
6.0 has launched!

SalesVu 6.0 just launched and is now available in the Apple Store! In case you haven’t already updated your apps, we highly recommend you do because we came out with a lot of new features that will surely be beneficial to our valued merchants. Here is a complete list of the new additions we have just added in 6.0 – clicking on the feature will automatically redirect you to our Knowledge Base where you can find detailed answers and video guides to any question you may have.

  1. Customer Facing Display 
  2. Waitlist SMS Text Message System
    1. How to notify the customer their table is ready
    2. Assigning the customer a table
    3. Setting up the waitlist time on the web portal
  3. Removing a discount on the P.O.S
  4. Vantiv EMV Chip-Card Reader Integration
  5. Customer Based Discount
  6. Improved Tip Screen
  7. New Appointment Scheduling Improvements
  8. Improved Physical Location Map/Layout Screen
  9.  Improved Customer Screen
  10. Ability to Change Delivery Method and Date
Posted in Beauty and Wellness, Health Clubs, Professional Services, Restaurants and Bars, Retail, RSS, Uncategorized, Vape Shop, Wineries

Learn more about Living the Dream Brewing Co 4 years of experience with SalesVu POS system!


Based in Littleton, Colorado, Living the Dream Brewing Co. produces craft beer on site to serve on their taprooms and sell it on the market . They also offer a large variety of merchandise, including accessories, women’s, men’s and unisex clothing available in different colors and sizes. Jason Bell was very excited to share with us his experience throughout SalesVu and how it has helped manage the brewery.

Business opened their doors back in 2013, they started using SalesVu right away because at that time it was the best software that suit their needs, the features fit perfectly for the business and the best part is that the price was very affordable. It was very important for Jason to choose a software that was iPad and cloud based, but most important the flexibility that the system provides, access to all of their information from any device at anytime it’s a really great feature to have.


‘SalesVu has definitely helped us with everything. It allowed us to have a point of sale system when we opened and now that we’ve been expanding we can add more iPads to make the workflow run smoother’.
– Jason Bell


The three modules that Living the Dream Brewing Co uses on a daily basis are POS, inventory and gift cards. They were able to switch from paper gift certificates to physical gift cards, the greatest advantage of this is the fact that they can keep track of all the numbers, balances and recharge history using the system. To redeem or sell gift cards they can just simply scan them with the iPad’s camera or enter the number manually. This change was very convenient for them and made their management life easier in every aspect.

POS and Inventory are 2 modules that get along really well, Jason told us that sometimes they have events where they sell their merchandise and retail items, all the products and different matrixes that are uploaded into the system can also be tracked under the inventory feature. They are always in control of what’s selling and which items need to be reordered.

The Living the Dream Brewing Co. staff couldn’t be happier with SalesVu, they have a system that’s economical, works pretty well and adjust to their needs right away. Next time you’re visiting Colorado, take time to visit them and try their craft beers and merchandise, this place is 10% pet friendly! Check their newest updates below!

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SalesVu POS system: learn how Inventory and TownVu modules are helping EPO Computers!


Located in Webster, TX., Santos Macias is the proud owner of a computer parts and electronic business named EPO Computers. They offer a variety of custom builders and a service center where they repair electronics, PC’s, laptops and devices. This is the perfect place where people can do robotics and computing projects at a very affordable price.
At the beginning Santos tried different softwares to manage EPO, he used QuickBooks, Counterpoint POS and Square, but they weren’t good enough, they were out of date and required them to keep the server on-site. He wanted a cloud based system and SalesVu offered that, the main reason he decided to switch was because of the inventory capabilities and the ease of using the system.
‘We just did a trade show, we installed the app on the new iPad and within minutes the software was up and running, that’s why we like SalesVu, as long as we have internet we can complete transactions and keep track of our sales. The software has helped with the inventory control and the ease of access for me’. – Santos Macias
Santos is using TownVu to advertise EPO Computers for free. TownVu helps every business to get recognition, customers and online sales, this feature is great for online ordering, promotions, discounts, coupon codes and selling digital gift cards. This module is completely free with the software!
SalesVu has helped EPO with the ability of uploading new products and having them instantly go live. His Facebook page and Youtube channel are linked to TownVu and he has received a couple of customers that called and ordered directly on his webpage. Thanks to the ability of uploading products in real time and the automatic synching, he can decide what he wants to sell. This is a very convenient way for their customers to place orders on the go.
With the inventory module EPO computers is able to identify which products are selling the quickest in order for them to reorder. This report gives them an overall view of the sales and the deduction of the products on stock, he can do it on a general level or per categories or products if he wants to run the report more specific. EPO computers uses EVO Payments as their merchant processor. The service they have received from them has been very good and the Ingenico card reader works really well with the system.
Santos and his staff are impressed with SalesVu’s customer service and technical support! They stated that the reps are pretty responsive and every chat and phone call is answered instantly. The tech support team is always calling back to make sure customers are not experiencing any issues and if they do, they try their best to solve it right away.


Looking for economical computer parts and electronics? Go visit EPO Webster if you are in the area, you will be surprised by the products you can find and the excellent service from their staff! Don’t forget to follow the on social media below.

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SalesVu POS system is available in Mexico! Learn more about Café Azúcar Morena’s experience


Café Azúcar Morena was founded 4 years ago in Monterrey, Nuevo León. The concept of this coffee shop is young and modern, they offer homemade coffee and a variety of food like sandwiches and pastries. Currently they have 5 locations with SalesVu and they will open their sixth location within the next few days. Gabriel sat with us and told us why SalesVu was the best option for his business since day number one.
The software was recommended by one of his good friends and they were delighted with the ease and accessibility of having a cloud based system to manage their café. Although there were other solutions offering similar services, SalesVu was the best option for them, just because they didn’t need a lot of hardware and they can manage every aspect of their business from home, office or even when they were traveling.

“We started using SalesVu in our business and this concept was brand new in Mexico. It was very easy and practical, we were able to monitor everything remotely. To this day, we have grown together with SalesVu in all of our locations”. – Gabriel


Café Azúcar Morena started using a pen, paper and a calculator to manage sales during their first month of service, and thanks to SalesVu the business took their operations to a whole new level. With the POS module, Gabriel is able to check his sales from any device and can generate these reports by specific categories or products, the sales reports are also available by location, meaning the information that he is looking for can be as general or as specific as he wants to. Adding, editing and deleting products from the system is very easy and pretty self explanatory, all you need is a computer and within minutes you can change your menu and start offering new items.


The greatest advantage that Café Azúcar Morena sees with SalesVu is the amount of money that they’ve been able to save on software and especially hardware. There’s no need to buy a system with a big computer that will become slow and non-functional within years, every single aspect of the business is handled with an iPad, which is very practical. Receipts can be sent by email or text message and this gives a cleaner and modern design to every business.
Gabriel shared that his favorite feature with the software is customer service, this is truly valuable for him. When any of his staff members have questions, they use the technical support service via chat and in less than 5 minutes they respond and solve any issue that they’re facing. The reps are pretty responsive all the time. SalesVu technical support is 24/7 and is available in English and Spanish.
Inventory and Employee management modules are also available with the software. Gabriel is really interested in these features since everything is integrated with the system and there is no need to look for a third party software to accommodate it.
Café Azúcar Morena is enjoying the experience of having a cloud based system. SalesVu is able to handle any type of business, from coffee shops, restaurants, retail stores, beauty salons to professional services. Having a consistent and quality software that you can rely on is very important for Gabriel and his team. If you want to know more about Café Azúcar Morena click here, don’t forget to follow them on social media below!


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¡SalesVu en México¡ Conoce la experiencia de Café Azúcar Morena


Café Azúcar Morena inició hace 4 años en Monterrey, Nuevo León. Con el concepto de una cafetería moderna, ofrecen un café tostado por ellos mismos y cuentan con un menú de alimentos para acompañar las bebidas. Actualmente cuentan con 5 sucursales y están próximos a abrir la sexta en un par de días. Gabriel se sentó con nosotros y nos contó porque SalesVu es la mejor opción para su negocio desde el día de su apertura.


SalesVu fue una recomendación de uno de sus amigos, y quedaron encantados con la facilidad y accesibilidad de manejar su propio negocio desde la nube y sobre todo con un iPad. A pesar de que existen otros softwares de punto de venta que ofrecen servicios similares, SalesVu fue la mejor opción por el simple hecho de que se requiere el mínimo de hardware y el módulo POS (Point of Sale) es grandioso para manejar tu negocio desde casa, oficina, o incluso mientras te encuentras de viaje.


“Comenzamos a utilizar SalesVu en el negocio y esto era totalmente nuevo en México. Se nos hizo muy fácil y práctico, todo lo podíamos ver en internet directamente, como checar nuestras ventas. Hasta el día de hoy hemos ido creciendo junto con SalesVu en todas nuestras sucursales”. – Gabriel


El primer mes de apertura contaban con una calculadora y papel para poder monitorear sus ventas, gracias a SalesVu la organización y orden del negocio dio un giro de 360 grados. Con el módulo POS, Gabriel es capaz de checar sus ventas desde cualquier dispositivo y puede generar estos reportes por categorías o productos en específico, los reportes de venta también están disponibles por sucursal, así que esta información pueden ser tan general o específica, depende de lo que se esté buscando en ese momento. Agregar, editar y eliminar productos del sistema es muy fácil, solo se necesita una computadora y en minutos puedes cambiar tu menú y comenzar a ofrecer nueva mercancía.
El mayor beneficio que Café Azúcar Morena ve con SalesVu es la cantidad de dinero que se han ahorrado en software y sobre todo en hardware. No hay necesidad de comprar un sistema con una computadora enorme que se vuelve obsoleta rápidamente, todo se maneja desde un iPad lo cual es muy funcional y práctico, los tickets de venta pueden ser enviados por email o mensaje de texto y esto da un diseño mucho más limpio y moderno para cualquier negocio.


Lo más valioso que Gabriel ha obtenido hasta ahora con la experiencia de utilizar SalesVu para su negocio es el servicio al cliente. Cuando él o su equipo han tenido dudas, utilizan el servicio de soporte técnico vía chat y en menos de 5 minutos responden y aclaran sus dudas. Los representantes son muy atentos y rápidos. Soporte técnico está disponible en inglés y español los 365 días del año.
Los módulos de administración de Staff y administración de Inventario también están disponibles con el software. Gabriel está realmente interesado en esta funcionalidad del sistema ya que todo está integrado con SalesVu y no hay necesidad de buscar otro sistema para acomodarlo.
Café Azúcar Morena está disfrutando al máximo la experiencia de tener un sistema de punto de venta en la nube. SalesVu es capaz de manejar cualquier tipo de negocio, desde cafeterías, restaurantes, tiendas de ropa, salones de belleza hasta servicios profesionales. Tener un software con el que puedas contar desde cualquier parte del mundo es bastante valioso para Gabriel y su equipo. Si quieres conocer más sobre sobre Café Azúcar Morena da click aquí, ¡No olvides seguirlos en redes sociales!


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‘SalesVu POS system is the right fit for Vapor Grande! We don’t ever see us changing.’ – Levi Ledezma


Located in Casa Grande, Arizona., Vapor Grande specializes in hand-crafted e-juices and hardware for vaping needs. They own a second a location and use SalesVu to manage both businesses within the same account.They were recommended by ‘Black sheep vapors’, an existing SalesVu merchant. Vapor Grande opened their doors almost four years ago and have been using the software ever since. They decided to use SalesVu because of the merchant services compatibility, they process credit cards with WorldPay and the direct integration that the POS has with this company was a key factor.
“In the 3 and half years that we have been in business SalesVu has run pretty well. We have absolutely no problems with the software. Over the last couple years, I’ve been getting more comfortable with the software and I really enjoy the system its their capabilities, I don’t ever see us changing”. – Levi Medezma
Why the mobile POS is the perfect fit for Vapor Grande and Mesa? Because it has everything they need, they use Sales reports, Z report, products and services, they are able to customize the messages on printed receipts and they can add/change/delete items easily. Levi told us that SalesVu has truly helped them track their growth, especially with the sales report, that they can easily pull statistics from past years and with different periods of time. He loves the comparison that they can do with this tool, the fact that they can customize the date range and periods is extremely helpful, they run these reports every day.
‘It’s very easy to manage any changes between our two locations. The products and prices that we manage are different and is pretty convenient to make any changes and pull reports remotely, on a daily basis and on any device’. – Ledezma


If you are starting a new business and need a trustworthy POS for your vape shop, SalesVu is the best option! Experience the great service that they offer and start upgrading your business just like Vapor Grande. Don’t forget to check their website and social media below!


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SalesVu POS system: Learn how Recurring Billing and CRM work for Aurora Medical Weight Loss!

Chanel Gonzalez is manager of Aurora Medical Weight Loss, a facility that handles prescription medication to help people lose weight. They assist hundreds of people throughout their weight loss journey and offer several services for them to make it easier, these services are: Phentermine program, HCG weight loss, Lipotropic injections, Optifast diet, Testosterone therapy and Women’s hormone therapy.

Chanel was very happy to share with us her experience with SalesVu and how the modules she’s using are helping her managing this center.The SalesVu features that she uses are Recurring Billing, CRM and POS. Giving her total control of the patients that they have.

“SalesVu has been great with keeping track of the recurring payments. So far that has been very helpful, to charge the patient each time for each service makes it a little faster when checking people out” – Chanel Gonzalez


They have a lot of patients under contracts, and the fact that they can pull out payments on a monthly basis is really helpful for them to organize and manage each agreement. With the recurring billing feature, she is able to add as many services and products that she wants to the order, payments are very customizable, they can be made on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis, or they can even be manually edited and executed. Along with this feature comes the CRM. This module works great for adding patients and keep track of their information, SalesVu can also keep track of medical history, with the help of custom fields this can be more tailored to every business. The newest feature included in this module is the ability to upload documents and pictures for customer’s profiles.
“Reports with SalesVu are very easy to pull up, totally customizable because you have a lot of options. The system is pretty self-explanatory and there’s really nothing difficult about it. My experience so far has been very positive!” – Chanel Gonzalez


Every patient has a life changing experience at Aurora Medical Weight Loss and it is really important to have a reliable POS software that can help with it. In this weight loss journey, you are not alone, for more information about their services visit their website here. Don’t forget to check them on social media below!

Posted in Beauty and Wellness, Professional Services | Tagged , ,

How SalesVu POS system modules: E-commerce and Branded App are perfect for SDAdish!


Max and Natalie Ocon own SDAdish, an online company that offers a Christian satellite system, installations and items for sale. They offer their services and products to a niche market and not to a general public, mostly it is referred to Christian television and TV networks. Their service includes 60 plus channels and no contracts.
They started selling their services by phone and using different processing companies. With a great product comes great responsibilities, and they decided it was time to upgrade to a . SalesVu was the best option for them because of the E-commerce, POS and CRM modules. Square and PayPal were also taken into consideration, but SalesVu stood out because of the website integration.
When asked how SalesVu has helped their business, they were very responsive saying that the POS app makes it easier to process payments, 80% of their orders are processed on the POS, by phone, and 20% is online orders. The fact that the POS and website talk to each other in real time, makes it very user friendly to pull reports and differentiate the source. The web-store is a great tool that helps customers create orders and pay right away for them, and with the CRM all the information of the customers is stored in the system and even the purchase history.


“Online ordering is our favorite feature, we can create products easily, enable them for our shopping cart. It’s convenient and fast!” – Natalie Ocon


SalesVu also integrates with Vantiv/Mercury for processing, SDAdish use them for their business and describe their services as good, rates are pretty decent and overall, they are satisfied with them.
Branded App is the newest SalesVu module, with this feature online ordering is easier and the presentation is cleaner and customized. Customers can download the SDAdish app on the App Store and Google Play, they can easily access the app to order online, check their purchase history, reorder, buy electronic gift cards and be able to manage them. This app is totally customizable with their logo and colors. Natalie and Max decided to get it because of the newest presentation that it will give to their business.
Online businesses are becoming more popular these days and SalesVu is able to provide the tools to manage them all! Follow SDAdish on social media below!



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Three main features for Jojo’s Jerky: POS system, Inventory and CRM!


Hans Hippert is the proud business owner of Jojo’s Jerky, he started doing jerkies as a hobby and experimenting with all kind of different flavors. His passion leaded him to found his business in 2004, located in Las Vegas Nevada. Jojo’s Jerky is a food manufacturer, they make all fresh, all natural jerkies, fat free and non-GMO. Besides his principal product, he also has another line for seasonings, nut sacks and hot sauces. His business model is 100% sustainable, all the ideas for the different products come with sustainability in mind. Every single product is made with natural ingredients with no preservatives. Hans owns three locations and he’s a wholesaler for whole foods, craft house brewery, and different retailers.

‘Without SalesVu we couldn’t grow as much as we can, they have been really cool with us and very supportive. Tech support has always been great and responsive’ – Hippert

He decided to start using SalesVu four years ago, he based his decision on level of functionalities, necessary tools and cost efficiency. He’s been a happy customer ever since. The modules that he uses the most are POS, CRM and Inventory Management.



With the mobile POS he can accept payments in all of his stores but also, he is able to go to any event and sell his products offsite. The reports that come with this module are extremely easy to see at any time and from any device. In addition, he receives weekly sales reports via email.

Hans defines the CRM module as one of the best tools to keep track of his customers, especially because he needs to store the email of his clients to follow up with them. In this module, there’s an email marketing feature that allows him to send emails with any news, promotions, specials, and he can target those emails to specific groups of customers. The best part about the CRM is the purchase history, he can keep track of what their customers ordered, the specific products and date and time.


Inventory tracking is a crucial module for him, with the access levels or permissions that he sets on the employee module, he is able to manage theft or loss prevention. Besides that, creating purchase orders is fantastic, especially because he creates them from the web portal, they’re sent automatically to the vendor and when receiving them, the inventory updates in real time. The Inventory adjustment report is great when he wants to check which items or limited-edition products are available in which store, it is time saving and he can check them remotely.
One key factor that helps Jojo’s Jerky grow constantly is having the right software solution. SalesVu provides the perfect tools at a very affordable price for Hans to take care of his business. For more information about their products you can go to their website. Don’t forget to follow them on social media below!

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“Reservations and Employee management are great with SalesVu POS system!” – PaintBar


Located in Delafield and Madison, WI., PaintBar is a fun and great establishment to explore your artistic side. You can paint and freestyle on canvas, take art classes and enjoy a variety of delicious flat-bread pizzas, beers and drinks!

John Salituro started his business using PayPal, an easy solution to accept payments. He decided to take the next step and switch to an all in one business management solution and went with SalesVu simply because it offers everything that they need to administrate their business. There’s no need to have an external company for reservations, gift cards or any modules. SalesVu is a one-stop shop!


The reservation feature with SalesVu is very easy to use. From the customer’s perspective, all they have to do is go to their website and book a table for them to work, they select the best date, party size and choose the time available. At the end of their booking experience, they will get a confirmation via email and text. With SalesVu, you can actually receive or check in the customer, and the table will remain as an ‘open tab’ for them to start ordering food and drinks and mainly have a good time while painting and expressing themselves. Besides the email and text confirmations, the software is also capable of sending up to two reminders and the messages are totally customizable!


“With the Employee management module is easy to create schedules and email them. With the calendar sync my team always have their shifts on their phones, it’s amazing! They really like the time off and shift trade request, is really simple to use and the process is smooth” – John Salituro.

The employee module has been really helpful for John. Since he has two locations, he can give permissions or access to a store level. Scheduling and Payroll works the same way, per location, and the process of pulling these reports is extremely easy and non-time consuming.


  dessert-pizza-paintbar paintbar art paint bar delafield


Managing one location is not an easy task, with SalesVu, John is able to keep an eye on both stores from anywhere.

EAT. DRINK. PAINT! is the essence of this amazing place.  Next time you’re in town and feel like exploring your artistic side, don’t hesitate and visit them! You’ll be amazed by the excellent service, food, drinks and the amount of fun that you will have with their friendly staff. Be sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter below!


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