Clients also appreciate the convenience of obtaining all of their solutions from the same provider. Adding a software developer’s line-up to your own lets you offer a more complete package.


2. Broaden Customer Base with New Offerings

Expanding your catalog with your software developer partner’s solutions will create business growth by allowing you to meet the needs of a wider range of industries. For example, reservation and booking programs can be marketed not only to restaurants but also to hair and nail salons, spas, pet groomers, and other service-related businesses. You’ll have your partner’s additional industry knowledge to draw from. You can bundle your solutions with the developer’s, or offer them on an “à la carte” basis to fill gaps and get a foot in the door with new clients. Either way, your client list will grow.


3. Generate Recurring Revenue from Service and Support

Integrating a software developer’s solutions with yours means that at some point, your clients will need some support. Whether it’s initial installation and configuration of the software, or troubleshooting later on, you can charge for providing these services. You could set an hourly rate, or create support packages with monthly or annual fees.


4. Generate Recurring Revenue through SaaS

Software as a Service (SaaS) is becoming increasingly popular with clients and providers. Your software developer partner will typically charge a flat monthly fee for use of their solutions — and you may even get a discounted rate. You can then mark up that price as you see fit when providing the solutions to your customers. Having a steady stream of recurring revenue from SaaS and support can increase the rate at which your business grows.


SalesVu offers a variety of apps and services to meet business needs in several industries. We are ready to back our partners with 24/7 support, free training, and free access to all of our products for testing and demos. Contact SalesVu to find out more about how a partnership with us will lead to business growth.


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Why Graphic Design Firms Should Partner with a Software Developer


Graphic design firms provide businesses with key components for success, including logos and branding. But of course you’re aware that your clients have a much longer list of needs, such as a website and e-commerce tools. If you’re thinking about expanding your business beyond design, consider a partnership with a software developer. Let’s talk about the benefits of teaming up.


Create More Flexible Solutions

When you add a software developer’s products and services to your own, you can create versatile, bundled solutions that meet more of your customers’ needs. Use the developer’s website building tools to put together a client’s entire website with your graphic designs. Widen your offerings to include other necessary tools and functionalities, such as inventory management, labor management, analytics and reporting, reservations and booking, and loyalty rewards programs. You can package the developer’s solutions, or sell them individually — and providing them on a Software as a Service (SaaS) basis will generate recurring revenue for you.


Appeal to a Wider Target Market

Pairing your graphic design firm with a software developer will allow you to expand both the number and types of industries you serve. Having a more diverse product range will help you not only make additional sales to existing customers but also attract new ones.  Customers like being able to obtain multiple solutions from a single provider, for the sake of convenience and ensured integration compatibility. If you can fill their graphic design needs and provide a complete website, you’ll be ahead of your competition. The more needs you can meet, the more clients you’ll gain.


Provide Additional Value

Add consulting services to your repertoire by drawing on the industry experience of your software developer partner, providing additional value to your clients.  You can offer your customers training and technical support that is backed by your partner’s skills and expertise. And you can set your own price for these services, creating another stream of recurring revenue for your business.


Increase Your Exposure to New Customers

When your business is featured on your software developer partner’s website, you’ll be gaining free advertising. Basically, you’ll be doubling your promotional efforts without doubling your costs. You’ll reach a greater number of people and draw potential business from different markets, increasing your revenue and your client base.


So, what should a graphic design firm look for in a software developer partner? Look for a company that has a good range of solutions to add to your line-up. Choose a partner who offers free training on installation, configuration, and use of their products, and provides dedicated support to help resolve any issues. Finally, seek out a developer with knowledge and expertise in a range of industries, to augment your own experience.


SalesVu can offer all of these qualities, and more, to our resellers. For more information about the benefits of a partnership with SalesVu, contact us today.


Posted in Professional Services

SalesVu Partners With Tessitura Network SalesVu introduces Tessitura CRM integration


Austin, Texas –April 3, 2019 – Continually striving to innovate and improve its software, iPad POS software provider SalesVu has recently announced its new integration capabilities with Tessitura Network. Tessitura is a unified enterprise system for arts, cultural, and attraction organizations that powers key business functions including ticketing and admissions, fundraising, memberships, education, marketing, analytics, and more. .

With this new integration, museums, attractions, and performing arts organizations using the Tessitura system can look up any customer in their database using the SalesVu POS System.

Customers can be searched using membership number, name, phone, email, or customer membership card. Customer discounts, coupons, and loyalty rewards points can then be directly applied to any purchases. All existing Tessitura gift certificates can be redeemed with the SalesVu POS app by scanning the card or manually entering the certificate. Purchase history from SalesVu is transmitted to the Tessitura CRM providing organizations with a full view of all purchases and interactions in keeping with their 360 degree approach. SalesVu offers a number of free iPad POS apps and auxiliary solutions, which can be utilized for bars, gift shops, and concessions stands in entertainment venues and arts and cultural organizations.

Apps include:

  • POS – primary point of sale system app
  • OrderUP – self-ordering kiosk solution
  • Regulars – loyalty program manager
  • VIPz – discount voucher manager
  • And more.

This integration achieves great strides in the ongoing quest for better overall customer experiences in arts and cultural organizations and enables them to have a unified system. By integrating the Tessitura system with free SalesVu POS apps, organizations can drastically reduce the time it takes to look up customer information, apply discounts, and process transactions.

“Our initial attraction to SalesVu was its mobility and scalability. As a major presenting arts organization, we have an ever-changing range of needs across our venues, events and festivals and we were searching for one system that would allow us to capture both concessions and merchandise sales with an easy to learn interface for part-time/seasonal employees,” said Kate Springer from the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust. “The Tessitura integration will give us the ability to see a more complete picture of patrons’ spending with us and more easily fulfill membership perks. Being able to process Tessitura gift certificates will allow a gift certificate to be used for anything in our venues, not just tickets.” 

About SalesVu

Founded in 2007 in Austin, TX, SalesVu is a leading provider of restaurant management solutions that include a robust portfolio of iPad apps, as well as cloud-based remote management features.

About Tessitura Network

Tessitura is an enterprise CRM system that powers all key business functions for museums, attractions, and performing arts organizations. From ticketing and admissions, fundraising, and memberships to marketing, education, analytics, and more, Tessitura’s unified platform enables a seamless, 360-degree view of all visitors, donors, members, subscribers and volunteers. In addition to its flagship software, Tessitura offers a range of complementary services that empower its users to achieve their goals. Those users form a community of industry leaders that enjoys an unprecedented level of knowledge sharing and collaboration. Tessitura also works with a wide range of ecosystem partners that provide products and services to extend the power of what its members can do.

Operating since 2001, Tessitura Network, Inc. is proud to be a member-owned and governed nonprofit. Tessitura serves over 600 organizations in ten countries including museums, theatres, performing arts centers, operas, orchestras, festivals, dance companies, zoos, aquariums, film centers, historical sites, and more. For more information about Tessitura, visit or contact Laura Bowden, Vice President of Administration, at [email protected].  For partnership inquiries, contact Strategic Alliance Manager Kelly Degenhart at [email protected].


Melissa McGaughey

SkyRocket Group

[email protected]

814-833-5026 x106


Posted in Professional Services, Restaurants and Bars, Retail

SalesVu POS system and Employee management are the key features for Camp Bow Wow!


Are you traveling but can’t take your dogs with you? You don’t have anyone to babysit them? Are you worry about their safety, if they will be bored or even eat while your away? Camp Bow Wow in Katy, Texas, is the perfect solution! They are a premiere overnight boarding and day care facility for dogs. They offer services as indoor and outdoor play yards, medication administration, individual attention, grooming and they guarantee your best friend will have a great time socializing with other dogs and people, a great way to make friends! Learn more about how Jose Murillo is using SalesVu to manage this amazing business.

Jose started his journey with SalesVu in 2016, he was looking for a software that was easy to use, great interface and the fact that pricing is very flexible and you can build your own bundle according to your type of business was the main factor for him, because he knows exactly what he’s paying for. This POS System was a recommendation from his sales consultant and ever since they have been really pleased with the software.

‘There are two main things as why SalesVu is the perfect fit for us and how it has helped us grow. The first one is that I can keep track of the money that’s coming into the business with just touching a couple of buttons, the reports are very easy to get and you can obtain very detailed information. Second thing is that it also keeps track of the employees’ hours, they clock in/out from the iPad with their pin number and I can get the report on hours and use it for payroll, we find it very convenient that everything is integrated’ – Jose Murillo.

The employee scheduling feature is another favorite from Camp Bow Wow’s staff members. Jose is able to create shifts easily on the web portal, he can select individuals or groups of employees and have a recurrence pattern depending on which days they work. All of his employees receive the scheduler notifications by email and text, meaning they always have their availability on their phones. Employees are also able to notify back if they won’t be able to take the shift. Is a great tool to use and they are definitely taking advantage of it.


Jose was looking for a reliable Free POS system that can manage human resources and point of sale and he found it with SalesVu. If you ever need a place to leave your dog for a day or a weekend, you should definitely check out Camp Bow Wow. They are the winners of Living Magazine’s Best Pet Boarding Facility in Katy, TX for 2016 and 2017! You’ll know your dog will be completely safe and having a good time while you’re away. For more information, follow them on social media below!


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Oasis Helicopter Tours uses SalesVu POS system to manage multi-locations!



Waking up to an adventure and beautiful landscapes is possible with Oasis helicopter tours! They offer their services in Orange Beach, AL and Galveston Island, TX. You can enjoy beautiful beach and sunset tours with your friends and family. Linda Bailey shared with us how SalesVu POS System has been helping her with keeping record of the different services they offer in the business.

‘We’ve been with SalesVu for several years. We started when it was just one module and from to time to time they have been adding many features. We are using the POS module, and initially we decided to go with this software because of the infrastructure of our business. Since we are mobile, we downloaded the app on cell phones and iPads, it was very convenient!’ – Linda Bailey

Another reason of why SalesVu was the right fit for their helicopter business was flexibility in pricing. The quality of the product is worth what you pay for. Every module and bundle are designed for clients to customize the tools for their business. In this scenario, the Oasis helicopter tours didn’t wanna have an expensive system that was computer based, and they found an affordable cloud based solution with SalesVu!



‘For us the perfect solution was a balance in between the POS and the back-end. Since we have multiple locations, we needed to see in real time sales per service. With this solution managing both is extremely friendly. When we pull reports we are able to see which products are selling the most and when we have our busiest month of the year’. – Linda Bailey

SalesVu has also help Linda with managing multiple locations. They started with 1 location for 3 years and were expanding rapidly, they needed to add more locations. Since the headquarters are in Atlanta, having reporting capabilities of per store was extremely helpful. They were monitoring in real time sales from any computer.

SalesVu Ipad POS is able to work with different industries! They don’t just specialize on normal industries like Restaurants or Retail. They are able to work with any business because of their flexibility and ease of use. For more information on Oasis Helicopter tours visit their website here and to know more about their tours and services in your area, follow them on social media below!


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Stumpy’s Hatchet House! The first indoor hatchet throwing venue in the USA is using SalesVu POS system to manage reservations in their business.


Stuart and Kelly Josberger are the proud business owners of Stumpy’s Hatchet House. Together they started this recreational facility where people can explore their fun side and throw hatchets as a sport, in groups, parties and events. The hottest spot in Eatontown, NJ., was founded in April 2016 and definitely grew into a big trend in the US, they’re franchising right now and their four upcoming locations will open their doors in 2018 in New Jersey and Texas.

Stuart and Kelly started this business looking for different POS systems, they had a hard time because this business is so unique that it didn’t fell into the Restaurant or Spa categories. Some of their requirements to choose the right software were the possibility to manage multi-locations, an all-in-one system that included inventory tracking, employee management, online reservations, gift cards and ease of use for the staff, managers and franchises. SalesVu was the right fit for them at an affordable price.


‘SalesVu has been great with us with customizing the reservation feature. We have been able to maximize the number of people that comes to our store. We started with online reservations and we implemented a feature where we take a deposit at the time of scheduling, thanks to this feature our ‘no shows’ have decreased from 25% to 5%’ – Kelly Josberger


The reservation module offers to have the schedule or calendar embedded into your website, there’s no need to redirect your customers to another webpage. In addition, it includes three types of payment options: payment upfront, payment at the business and partial deposits, you are able to choose the right one for your business. When customers reserve a pit on Stumpy’s Hatchet House website, they get a confirmation email and text, and prior to the appointment they also get text reminders.

Another feature that has been very helpful for Stuart and Kelly is the online gift card module. They implemented this tool on December 2016 and it was a game changer for them because they used to sell physical gift cards and mail them to their customers, which was very time consuming. Now people can buy electronic gift cards for their own or send them as a gift, they receive an email with a unique code that they will use to redeem it in the store towards a service or a product.

‘Last December we saw a huge increase on electronic gift cards for the Holiday season and we hope this year will be the same’ – Stuart Josberger


The last two modules that Stumpy’s uses to manage employees and keep track of their merchandise are Employee and Inventory management. The first module is used for clocking in/out, creating schedules for shifts, send schedules by email/text, pull labor reports and upload training documents for them to review. With the inventory module, they monitor in real time the deduction of the merchandise such as t-shirts and hoodies, they can create PO’s for ordering more products and receive inventory that will update automatically.

To continue to manage their business and to be able to franchise and add more locations, Stuart and Kelly need the help of a reliable system that keeps growing with them. That’s why SalesVu is the best software for any type of business. If you are in the area of New Jersey, take a break to have some fun and visit Stumpy’s Hatchet House! Reserve your pits here

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6.0 has launched!

SalesVu 6.0 just launched and is now available in the Apple Store! In case you haven’t already updated your apps, we highly recommend you do because we came out with a lot of new features that will surely be beneficial to our valued merchants. Here is a complete list of the new additions we have just added in 6.0 – clicking on the feature will automatically redirect you to our Knowledge Base where you can find detailed answers and video guides to any question you may have.

  1. Customer Facing Display 
  2. Waitlist SMS Text Message System
    1. How to notify the customer their table is ready
    2. Assigning the customer a table
    3. Setting up the waitlist time on the web portal
  3. Removing a discount on the P.O.S
  4. Vantiv EMV Chip-Card Reader Integration
  5. Customer Based Discount
  6. Improved Tip Screen
  7. New Appointment Scheduling Improvements
  8. Improved Physical Location Map/Layout Screen
  9.  Improved Customer Screen
  10. Ability to Change Delivery Method and Date
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