
Mobile Payment SquareUp: SalesVu Beats Square at Solid Personal Training

Hi, I’m Austin Barbisch, I’ve been a trainer here in Austin since 1996. One of the big problems with this business is it’s basically cash and check. That’s all I’ve been able to do. I haven’t been able to take any credit cards. So I decided for me to kind of update my business and open up my options for payments, so I decided to and I got online and I started looking at the apps for the iphone and found SalesVu’s iPhone and iPad POS app. I checked Square and some of the other options and I just ended up going with SalesVu because the rates were lower. I’ve got two different businesses, I’m also a massage therapist. I’m actually able to split up my business and show two different ways to split up my payment. So for tax reasons when I need to go in later on a find out where did my money come in, I’m able to tell where my money, what I made. I love the credit card swipe option. It’s awesome. I’m able to take payment right off the clients credit card. Give it t me, swipe and it’s done. Goes right in. It automatically emails them a receipt so they have receipts for their tax transactions. Another thing I really like about the software is that this actually tracks when I give a discount. I’ve been doing paper coupons, and advertisements in the paper. Sometimes you know a coupon works, sometimes it doesn’t. This way I know. This is absolute verification if my marketing tactics are working to make my business grow. It’s real easy to check on here. I can get on SalesVu. Right here, here’s the icon on the phone. I can go over to my businesses, All my clients are on this phone by the way. If I want to start an order, start an order right here. Go right here. Complete log of all the people I have, all my clients. It’s very secure. It’s in a cloud. I put this information on my phone, it goes up to the cloud, I can get to it at any time. I can get to this information on my laptop and my iphone. Completely syncing. You make a change in one end and it syncs to the other. I love that, it’s awesome. I was really impressed by the client tracking. You’re actually able to tell, what client actually bought, how many sessions they bought, if they used a coupon, if I used a discount rate. You’re able to put a discount rate into this phone. It’s bullet proof.

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Mobile Payments: SalesVu iPad POS System at Brian’s Brew

Watch Why Brian’s Brew Chose SalesVu

Hey this is Brian from Brian’s Brew. I recently switched from another system to SalesVu’s iPhone and iPad POS. SalesVu is the best point of sale and mobile payment solution I’ve ever seen. SalesVu’s card reader is more stable and more secure than other systems. Their rates are better. With other systems, if I enter the card manually, because of an account that I have on file or a scratched card, they want to charge 3.5%. With SalesVu, it’s still 2.7% for manually entered cards. With other systems, if I do more than a $1000 I have to wait 30 days for the funds to post. With SalesVu, it doesn’t matter how much I do, it’s still the next day.
I love this SalesVu app because it just blows other systems out of the water. It is the best point of sale. Other systems are very basic. You put items on there, once you get over 20 items you have trouble finding everything, but with this SalesVu app, you can look at it through category, you can look at it alphabetically, you can program the list where, the top of list is what you’re selling the most. You can find anything in seconds. It’s very user friendly. I love how I can just program modifiers in, if someone wants to make a latte a soy latte I can have that charge as a modifier. You can’t do that with other systems. There’s a great part of the app that connects with facebook. It’s fantastic for viral marketing. There’s a discount button on the app that’s not on other systems. You can program it to be what ever kind of discount you want. That’s not anything close to what other systems offer. The great thing about SalesVu is that, it is the whole package. It is a wonderful point of sale. It’s mobile, and you can do sales out in the field. When I’m on a catering order. I took a sale in an elevator on the way up to a place where I was delivering coffee.
One of my favorite things about the SalesVu app is the ability to get on the cloud and control everything. You can change your prices, add a product, all in a matter of seconds. You can hit save, pushes everything to your device, no matter what you do, if you’re changing something on the cloud, it’ll push it to all your devices. So I have three different devices that I use at the current shop. You can track sales by device and not just general lump sum. So when I’m running reports, I can track what’s selling fastest and what’s selling slow. It’s great you that you can run it by not just how many tacos you’re running, but what kind of tacos and what time of day, hourly, what time of day are you selling out of tacos. SalesVu helps me track all that. Other systems doesn’t allow me to track any of that. Just great that you can get something so simple to use and so vast in its abilities. In real time I can know what my sales are at the shop. When I went of vacation to Arkansas, I was able to get online to see how the employees were doing, and see what the sales were. I was able to tack our hourly, any kind of report you could think of, you can run hourly, you can run by product, you can put it in a bar graph, you can put it in a line, a pie chart, a table form. It’s so easy to use and so easy to track. The cloud offers so many features. You can manage your customers, view the customer history. When I grow my business and add many more devices and more locations, I can have a good picture of who needs to be up selling an extra shot to a latte, or adding more food items to the general drink and so it’s real important for me to know who’s on what device and who’s our best salesman, and what techniques are they using so that we can get other employees to use the same thing.
So one day in the future, I can be sitting by my pool, and have my laptop out, and just see what the sales are, what’s going on in every shop in all 30 stores.

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SalesVu launches the first mobile payment and iPhone / iPad POS app tied to a cloud-based management infrastructure

SalesVu announces the release of a new mobile payment solution designed to significantly improve efficiency for the mobile workforce.
The new solution is comprised of a payment application for the iPhone and iPad, which connects to a secure cloud-based infrastructure for centralized management, reporting, and marketing.
The app is now available and allows mobile workers to process different types of transactions (cash, checks, credit cards, and gift cards) and automatically emails a receipt to customers.  The company sends a free card reader to businesses if they choose to process credit cards, and offers a low 2.7% rate on all credit card transactions (swiped or manually entered).
This new iPhone & iPad POS app is revolutionary for mobile businesses because it ties to a comprehensive cloud-based infrastructure that seamlessly integrates operations, management, and marketing.  Business owners are now able to manage their entire business from — updating prices, products and services, customer data, and more, and automatically beaming the changes to mobile devices in the field.  Managers can also monitor mobile transactions and visualize sales trends by employee, product, or time of day, gathering significant marketing insight thanks to SalesVu’s enterprise graphing and reporting engine.
In addition to the operational benefits of the solution, SalesVu’s patent-pending technology also integrates with Facebook so that businesses can share deals and generate buzz through their own customer base.  “We make it easy for businesses to generate word of mouth via Facebook, they don’t even have to do anything because their customers spread the message on their behalf” said Pascal Nicolas, CEO of SalesVu.
The elegance of the SalesVu solution allows it to be much more than just a mobile payment app and turns it into a complete end-to-end business solution.  Given the convenience of mobile transaction processing, centralized cloud-based management from any web browser, and automated social marketing, we anticipate SalesVu to quickly gather a leadership position in the fast growing mobile payment space.
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