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SalesVU iPad POS System: How Email Marketing Can Work for Your Business


Your customers have a lot of choices on where to shop. That’s why it’s important to differentiate yourself and keep your business in the forefront of your customers’ minds. Email marketing is a simple and effective way to do this. By regularly sending emails to your customers, it reminds them of your services and can inform them quickly of any upcoming promotions.

Why Email Marketing Matters

Email marketing is cost-effective, produces immediate, measurable results, and can result in a high return on investment. It is suitable for any business (of any size or budget), and can be used to enhance any other marketing technique your business currently implements. It will also allow your business to quickly reach most of your clients at once, which is usually a great idea around the holidays or before a large sale.

How to Encourage More Sign-Ups

To encourage email sign-ups, promote it on your social media pages, have a simple sign-up button on your mobile-friendly website, and offer a promotion when customers sign up for emails (such as a discount on their next purchase). Once people sign up for your email or newsletters list, you can begin promoting to them. However, it’s important to make your email stand out so that customers are more likely to read them.

Writing a Better Email

There are several ways to write a more effective email. Keep your email brief, genuine, and clear. Most people receive many emails throughout the day, so they don’t have time to read long emails. Stick to the point and let them know how your product, service, or promotion can benefit their lives. Create an effective subject line that clearly states what the message is about and will entice customers to read the email. Lastly, create an effective call to action that entices the reader to act.

Your email should be personal, relevant, and written as if you are speaking to your customers directly (so, don’t over complicate it). It should also be mobile friendly, in this way customers can clearly read your email anytime, anywhere. Good content can strengthen the customer relationship and begin effective communication through a promotion, announcement, greeting, or thank you letter.

Marketing Automation Solutions

If your business is interested in taking advantage of email marketing, but simply does not have the resources to do so, consider marketing automation solutions. With marketing automation software, customized deals and discounts can be automatically emailed to your customers. The software can automatically assess customer shopping and purchase patterns to determine what the most effective promotions will be for that particular customer.

Marketing automation solutions can also systematically send emails to customers thanking them for their continued business, which can increase customer loyalty and encourage them to visit again soon. This will vastly improve the effectiveness of your promotions and increase your revenue in no time. Contact SalesVu for more information on how our marketing automation and complete business management solutions can improve your email marketing efforts.


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Tags: ECommerce WebsiteEmail & Facebook Marketing

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