
Fly Lake Austin with SalesVu’s iPad POS System!

Fly Lake Austin (FLA) is a water sports entertainment and instruction company that teaches people how to fly a Jetovator or Flyboard, the newest crazes in power water sports. FLA offers individual lessons, private parties and corporate team building events on the south end of Lake Austin.

FLA’s “office” is a boat therefore traditional POS systems are not an option. When searching online for the best way to make Fly Lake Austin mobile and accept credit cards and gift cards, Owner Ed Hughes came across the SalesVu iPad POS. Hughes also considered Square but chose SalesVu after seeing a checklist of the benefits of each side-by-side.

“There seemed to be far more benefits to using SalesVu over Square,” said Hughes. “The most memorable benefit of SalesVu iPad POS over Square, to me, was SalesVu’s compatibility with QuickBooks.”

Hughes also likes that the manual entry and swipe options are equally priced.

“The reason I like that is because, being on a boat, if I forget my credit card swiper or if I did not charge it properly I can still process a transaction as long as I have my iPhone,” said Hughes.

For more information about Fly Lake Austin, go to, like their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter @FlyLakeAustin.

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Maybe we’re partial, but this looks like San Francisco’s best golfing!


The Company

Eagle Club Indoor Golf (ECIG) brings a real golf experience to an indoor environment in the heart of downtown San Francisco. Using a real set of clubs and balls, golfers can practice in driving stalls or in a simulation room to play 18 holes in just about an hour per person. ECIG’s goal is to help customers get the most out of their game by using the latest launch monitor and simulation technology to help gather data on players’ ball flight or put them in the context of a shot they’re struggling with on a real course.

The Needs

Eagle Club needs an iPad POS in order to maximize their golf space and limit the office and desk clutter.

“Not having wires running everywhere and a bulky screen helps make that possible,” said Owner Michael Sharratt.

The SalesVu Decision

After looking into Square, PayPal and Intuit, SalesVu iPad POS turned out to be the right solution for ECIG. A big factor in their decision was that SalesVu is cheaper than a traditional POS system/merchant service provider on both startup and monthly costs. Sharratt also loved the “cool features for easy setup.”

“SalesVu was an easy choice with the cheaper processing price, cloud based features, inventory control and quick deposit times,” said Sharratt.

The Results

Sharratt likes the cloud based system as they use two registers, one cash drawer and one receipt printer.

“We can open up orders on one and close it on the other, which is important if one iPad is out taking drink orders so customers checking out at the front desk can close their orders there,” said Sharratt.

SalesVu iPad POS allows ECIG to be more profitable as they don’t have to pay additional fees and can access next day payments.

“For a startup, cash flow is essential and not having a waiting period to receive our payments is crucial to paying our bills on time or getting that crucial piece of equipment or advertising sooner rather than later,” said Sharratt.

Eagle Club has saved at least $1,000 upfront by not going with a traditional POS system.

“I used to sell merchant services so I know we’re paying far less,” he said.

According to Sharratt, they’re saving hundreds of dollars over the course of a year by not using similar solutions to SalesVu; plus, the savings in times because of the cloud based system, reports and lack of system downtime.

For more information on Eagle Club Indoor Golf, visit, like their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter @EagleClubIG

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F-Town Longboards Using SalesVu iPad POS System to Bring Longboarding to Arkansas


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F-Town Longboards (FTL) is the first pure longboard store in Arkansas, founded in 2012 after two cousins discovered longboarding in Southern California. They saw the sport spreading across the country and realized that there was no place dedicated to longboarding in Northwest Arkansas. Local riders wanted to bring longboarding to their town; so they did.

“Riders want access to all the cool, quality gear: wheels, bushings, trucks, dominoesso we opened our store,” said Owner Kevin Higgins.

F-Town is located in Fayetteville where they are growing their lineup every week and are “super stoked to be [in business] among one of the coolest sporting communities out there.”

“We want to see longboarding grow rapidly and help educate the community on the sport,” said Higgins.

Higgins was using a free invoicing system for PC called Express Invoicing when he decided an iPhone POS would be better suited for FTL.

“We used Square for credit card processing and looked at some other systems but none of them appeared to give us everything we get from SalesVu for the cost,” said Higgins.

FTL needs an mPOS because they do local events in their community but they also wanted a small POS that was very powerful.

Higgins loves SalesVu for the “reports, inventory and the the html code which allows [them] to offer an online store at some point.”

For more information about F-Town Longboards, go to, like their Facebook or follow them on Twitter @Ftownlongboards.

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See How This Weight Loss Clinic Uses SalesVu iPad POS System

Welcome to SalesVu, Medloss! Medloss is a medical weight loss clinic that uses a combination of physician supervision, nutritional counseling and fitness training. They heard about SalesVu when searching for an easy-to-use and expandable POS system. Prior to discovering SalesVu, Medloss was using a combination of Intuit and Quickbooks. They also considered Square but chose SalesVu’s iPad POS because of “the ease of setup and use.”

“When it comes to losing weight, we like the ability of taking our business to the person instead of the person to the business,” said Medloss’ Ched Lambert. “We wanted the ability to go offsite if needed.”

So far, Medloss loves the recurring billing that SalesVu’s POS system offers as they provide a payment plan to offset the upfront cost for patients.

For more information about Medloss, go to or check them out on Facebook.

Posted in Beauty and Wellness, Health Clubs | Tagged ,

Zion Outback Safaris Joins SalesVu!

Welcome to SalesVu, Zion Outback Safaris!

Zion Outback Safaris (ZOS) gives guided tours on the back roads surrounding Zion National Park in customized off-road safari-type vehicles and modified jeeps. Owner Larry Pugh says ZOS needed a POS System to accommodate his virtual office; they often also make last minute in-person reservations paid by credit card. Pugh saw the SalesVu iPad POS being used in a coffee shop and decided to use it over Square and Quickbooks because it is user friendly, programmable and has a flat fee for all keyed transactions.

So far Pugh’s favorite thing about SalesVu is the simplicity of the setup process and how “intuitive” the programming is. We’re so glad you joined SalesVu and can’t wait to help you run your safari business!

For more information on Zion Outback Safaris, check out their website:, Twitter: @ZionJeepTours or Facebook page!

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SalesVu Customer Spotlight: The Lilly Pad Village

The Company

  • The Lilly Pad Village (TLPV) is located in Blue Ridge, Georgia, about an hour and a half from both Atlanta and Chattanooga by car. They started as a quaint coffee shop and evolved into a premier destination spot for gem mining, miniature golf, fishing and hiking. The Lilly Pad serves over 25,000 customers annually.

The Needs

  • As The Lilly Pad Village grew, so did their merchandise, customers and employees; this brought on the need to simplify operations.

“Like any other business experiencing exponential growth, we also have our growing pains, trials and errors,” said Geza Csuros, TLPV owner. “For years, all of our activities and merchandise were handled at one single counter with a $65.00 cash register. Bookkeeping and reporting were relatively easy and managed by the two owners operating the business.”

  • Increased merchandising required a POS system that could offer inventory control; more employees brought on the need to track hours and with the expansion of activities and increased sales came the need to streamline reporting and accounting.
  • TLPV needed a portable POS system, which synchronized and afforded a central reporting capability.

“Our activities take place at a different site on our property and in our pre-SalesVu era, that required customers to check in at our office, make their purchases and head out to their activities,” said Csuros. “We were actually missing sales and if the customer wished to make another purchase, they then had to head back to the office to pay before returning to their activity.”

The SalesVu Decision

  • The Lilly Pad Village looked at many different POS systems. According to Csuros, most offered great solutions and were affordable and flexible enough for their needs, but lacked one thing: they were PC based.
  • TLPV also looked at Square and PayPal’s systems, but neither one had the capability to address all of their requirements as SalesVu does.

The Results

  • TLPV currently uses an iPad POS system at their main office/shop and has iPhone systems set up at their satellite activity spots. This allowed them to also set up “gift shops” at the activity locations but more importantly they can now accept credit cards>/font> on the fly.

“At the end of the day, it is a simple five-minute operation to synchronize sales, check employee hours and look at our inventory,” said Csuros. “We also sell some consignment items – SalesVu is a great asset in helping us keep track!”

  • The Lilly Pad Village also offers online ticket sales. Prior to using SalesVu, they paid 3% to a company that allowed online ticket sales plus 3.5% to PayPal. SalesVu allows incorporating and selling your inventory — or tickets, in TLPV’s case — on your own website.

“Integration is easy and the final cost to us is only a 2.7% flat fee,” said Csuros.

  • Additionally, SalesVu is free. TLPV chose to use SalesVu’s merchant services, Mercury Payment, as it was more convenient. You can still use your existing credit card processing if you wish, but The Lilly Pad found they saved money by switching to Mercury, even after paying the $300 contract cancellation fee to their previous provider. The percentage charged by Mercury is actually slightly higher than their previous provider, but that is all you pay.

“Our previous provider “penny-and-dimed” us each month with one fee or another added to their bill (close to $100 each month),” said Csuros. “We pay 2.7% flat; with NO cancellation fee should we decide to terminate our account.”

To find out more about The Lilly Pad Village, check out their website: or like their Facebook page!

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