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Tuesday Tip: Manage Open Tabs in SalesVu iPad POS System

Check out this video tutorial on using one of our POS system's most popular features: open tabs.  

11 years ago

Vodka on Vacation Anyone? See How our iPad POS System Helps This Michigan Distillery

The Company Northern Latitudes Distillery (NLD) is a small distillery on the Leelanau Peninsula in Michigan. NLD distills vodkas from…

11 years ago

SalesVu’s iPad POS System is the Perfect Match for Plumbob Design

Tim Andonian, owner of Plumbob Design, a design build shop in the heart of Silicon Valley, designs unique gifts such…

11 years ago

How-to Tuesday: Delete a Product from an Order on SalesVu’s iPad POS System

For your Tuesday tip, we're making sure you remember the new way to delete a product from an order in…

11 years ago

Maybe we’re partial, but this looks like San Francisco’s best golfing!

  The Company Eagle Club Indoor Golf (ECIG) brings a real golf experience to an indoor environment in the heart…

11 years ago

SalesVu iPad POS System Tip of the Day: Using the Component Feature

Wondering what the purposes of the components feature are? Look no further. The component feature of SalesVu's POS system is a…

11 years ago

SalesVu iPad POS System at The Candy Wrapper

The Candy Wrapper (TCW) is a bulk custom gift and candy store in Lubbock, Texas. TCW needed an iPad POS…

11 years ago

SalesVu iPad POS System at Craft Brewing Company

Craft Brewing Company (CBC) is a small microbrewery in Lake Elsinore, Ca. CBC is distributed throughout Riverside and Orange county…

11 years ago

SalesVu’s iPad POS Systemat Kalamatas Greek Grill

Kalamatas Greek Grill (KGG) serves flavorful greek cuisine with a modern flare in West Chester, Ohio. KGG needed an iPad…

11 years ago

Tuesday Tip: Reporting on SalesVu’s iPad POS System

Check out this video tutorial on creating custom reports on SalesVu's POS system. Don't forget, you can now create and…

11 years ago