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SalesVu iPad POS System offers a simple display that is reliable for small businesses like YogoFresh



YogoFresh is a family run business run by David Giacomini and his father. The establishment offers a variety of self-serve frozen yogurt flavors and fun toppings for clients of all ages. They have been using the SalesVu iPad POS System because of the incredibly prompt and helpful technical support we offered them, and because the simple display SalesVu iPad POS presents.

We asked David Giacomini why did he need a fixed POS system and he responded confidentely that:

 “We had very little space to work with and wanted a more trendy POS system as the aesthetics of our store is very important. The POS is in prime view of customers so we didn’t want a large clunky device. Plus, with the rise of mobile POS solutions, they almost all had remote access, which was important to us but was lacking with mainstream POS systems.”

 As previously mentioned, while David was looking for other fixed POS solutions, he investigated about other alternatives like Square and GoPayment, but after close examination of pros and cons David decided for SalesVu because of its extraordinary and accessible technical support. Here is what he said to us:

 “1. We needed to be able to have fractional units without rounding. For instance, we charge $0.45 per ounce of frozen yogurt and a customer may order 8.8 ounces. Other systems would have forced us to round it to 8 ounces (can’t overcharge customers and round to 9 ounces).
2. We had some initial questions and the tech support team with SalesVu was incredibly prompt and helpful. This gave us a lot of confidence in going with SalesVu as a solution.
3. We were initially turned off with SalesVu because there was a more formal merchant application. However, I’ve started numerous businesses and can tell you that real merchant applications are 10x more complex and usually involve a contract and additional fees. Going through a real merchant application early on meant no disruptions later when volume picked up. So it was actually a good thing.”

David opted to start his YogoFresh establishment with the SalesVu iPad POS from the very beginning .Since YogoFresh is a very simple business, they appreciate the simplicity that the SalesVu iPad POS had to offer.

“I love being able to run reports remotely. This paired with our remote viewing camera systems gives me a great sense of being at the store. Products are incredibly easy to set up and employees understand how to enter orders almost immediately. We also go through the process of setting up each employee with their own access which is a great way to track hours. I’ve even been able to edit hours remotely when an employee forgot to clock in or out. The sales reports are helpful too and are easy to run and filter. It is great having settings in the cloud so that I can implement changes without having to physically go to the store.”

David affirms that the main thing that SalesVu has done for his business is to keep it simple and understandable. He said:

“The main benefit to me is the simplicity of being able to take credit cards and view reports. These are things that SalesVu does so well that it is easy to take for granted. The system is reliable and employees quickly understand how to use the system. “

For more information about the tasty options YogoFresh has to offer, make sure to check out their website at and their Facebook page clicking the link bellow.


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